It will be a little hard to describe Git branching well , so I may vastly reference contents from 《Pro Git》

Before the introduction of Git Branching, let’s see what git actually dose when we are making commit by running command git commit at first.

Figure 1.1

when you create the commit by running git commit, Git checksums each
subdirectory and stores them as a tree object in the Git repository.
Then Git creates a commit object that has the metadata and a pointer
to the root project tree so it can re-create that snapsht when needed. --《Pro Git》

You can see now we have five objects in our git repository, they are three blobs, one tree and one commit.

Figure 1.2

The figure1.2 shows that If you update somethings and make commit again, the next commit will stores a pointer to the commit that came instantaneously before it.
A branch in Git is simply a lightweigh movable pointer to one of these commits. The default branch name in Git is master, Every time you commit, the master branch pointer moves forward automatically.

Figure 1.3 A branch and its commit history

Creating a New Branch

It is very easy to create a new branch in git, you just run need to run ‘git branch <name>’ and then run ‘git branch’ to show the branchs you have in Git repository.
for example:

(base) -a01:testGit $ git branch
* master
(base) -a01:testGit $ git branch testing
(base) -a01:testGit $ git branch
* mastertesting

Figure 1.4

Now we have a new branch its name is ‘newbranch’. Git keeps a special pointer called HEAD to indicate which branch you are currently on, from figure1.4 we can know now we are on master branch.

Now let’s do some changes on branch master and commit it, then checkout testing branch also do some works.

(base) -a01:testGit $ vim a.txt
(base) -a01:testGit $ git add a.txt
(base) -a01:testGit $ git commit -m 'branch master'
[master 5a91b37] branch master1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)create mode 100644 a.txt

At first we create file a.txt on branch master.


base) -a01:testGit $ git checkout testing
Switched to branch 'testing'
(base) -a01:testGit $ ls
(base) -a01:testGit $ vim test.txt
(base) -a01:testGit $ git add test.txt
(base) -a01:testGit $ git commit -m 'branch testing'
[testing 077303d] branch testing1 file changed, 1 insertion(+)create mode 100644 test.txt

Then checkout on branch testing and create a file test.txt.

(base) -a01:testGit $ git checkout master
Switched to branch 'master'
(base) -a01:testGit $ ls

And back to branch master, you can see the file test.txt we add on branch testing doesn’t exist here.

Here is a picture can exactly explain what tis he current situation:

Figure 1.5
We created and switched to a branch, did some work on it, and then switched back to your main branch and did other work. Both of those changes are isolated in separate branches.

That is the the most basic but most useful feature of branching.

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