1. oracle-bone

1. The early Oracle-bone Inscription has two different style: one, the script was robust, the writing was careful and precise.


2. For sure, I was pretty disgusted in those less funny courses such as the philology: why should I study so much Oracle-bone Inscriptions and King Wins?


3. First of all, the materials for divination by means of oracle-bone and certain grass are separated, to discuss the relationship between divination materials and diviners. Textual research is attempted concerning partial divination materials.


4. In our opinion, the set phrase in Oracle-Bone Inscriptions is the combination of fixed term in Oracle-Bone Inscriptions; it can be divided into idiom, proper names, terminology and Subset Phrase.


5. This paper also discusses the differences between the Picto-phonetic characters and other words that have sound, after the text we accompanied the word table of the Picto-phonetic characters in oracle-bone inscriptions, and give a brief description of the word Example.


6. Ask for nasty one person's a turtle hull with a knife, engrave oracle-bone scripture!


7. It was completely confirmed to be a historical fact that the Shang King Zhou had chopped the dukes and earls by the unearthed oracle-bone and bronze inscriptions of the Shang dynasty.


8. While delved into the ancient Chinese classical works, T'ing became intrigued by the ancient imperial seals and oracle-bone inscriptions, bronze epigraphs and seal calligraphy.


9. The Comparative Research on Pictographs of Oracle-bone Inscriptions and Egyptian Hieroglyphs


10. Guo qingping, professor, devoted to the research on Modern Chinese and seal cutting art of oracle-bone inscriptions.


11. Guo xudong, professor, devoted to the research on oracle-bone inscriptions and Yinshang culture.


12. Many oracle-bone inscriptions request that an ancestor make an offering of his own to an even higher power.


13. David N. Keightley, a historian at the University of California, Berkeley, told me that he's particularly struck by how oracle-bone inscriptions convey a sense of hierarchy and order.


14. Ah, I have finally seen oracle-bone inscriptions.


15. Now the majority of oracle-bone inscriptions have been able to correctly explained.


16. The Chinese characters we use today come from oracle-bone inscriptions.


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17. The forth, the corresponding relationships between oracle-bone inscriptions, words and sememes concerned with identity of words.


18. 911查询·英语单词

18. Feu (Fire), as its style and ways of representation suggest, belong to the oracle-bone inscription series of the mid-1950s.


19. Han Jia, I don't think oracle-bone inscriptions are difficult to read at all.


20. David N.Keightley, a historian at the University of California, Berkeley, told me that he's particularly struck by how oracle-bone inscriptions convey a sense of hierarchy and order.



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