










下载CKFinder 2.3版本的java源代码(注意对应Jeesite里面的版本),地址如下:






* CKFinder

* ========

* http://ckfinder.com

* Copyright (C) 2007-2012, CKSource - Frederico Knabben. All rights reserved.


* The software, this file and its contents are subject to the CKFinder

* License. Please read the license.txt file before using, installing, copying,

* modifying or distribute this file or part of its contents. The contents of

* this file is part of the Source Code of CKFinder.


package com.ckfinder.connector.utils;

import java.awt.Dimension;

import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

import java.io.BufferedInputStream;

import java.io.ByteArrayOutputStream;

import java.io.File;

import java.io.FileInputStream;

import java.io.FileOutputStream;

import java.io.IOException;

import java.io.InputStream;

import java.io.OutputStream;

import java.util.Arrays;

import java.util.List;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;

import javax.media.jai.JAI;

import javax.media.jai.PlanarImage;

import net.coobird.thumbnailator.Thumbnails;

import org.apache.commons.fileupload.FileItem;

import com.ckfinder.connector.configuration.IConfiguration;

import com.sun.media.jai.codec.FileCacheSeekableStream;

import com.sun.media.jai.codec.ImageCodec;

import com.sun.media.jai.codec.ImageEncoder;

import com.sun.media.jai.codec.JPEGEncodeParam;

import com.sun.media.jai.codec.TIFFEncodeParam;


* Utils to operate on images.


public class ImageUtils {


* allowed image extensions.


private static final String[] ALLOWED_EXT = { "gif", "jpeg", "jpg", "png",

"psd", "bmp", "tiff", "tif", "swc", "jpc", "jp2", "jpx", "jb2",

"xbm", "wbmp" };

private static final int MAX_BUFF_SIZE = 1024;

private static boolean prefix_tiff = false;


* Resizes the image and writes it to the disk.


* @param sourceImage

* orginal image file.

* @param width

* requested width

* @param height

* requested height

* @param quality

* requested destenation file quality

* @param destFile

* file to write to

* @throws IOException

* when error occurs.


private static void resizeImage(final BufferedImage sourceImage, final int width,

final int height, final float quality,

final File destFile) throws IOException {

try {

Thumbnails.of(sourceImage).size(width, height).keepAspectRatio(false)


// for some special files outputQuality couses error:

//IllegalStateException inner Thumbnailator jar. When exception is thrown

// image is resized without quality

// When http://code.google.com/p/thumbnailator/issues/detail?id=9

// will be fixed this try catch can be deleted. Only:

//Thumbnails.of(sourceImage).size(width, height).keepAspectRatio(false)


// should remain.

} catch (IllegalStateException e) {

Thumbnails.of(sourceImage).size(width, height).keepAspectRatio(false)





* create thumb file.


* @param orginFile

* orgin image file.

* @param file

* file to save thumb

* @param conf

* connector configuration

* @throws IOException

* when error occurs.


public static void createThumb(final File orginFile, final File file,

final IConfiguration conf) throws IOException {

BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(orginFile);

if (image != null) {

Dimension dimension = createThumbDimension(image,

conf.getMaxThumbWidth(), conf.getMaxThumbHeight());

FileUtils.createPath(file, conf, true);

if (image.getHeight() == dimension.height

&& image.getWidth() == dimension.width) {

writeUntouchedImage(orginFile, file);

} else {

resizeImage(image, dimension.width, dimension.height,

conf.getThumbsQuality(), file);


} else {

if (conf.isDebugMode()) {

throw new IOException("Wrong image file");





* Uploads image and if the image size is larger than maximum allowed it

* resizes the image.


* @param stream

* input stream.

* @param file

* file name

* @param fileName

* name of file

* @param conf

* connector configuration

* @throws IOException

* when error occurs.

* 20180105 update method - upload 2 files, one of JPEG, one of TIFF


public static void createTmpThumb(final InputStream stream,

final File file, final String fileName, final IConfiguration conf)

throws IOException {



//System.out.println(file.getAbsolutePath().substring(0, file.getAbsolutePath().lastIndexOf(".")));

FileCacheSeekableStream stream1 = new FileCacheSeekableStream(stream);

PlanarImage in = JAI.create("stream", stream1);

String newFilePath = file.getAbsolutePath().substring(0, file.getAbsolutePath().lastIndexOf(".")) + ".jpg";

OutputStream osJPEG = new FileOutputStream(newFilePath);

JPEGEncodeParam JPEGparam = new JPEGEncodeParam();

ImageEncoder encJPEG = ImageCodec.createImageEncoder("JPEG", osJPEG, JPEGparam);

OutputStream osTIFF = new FileOutputStream(file);

