
1. Task Set 1

这部分主要是利用工具来嗅探数据包,这里用的是 scapy。 可以用下面的命令进行安装。

sudo pip3 install scapy


[07/02/21]seed@VM:~/.../Lab10$ sudo python3
Python 3.5.2 (default, Nov 17 2016, 17:05:23)
[GCC 5.4.0 20160609] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from scapy.all import *
>>> a = IP()
>>> a.show()
###[ IP ]### version   = 4ihl       = Nonetos       = 0x0len       = Noneid        = 1flags     = frag      = 0ttl       = 64proto     = hopoptchksum    = Nonesrc       =       =\options   \

Task 1.1 嗅探数据包

下面是使用 scapy来嗅探数据包的一个例子

from scapy.all import *def print_pkt(pkt):pkt.show()pkt = sniff(filter="icmp",prn=print_pkt)

Task 1.1A

先使用 chmod a+x sniffer.py 添加执行权限
先使用root权限运行上面的程序 sudo ./sniffer.py, 结果如下,可以看到其成功嗅探到了不同协议的数据包,图中只包括ICMP包。

然后使用普通权限运行该程序 ./sniffer.py。结果如下,可以看到报错了,提示无权限。


Task 1.1B


  1. 只捕捉ICMP数据包


from scapy.all import *def print_pkt(pkt):return pkt.summary()pkt = sniff(filter="icmp",prn=print_pkt)


  1. 只捕捉来自特定IP,且目标端口号为23的TCP数据包

    这里随意拿个IP来测试, 我们使用 , 嗅探代码如下:
from scapy.all import *def print_pkt(pkt):return pkt.summary()pkt = sniff(filter="tcp and src host and dst port 23",prn=print_pkt)


from scapy.all import *ip = IP()
ip.src = ""
ip.dst = ""
tcp = TCP()
tcp.dport = 23

运行嗅探的程序,再运行发送数据包的程序(可以多试几次), 结果如下:

3. 捕捉来自或发送到特定子网的数据包

from scapy.all import *def print_pkt(pkt):return pkt.summary()pkt = sniff(filter="net",prn=print_pkt)


from scapy.all import *ip = IP()
ip.src = ""
ip.dst = ""
tcp = TCP()
tcp.dport = 23
ip.src = ""
ip.dst = ""

嗅探结果如下,可以看到嗅探到了发送给子网128.230.0.0/16 和 该子网发送过来的数据包

Task 1.2

这部分主要是伪造任意的IP地址发IP包,这里我们用的是ICMP协议,使用的IP地址为 , 注意 在task 1.1B2中,我们查看了自己的IP地址为10.0.2.4,也就是这里我们伪造成ip地址为 进行发包。



from scapy.all import *ip = IP()
ip.src = ""
ip.dst = ""
icmp = ICMP()


Task 1.3



from scapy.all import *
import sysdef traceroute(target, minttl=1, maxttl=30, dport=80):print("target: %s(port=%s)" % (target, dport))ans, unans = sr(IP(dst=target, ttl=(minttl,maxttl),id=RandShort())/TCP(flags=0x2, dport=dport), timeout=10)for snd,rcv in ans:print(snd.ttl, rcv.src)if __name__ == '__main__':if len(sys.argv) <= 1:traceroute("baidu.com")else:traceroute(sys.argv[1])

运行效果如下, 可以看到打印除了不同TTL对应的IP


Task 1.4

这部分主要是准备两个在同一个局域网的虚拟机,一个机器ping任意IP x,另一个机器伪造ICMP回复请求,使得其有回复,而IP x所对应的机器可能根本不存在。

我们准备的A机器 IP 地址为10.0.2.4,B机器IP地址为10.0.2.5. 我们用A机器去发送请求,B机器伪造响应。


from scapy.all import *def print_pkt(pkt):send(IP(src=pkt[IP].dst, dst=pkt[IP].src)/ICMP(type="echo-reply", code= 0, id=pkt[ICMP].id, seq=pkt[ICMP].seq))pkt = sniff(filter="icmp[icmptype]==icmp-echo",prn=print_pkt)

