

A:1 2 3 4 1 2…

B:2 3 4 1 2 3…

C:3 4 1 2 3 4…

D:4 1 2 3 4 1…


#include <thread>
#include <vector>
#include <condition_variable>
#include <mutex>
#include <map>#include <semaphore.h>#define MaxThreadNums 4
#define MaxCycleNums 7namespace me {class Semaphore {public:Semaphore(long count = 0): count_(count) {}void signal() {std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);++count_;cv_.notify_one();}void wait() {std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(mutex_);cv_.wait(lock, [=] { return count_ > 0; });--count_;}private:std::mutex mutex_;std::condition_variable cv_;long count_;};
}class File {public:File() {}void Write(char c) {std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Guard(mtx_);buffer_ += c;}std::string GetBuffer() {std::unique_lock<std::mutex> Guard(mtx_);return buffer_;}private:std::mutex mtx_;std::string name_;std::string buffer_;size_t pos_;
A:1 2 3 4 1 2....B:2 3 4 1 2 3....C:3 4 1 2 3 4....D:4 1 2 3 4 1....*/#if 10#define sem_initme::Semaphore sem_a{1};
me::Semaphore sem_b{1};
me::Semaphore sem_c{1};
me::Semaphore sem_d{1};me::Semaphore *sems[] = {&sem_a, &sem_b, &sem_c, &sem_d};#else
sem_t sem_a;
sem_t sem_b;
sem_t sem_c;
sem_t sem_d;sem_t *sems[] = {&sem_a, &sem_b, &sem_c, &sem_d};#endifint sem_wait(me::Semaphore *sem) {sem->wait();return 0;
}int sem_post(me::Semaphore *sem) {sem->signal();return 0;
}using ThreadTag = uint8_t;
using PosIdx = uint8_t ;class ThreadInfo {public:ThreadInfo(ThreadTag id) : id_(id) {}void WriteToFile(File &file) {file.Write(GetData());}uint8_t GetId() {return id_;}char GetData() {return '1' + id_;}private:ThreadTag id_;
};class WriteHelper {public:explicit WriteHelper(ThreadInfo &info) {pos_ = GetInitPosIndex(info.GetId());}File &GetFileHandler() {uint8_t idx = index_[pos_++ % MaxThreadNums];return GetFiles()[idx];}private:PosIdx index_[4] = {0, 3, 2, 1};PosIdx pos_;public:static PosIdx GetInitPosIndex(ThreadTag id) {thread_local std::map<ThreadTag, PosIdx> map_;if (map_.empty()) {// thread -> init indexmap_[0] = 0;map_[1] = 3;map_[2] = 2;map_[3] = 1;}return map_[id];}static File *GetFiles() {static File files_[MaxThreadNums];return files_;}
};// th sched: A -> B -> C -> D
void fun(ThreadInfo info) {WriteHelper helper(info);for (int i = 0; i < MaxCycleNums; i++) {sem_wait(sems[info.GetId()]);// printf("my_name: %c, %d\n", info.GetId(), info.GetData());info.WriteToFile(helper.GetFileHandler());sem_post(sems[(info.GetId() + 1) % MaxThreadNums]);}}int main() {sem_init(&sem_a, 0, 1);sem_init(&sem_b, 0, 1);sem_init(&sem_c, 0, 1);sem_init(&sem_d, 0, 1);std::thread ths[MaxThreadNums];for (int i = 0; i < MaxThreadNums; ++i) {ths[i] = std::thread(fun, ThreadInfo(i));}for (int i = 0; i < MaxThreadNums; ++i) {auto &th = ths[i];if (th.joinable()) {th.join();// printf("exit th:%d\n", i);}}for (int i = 0; i < MaxThreadNums; ++i) {auto buf = WriteHelper::GetFiles()[i].GetBuffer();printf("buf %c: %s\n", i + 'A', buf.c_str());}printf("\nmain is over\n");


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