
1.What's up? 怎么样?(非正式 对比较熟悉的人说)

Nothing/not much /Nothing much

2.be up to 忙于(有段时间没见的朋友)

What have you been up to?

We have you been up to lately?你这段时间怎么样,在干什么?

What have you been up to you?

3.what's new? 有什么新鲜事吗?

4. How are you ? 你最近怎样?(熟人) 侧重询问身体状态在比较正式的场合,比如办公室;

How are you today?

Great./I'm fine./Ok,thanks./Hi .I'm well,thanks.

   I'm good.        

  I'm fine, thanks. And you?

5.How are you doing?你好吗?范围比较广(Aemrica)认识比较熟悉;

Not bad.

6.Hello./Hi/Hey! 比较随意

7.How’s it going? 熟识的人(亲密的人)

Pretty good.


Good morning/afternoon/evening.

中午之前用 good morning 问候。从中午到下午6点用good afternoon 问候。从下午6点到午夜用good evening问候。

Good night 在晚上对某人说再见或者用来表示您要去睡觉了。

9.how do you do? 初次见面很少用

10.How was your day?

11.How have you been? 美国人的一种习惯用语。

12.How are the things with you ?/How is everything?

13.Nice meeting you!

14.I haven't seen you for a long time

15.Nice to meet you./Good to see you

16.How's everything going? 熟识的人,尤其是亲密的人之间的关心问候;

17.How do you do?  是初次见面的问候语(很少用);你好;

18.What have you been up to you?

What have you been up to?

This sentence is a great way to greet someone you haven’t seen for some weeks.

It means: what has happened in your life since the last time I saw you.


“Hey, how are you? What have you been up to lately?”

19.nice meeting you!

20.I haven't seen you for a long time.

21.Nice to meet you.

Nice to meet you too.

22.Have a nice day.祝你有愉快的一天;在早上要结束谈话时,您可以告诉别人,您希望他们今天过得愉快。

You ,too.

1.Listen and repeat 听一听,读一读

2.Practice the conversations in the picture.Then greet your partner.

a.practice v.练习;

b.conversation n.会话;会谈;

c.then /ðen/adv.然后

d.greet  /ɡrit/v.迎接;欢迎;和(某人)打招呼(或问好)

e.partner/pɑrtnər/ n.合伙人;搭档;同伴;

f.picture /'pɪktʃə/ n.照片;图片;

3.section n.部分;

4.Look at the picture in 1a,Find the big letters for these small  letters.

a.look at 看

b.letter /letər/ n.信;字母

c.these /ðiz/ pron.这些;

5.listen and number the letters your hear.

numbeer v.编号

6.Write the small letters for these big letters.

7.Do you know what these letters mean?

8.Listen to the conversations and circle the names  you hear.

a.listen to 听

b.circle /sɜrk(ə)l/ n.圆;圈;圆形;圆圈


9.Listen again,number the pictures.

10.Practice the conversations in 4b with your partner.

11.Listen to the conversations,then practice with your partner.

12.Choose an English name for yourself,Write your name on  a card.

choose vt&vi /tʃu:z/选择;

13.Use your English names greet each other.

14.Listen and draw lines between the letters you hear.

15.Match  the big letters with small letters.

16.Listen and sing the song.

sing /sɪŋ/vt 唱,歌唱

song /sɔ:ŋ/n.歌曲; 歌唱(艺术); 诗歌,

17.Key word check,check the letters and the words you know.

18.write some new words in your notebook.

19.look at the faces.Put their names in the correct alphabetical order.

correct  /kəˈrɛkt/ adj.正确的; 合适的; 符合公认准则的; 得体的;

alphabetical /ˌælfəˈbɛtɪkəl/adj.按字母(表)顺序的;

order /[ɔrdər/n.顺序;命令;勋章;规则

20.Read  the letters and words in column A.then try to read the new words in column B.

A.Good morning,Todd.

B.Good morning.Joan.How are you today?

A.I'm fine.Thanks,And you?

B.I'm good.

A.Have a nice day.

B. You too?

What‘s your name?/May I have your name?

-My name is Mike.

How do you spell your name?


Nice to meet you,Mike!

-Nicee to meet you,too.

How are you today?

-I'm good/great.Thank you.How are you?

-Not bad./not good

Where are you from?/Where do you come from?

-I'm from the US./I come from the US.

Where do you live?

I live in Futian.

What do you do?

I'm a manager/a housewife/an engineer.

May I have your phone number?

It's 17673165981/I'm sorry.Maybe next time.

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