测试ping baidu.com结果如下,ttl=64为我们伪造的回复包,ttl=52的为正常的相应包。


2. Task Set 2


Task 2.1

Task 2.1A



#include <pcap.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>/* Ethernet header */
struct ethheader {u_char  ether_dhost[6]; /* destination host address */u_char  ether_shost[6]; /* source host address */u_short ether_type;     /* protocol type (IP, ARP, RARP, etc) */
};/* IP Header */
struct ipheader {unsigned char      iph_ihl:4, //IP header lengthiph_ver:4; //IP versionunsigned char      iph_tos; //Type of serviceunsigned short int iph_len; //IP Packet length (data + header)unsigned short int iph_ident; //Identificationunsigned short int iph_flag:3, //Fragmentation flagsiph_offset:13; //Flags offsetunsigned char      iph_ttl; //Time to Liveunsigned char      iph_protocol; //Protocol typeunsigned short int iph_chksum; //IP datagram checksumstruct  in_addr    iph_sourceip; //Source IP addressstruct  in_addr    iph_destip;   //Destination IP address
};void got_packet(u_char *args, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header,const u_char *packet)
{struct ethheader *eth = (struct ethheader *)packet;if (ntohs(eth->ether_type) == 0x0800) { // 0x0800 is IP typestruct ipheader * ip = (struct ipheader *)(packet + sizeof(struct ethheader)); printf("       From: %s\n", inet_ntoa(ip->iph_sourceip));   printf("         To: %s\n", inet_ntoa(ip->iph_destip));    /* determine protocol */switch(ip->iph_protocol) {                                 case IPPROTO_TCP:printf("   Protocol: TCP\n\n");return;case IPPROTO_UDP:printf("   Protocol: UDP\n\n");return;case IPPROTO_ICMP:printf("   Protocol: ICMP\n\n");return;default:printf("   Protocol: others\n\n");return;}}
}int main()
{pcap_t *handle;char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];struct bpf_program fp;char filter_exp[] = "ip proto icmp";bpf_u_int32 net;// Step 1: Open live pcap session on NIC with name enp0s3handle = pcap_open_live("enp0s3", BUFSIZ, 1, 1000, errbuf);printf("listening on network card, ret: %p...\n", handle);// Step 2: Compile filter_exp into BPF psuedo-codeprintf("try to compile filter...\n");pcap_compile(handle, &fp, filter_exp, 0, net);printf("try to set filter...\n");pcap_setfilter(handle, &fp);// Step 3: Capture packetsprintf("start to sniff...\n");pcap_loop(handle, -1, got_packet, NULL);pcap_close(handle);   //Close the handlereturn 0;

运行,并尝试ping baidu.com,可以看到发送的包出现在结果中

Q1: 描述在你的嗅探程序中的库函数的调用
A1: 主要就是第一步,启动pcap监听网卡,第二步就是编译BPF过滤器并设置过滤器,第三步就是设置嗅探的处理函数,最后关闭嗅探即可。

**Q2: 为什么需要root权限才能运行嗅探程序?不使用root权限运行该程序会在哪里报错?
A2: 嗅探数据包是一个高权限的操作,因为涉及到隐私,安全相关问题。如果普通用户也能嗅探数据包,那么他就能窃取别人的隐私,甚至盗取账号密码等等。不使用root权限运行该程序。对比如下


**Q3: 打开嗅探程序的混杂模式。打开和关闭这个模式有什么区别?
A3: 使用混杂模式可以监听所在网段下其他机器的数据包,关闭则不能。如下所示,打开混杂模式,监听到了本网段另一机器 ping baidu.com的数据包,关闭后则嗅探不到。

Task 2.1B

这部分主要是写一些过滤器。这部分还是复用 task 2.1A的代码,只是修改其中的过滤器而已

  1. 只捕捉两个特定主机之间的ICMP包

    使用的过滤器为 icmp and src host and dst host, 只捕捉从 发送到的ICMP包。结果如下,可以看到全是从 发送到的ICMP包,没有其他类型的包。

  2. 捕捉目的端口在10到100之间的TCP包

    使用的过滤器为 tcp and dst portrange 10-100, 只捕捉从 发送到的ICMP包。结果如下,可以看到全是从 发送到的ICMP包,没有其他类型的包。

Task 2.1C


from scapy.all import *def print_pkt(pkt):pkt.show()print(sniff(filter="tcp port 23", prn=print_pkt))

然后 使用telnet ,并输入账户密码远程登录。嗅探到的密码如下,其分成了几个包发送,如下:


Task 2.2


/* Ethernet header */
struct ethheader {u_char  ether_dhost[6];    /* destination host address */u_char  ether_shost[6];    /* source host address */u_short ether_type;                     /* IP? ARP? RARP? etc */
};/* IP Header */
struct ipheader {unsigned char      iph_ihl:4, //IP header lengthiph_ver:4; //IP versionunsigned char      iph_tos; //Type of serviceunsigned short int iph_len; //IP Packet length (data + header)unsigned short int iph_ident; //Identificationunsigned short int iph_flag:3, //Fragmentation flagsiph_offset:13; //Flags offsetunsigned char      iph_ttl; //Time to Liveunsigned char      iph_protocol; //Protocol typeunsigned short int iph_chksum; //IP datagram checksumstruct  in_addr    iph_sourceip; //Source IP addressstruct  in_addr    iph_destip;   //Destination IP address
};/* ICMP Header  */
struct icmpheader {unsigned char icmp_type; // ICMP message typeunsigned char icmp_code; // Error codeunsigned short int icmp_chksum; //Checksum for ICMP Header and dataunsigned short int icmp_id;     //Used for identifying requestunsigned short int icmp_seq;    //Sequence number
};/* UDP Header */
struct udpheader
{u_int16_t udp_sport;           /* source port */u_int16_t udp_dport;           /* destination port */u_int16_t udp_ulen;            /* udp length */u_int16_t udp_sum;             /* udp checksum */
};/* TCP Header */
struct tcpheader {u_short tcp_sport;               /* source port */u_short tcp_dport;               /* destination port */u_int   tcp_seq;                 /* sequence number */u_int   tcp_ack;                 /* acknowledgement number */u_char  tcp_offx2;               /* data offset, rsvd */
#define TH_OFF(th)      (((th)->tcp_offx2 & 0xf0) >> 4)u_char  tcp_flags;
#define TH_FIN  0x01
#define TH_SYN  0x02
#define TH_RST  0x04
#define TH_PUSH 0x08
#define TH_ACK  0x10
#define TH_URG  0x20
#define TH_ECE  0x40
#define TH_CWR  0x80
#define TH_FLAGS        (TH_FIN|TH_SYN|TH_RST|TH_ACK|TH_URG|TH_ECE|TH_CWR)u_short tcp_win;                 /* window */u_short tcp_sum;                 /* checksum */u_short tcp_urp;                 /* urgent pointer */
};/* Psuedo TCP header */
struct pseudo_tcp
{unsigned saddr, daddr;unsigned char mbz;unsigned char ptcl;unsigned short tcpl;struct tcpheader tcp;char payload[1500];


#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>#include "myheader.h"unsigned short in_cksum (unsigned short *buf, int length)
{unsigned short *w = buf;int nleft = length;int sum = 0;unsigned short temp=0;/** The algorithm uses a 32 bit accumulator (sum), adds* sequential 16 bit words to it, and at the end, folds back all* the carry bits from the top 16 bits into the lower 16 bits.*/while (nleft > 1)  {sum += *w++;nleft -= 2;}/* treat the odd byte at the end, if any */if (nleft == 1) {*(u_char *)(&temp) = *(u_char *)w ;sum += temp;}/* add back carry outs from top 16 bits to low 16 bits */sum = (sum >> 16) + (sum & 0xffff);  // add hi 16 to low 16sum += (sum >> 16);                  // add carryreturn (unsigned short)(~sum);
}/****************************************************************TCP checksum is calculated on the pseudo header, which includesthe TCP header and data, plus some part of the IP header.Therefore, we need to construct the pseudo header first.
*****************************************************************/unsigned short calculate_tcp_checksum(struct ipheader *ip)
{struct tcpheader *tcp = (struct tcpheader *)((u_char *)ip +sizeof(struct ipheader));int tcp_len = ntohs(ip->iph_len) - sizeof(struct ipheader);/* pseudo tcp header for the checksum computation */struct pseudo_tcp p_tcp;memset(&p_tcp, 0x0, sizeof(struct pseudo_tcp));p_tcp.saddr  = ip->iph_sourceip.s_addr;p_tcp.daddr  = ip->iph_destip.s_addr;p_tcp.mbz    = 0;p_tcp.ptcl   = IPPROTO_TCP;p_tcp.tcpl   = htons(tcp_len);memcpy(&p_tcp.tcp, tcp, tcp_len);return  (unsigned short) in_cksum((unsigned short *)&p_tcp,tcp_len + 12);


#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>#include "myheader.h"/*************************************************************Given an IP packet, send it out using a raw socket.
void send_raw_ip_packet(struct ipheader* ip)
{struct sockaddr_in dest_info;int enable = 1;// Step 1: Create a raw network socket.int sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_RAW, IPPROTO_RAW);printf("sock: %d\n", sock);// Step 2: Set socket option.setsockopt(sock, IPPROTO_IP, IP_HDRINCL,&enable, sizeof(enable));// Step 3: Provide needed information about destination.dest_info.sin_family = AF_INET;dest_info.sin_addr = ip->iph_destip;// Step 4: Send the packet out.sendto(sock, ip, ntohs(ip->iph_len), 0,(struct sockaddr *)&dest_info, sizeof(dest_info));close(sock);

