m-TRP transmission for URLLC(draft)


Scheme 1a(SDM)

2 TCI states within the single slot, with overlapped time and frequency resource allocation.

一个CW会映射到不同的layer上,TRP0和TRP1的时频资源相同,只是layer不同。(同S-DCI for eMBB类似)

  • Single codeword with one RV is used across all spatial layers or layer sets. From the UE perspective, different coded bits are mapped to different layers or layer sets with the same mapping rule as in Rel-15.


2 TCI states within the single slot, with non-overlapped frequency resource allocation.


  • Scheme 2a: Single codeword with one RV is used across full resource allocation. From UE perspective, the common RB mapping (codeword to layer mapping as in Rel-15) is applied across full resource allocation.

  • Scheme 2b: Single codeword with one RV is used for each non-overlapped frequency resource allocation.
  • Differences between scheme 2a and 2b
    • In scheme 2a, different sets of coded bit of the same RV are mapped onto different sets of RBs
    • In scheme 2b, copies of the same data with same or different RVs are transmitted from different TRPs/panels over different sets of RBs
    • The code rates for Scheme 2b are doubled due to the fact that only half of the RBs are available for each codeword

Scheme 3(TDM)

2 TCI states within the single slot, with non-overlapped time resource allocation.


Scheme 4(TDM)

2 TCI states with K different slots.


RRC Configuration

  • for scheme 2a,2b,3:repititionScheme-r-16 is set to ‘FDMSchemeA’, ‘FDMSchemeB’, 'TDMSchemeA‘,respectively。(两个条件:UE is indicated with two TCI state in a codepoint;and DMRS port(s) within one CDM group in the DCI field “Antenna port”【DMRS port在一个CDM group中】)

  • for schcme 4:
    The DCI field "Time domain resource assignment’ indicating an entry in pdsch-TimeDomainAllocationList which contain RepNum16 in PDSCH-TimeDomainResourceAllocation and DM-RS port(s) within one CDM group in the DCI field “Antenna Port(s)”. (one or two TCI states are indicated in a DCI with ‘Transmission Configuration Indication’ field )

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