TIFFEncodeParam TIFFparam = new TIFFEncodeParam();


ImageEncoder encTIFF = ImageCodec.createImageEncoder("TIFF", osTIFF, TIFFparam);

try {








} catch (IOException e) {

throw new IOException("Wrong file");


} else {

BufferedInputStream bufferedIS = new BufferedInputStream(stream);


BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(bufferedIS);

if (image == null) {

throw new IOException("Wrong file");


Dimension dimension = createThumbDimension(image, conf.getImgWidth(),


if (image.getHeight() == dimension.height

&& image.getWidth() == dimension.width) {


writeUntouchedImage(bufferedIS, file);

} else {

resizeImage(image, dimension.width, dimension.height,

conf.getImgQuality(), file);






* Creates image file with fixed width and height.


* @param sourceFile

* input file

* @param destFile

* file to save

* @param width

* image width

* @param height

* image height

* @param quality

* image quality

* @throws IOException

* when error occurs.


public static void createResizedImage(final File sourceFile,

final File destFile, final int width, final int height,

final float quality) throws IOException {

BufferedImage image = ImageIO.read(sourceFile);

Dimension dimension = new Dimension(width, height);

if (image.getHeight() == dimension.height

&& image.getWidth() == dimension.width) {

writeUntouchedImage(sourceFile, destFile);

} else {

resizeImage(image, dimension.width, dimension.height, quality,





* creates dimension of thumb.


* @param image

* orginal image.

* @param maxWidth

* max thumb width

* @param maxHeight

* max thumb height

* @return dimension of thumb image.


private static Dimension createThumbDimension(final BufferedImage image,

final int maxWidth, final int maxHeight) {

Dimension dimension = new Dimension();

if (image.getWidth() >= image.getHeight()) {

if (image.getWidth() >= maxWidth) {

dimension.width = maxWidth;

dimension.height = Math.round(((float) maxWidth / image

.getWidth()) * image.getHeight());

} else {

dimension.height = image.getHeight();

dimension.width = image.getWidth();


} else {

if (image.getHeight() >= maxHeight) {

dimension.height = maxHeight;

dimension.width = Math.round((((float) maxHeight / image

.getHeight()) * image.getWidth()));

} else {

dimension.height = image.getHeight();

dimension.width = image.getWidth();



return dimension;



* checks if file is image.


* @param file

* file to check

* @return true if file is image.


public static boolean isImage(final File file) {

List list = Arrays.asList(ALLOWED_EXT);

String fileExt = null;

if (file != null) {

fileExt = FileUtils.getFileExtension(file.getName().toLowerCase());

return (fileExt != null) ? list.contains(fileExt) : false;

} else {

return false;




* check if image size isn't bigger then bigest allowed.


* @param stream

* temp file input stream.

* @param conf

* connector configuration.

* @return true if image size isn't bigger then bigest allowe.

* @throws IOException

* when error occurs during reading image.


public static boolean checkImageSize(final InputStream stream,

final IConfiguration conf) throws IOException {


BufferedImage bi = ImageIO.read(stream);


if (bi == null) {

return false;


if (bi.getHeight() > conf.getImgHeight()

|| bi.getWidth() > conf.getImgWidth()) {

return false;



return true;



* checks if image file is image.


* @param item

* file upload item

* @return true if file is image.


public static boolean checkImageFile(final FileItem item) {

BufferedImage bi;

InputStream is = null;


prefix_tiff = true;

return true;

} else {

prefix_tiff = false;

try {

is = item.getInputStream();

bi = ImageIO.read(is);

} catch (IOException e) {

return false;

} finally {

if (is != null){

try { is.close(); } catch (Exception e) {}



return (bi != null);




* writes unchanged file to disk.


* @param sourceFile

* - file to read from


* @param destFile

* - file to write to


* @throws IOException

* when error occurs.


private static void writeUntouchedImage(final File sourceFile, final File destFile)

throws IOException {

FileInputStream fileIS = new FileInputStream(sourceFile);

writeUntouchedImage(fileIS, destFile);



* writes unchanged file to disk.


* @param stream

* - stream to read the file from


* @param destFile

* - file to write to


* @throws IOException

* when error occurs.


private static void writeUntouchedImage(final InputStream stream, final File destFile)

throws IOException {

ByteArrayOutputStream byteArrayOS = new ByteArrayOutputStream();

byte[] buffer = new byte[MAX_BUFF_SIZE];

int readNum = -1;

while ((readNum = stream.read(buffer)) != -1) {

byteArrayOS.write(buffer, 0, readNum);


byte[] bytes = byteArrayOS.toByteArray();


FileOutputStream fileOS = new FileOutputStream(destFile);






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