Task 2.2A

这部分主要是伪造IP包。这里伪造是UDP包, 代码如下:

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>#include "myheader.h"void   send_raw_ip_packet (struct ipheader* ip);/******************************************************************Spoof a UDP packet using an arbitrary source IP Address and port
int main() {char buffer[1500];memset(buffer, 0, 1500);struct ipheader *ip = (struct ipheader *) buffer;struct udpheader *udp = (struct udpheader *) (buffer +sizeof(struct ipheader));/*********************************************************Step 1: Fill in the UDP data field.********************************************************/char *data = buffer + sizeof(struct ipheader) +sizeof(struct udpheader);const char *msg = "Hello Server!\n";int data_len = strlen(msg);strncpy (data, msg, data_len);/*********************************************************Step 2: Fill in the UDP header.********************************************************/udp->udp_sport = htons(12345);udp->udp_dport = htons(9090);udp->udp_ulen = htons(sizeof(struct udpheader) + data_len);udp->udp_sum =  0; /* Many OSes ignore this field, so we do notcalculate it. *//*********************************************************Step 3: Fill in the IP header.********************************************************/ip->iph_ver = 4;ip->iph_ihl = 5;ip->iph_ttl = 20;ip->iph_sourceip.s_addr = inet_addr("");ip->iph_destip.s_addr = inet_addr("");ip->iph_protocol = IPPROTO_UDP; // The value is 17.ip->iph_len = htons(sizeof(struct ipheader) +sizeof(struct udpheader) + data_len);/*********************************************************Step 4: Finally, send the spoofed packet********************************************************/send_raw_ip_packet (ip);return 0;

使用gcc -o task22A task22A.c spoof.c -lpcap编译,sudo ./task22A运行,查看后台wireshark,可以看到我们伪造的UDP包

Task 2.2B

这部分是伪造ICMP Echo请求。伪造的代码如下, 其中源IP10.0.2.5是局域网内另一个虚拟机的IP,

#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/ip.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>#include "myheader.h"unsigned short in_cksum (unsigned short *buf, int length);
void send_raw_ip_packet(struct ipheader* ip);/******************************************************************Spoof an ICMP echo request using an arbitrary source IP Address
int main() {char buffer[1500];memset(buffer, 0, 1500);/*********************************************************Step 1: Fill in the ICMP header.********************************************************/struct icmpheader *icmp = (struct icmpheader *)(buffer + sizeof(struct ipheader));icmp->icmp_type = 8; //ICMP Type: 8 is request, 0 is reply.// Calculate the checksum for integrityicmp->icmp_chksum = 0;icmp->icmp_chksum = in_cksum((unsigned short *)icmp,sizeof(struct icmpheader));/*********************************************************Step 2: Fill in the IP header.********************************************************/struct ipheader *ip = (struct ipheader *) buffer;ip->iph_ver = 4;ip->iph_ihl = 5;ip->iph_ttl = 20;ip->iph_sourceip.s_addr = inet_addr("");ip->iph_destip.s_addr = inet_addr("");ip->iph_protocol = IPPROTO_ICMP;ip->iph_len = htons(sizeof(struct ipheader) +sizeof(struct icmpheader));/*********************************************************Step 3: Finally, send the spoofed packet********************************************************/send_raw_ip_packet (ip);return 0;


使用gcc -o task22B task22B.c spoof.c checksum.c -lpcap 进行编译, sudo ./task22B运行,查看后台的wireshark,如下:
,可以看到我们发送的源IP为10.0.2.5, 目的IP为8.8.8.8的ICMP包,并且还有回复

Q4: 能把IP包的长度设置为任意数值,而不管实际的包的大小吗?
A4: 将代码中设置长度该成下面的代码,运行可知其为28B,修改长度为10B,wireshark没有捕捉到包,说明没有发出去。

ip->iph_len = htons(10);printf("iph_len: %d\n", sizeof(struct ipheader) +sizeof(struct icmpheader));


Q5: 使用 raw socket 编程, 我们要计算IP头部的checksum吗?
A5: 不用计算IP头部的checksum,但是需要计算ICMP头部的checksum。

Q6: 为什么使用raw socket 编程需要root权限?没有root权限执行时程序会在哪里报错?

可以看到返回的socket 描述符为-1, 说明创建raw socket失败了。

Task 2.3

准备两个在同一个局域网的虚拟机,这部分主要是同时嗅探和伪造包,实现一个机器ping任意IP x,另一个机器伪造ICMP回复请求,使得其有回复,而IP x所对应的机器可能根本不存在。


#include <pcap.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include "myheader.h"void got_packet(u_char *args, const struct pcap_pkthdr *header,const u_char *packet)
{struct ethheader *eth = (struct ethheader *)packet;if (ntohs(eth->ether_type) == 0x0800) { // 0x0800 is IP typestruct ipheader * ip = (struct ipheader *)(packet + sizeof(struct ethheader));printf("From: %s ", inet_ntoa(ip->iph_sourceip));   printf("To: %s ", inet_ntoa(ip->iph_destip));if (ip->iph_protocol == IPPROTO_ICMP)printf("protocal: ICMP\n");elseprintf("protocal: Others\n");struct icmpheader *icmp_pkt = (struct icmpheader *)(packet + sizeof(struct ethheader)+ sizeof(struct ipheader));if (ip->iph_protocol == IPPROTO_ICMP) {char buffer[1500];memset(buffer, 0, 1500);/*********************************************************Step 1: Fill in the ICMP header.********************************************************/struct icmpheader *icmp = (struct icmpheader *)(buffer + sizeof(struct ipheader));icmp->icmp_type = 0; //ICMP Type: 8 is request, 0 is reply.icmp->icmp_code = 0;icmp->icmp_id   = icmp_pkt->icmp_id;icmp->icmp_seq  = icmp_pkt->icmp_seq;printf("icmp id: %d, seq: %d\n", ntohs(icmp_pkt->icmp_id), ntohs(icmp_pkt->icmp_seq));// Calculate the checksum for integrityicmp->icmp_chksum = 0;icmp->icmp_chksum = in_cksum((unsigned short *)icmp,sizeof(struct icmpheader));/*********************************************************Step 2: Fill in the IP header.********************************************************/struct ipheader *ipp = (struct ipheader *) buffer;ipp->iph_ver = 4;ipp->iph_ihl = 5;ipp->iph_ttl = 64;ipp->iph_sourceip.s_addr = ip->iph_destip.s_addr;ipp->iph_destip.s_addr = ip->iph_sourceip.s_addr;ipp->iph_protocol = IPPROTO_ICMP;ipp->iph_len = htons(sizeof(struct ipheader) +sizeof(struct icmpheader));printf("send tt source :%s\n", inet_ntoa(ipp->iph_sourceip));printf("send tt dest: %s\n", inet_ntoa(ipp->iph_destip));/*********************************************************Step 3: Finally, send the spoofed packet********************************************************/// icmp_pkt->icmp_type = 0;// icmp_pkt->icmp_code = 0;// icmp->icmp_chksum = 0;// icmp->icmp_chksum = in_cksum((unsigned short *)icmp,//                                 sizeof(struct icmpheader));send_raw_ip_packet (ipp);}}
}int main()
{pcap_t *handle;char errbuf[PCAP_ERRBUF_SIZE];struct bpf_program fp;char filter_exp[] = "icmp[icmptype]==icmp-echo";bpf_u_int32 net;// Step 1: Open live pcap session on NIC with name enp0s3handle = pcap_open_live("enp0s3", BUFSIZ, 1, 1000, errbuf);printf("listening on network card, ret: %p...\n", handle);// Step 2: Compile filter_exp into BPF psuedo-codeprintf("try to compile filter...\n");pcap_compile(handle, &fp, filter_exp, 0, net);printf("try to set filter...\n");pcap_setfilter(handle, &fp);// Step 3: Capture packetsprintf("start to sniff...\n");pcap_loop(handle, -1, got_packet, NULL);pcap_close(handle);   //Close the handlereturn 0;

使用 gcc -o task23 task23.c checksum.c spoof.c -lpcap编译程序,sudo ./task23运行




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    这个实验主要是利用CSRF攻击来完成一些恶意的操作.由于整个实验过程要用到网站,这里先配置一下. 网站都部署在本地,且用域名访问,所以我们需要现在 /etc/hosts文件中设置域名到 IP 的映射关 ...

  8. 数据包嗅探 Packet Sniffing

    实验前言 数据包嗅探(packet sniffing)和数据包欺骗(packet spoofing) 在网络安全中两个非常重要的部分.他们是网络通讯中两个主要的威胁.了解这两个威胁对于了解网络安全理论 ...

  9. Unit 1: Packet Sniffing 1.1 Packet Sniffing Introduction to Packet Sniffing

    >> Some people like to sniff glue. 有些人喜欢闻胶水. Some people like to sniff paint. 有些人喜欢闻油漆. Some p ...


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