[b][Homework VOA 2011-2-16][/b]
Egypt’s military rulers start a committee to amend the constitution. And in Bahrain one detained protestor second tend to kill the general. I’m Marti Johnson, reporting from Washington.

Egypt’s military rulers have appointed a retired judge to head a committee tasked with amending the constitution to allow for democratic elections later this year. Former Egyptian Judge Tareq el-Bishri will lead the eight-member panel which includes sitting judges, legal experts and former lawmaker Sobhi Saleh of the banned Islamist group, the Muslim Brotherhood. The panel held its first meeting Tuesday with the leader of Egypt’s military council, Hussein Tantawi. Pro-democracy activist who met with the council Sunday say it promised constitution amended will be drafted in 10 days including opening elections, for more candidates and different parties as well as term limits. The reforms to be voted on a national referendum within two months. There is more on our website voanews.com.

Iranian lawmakers demanding opposition leaders face the death penalty for organizing the anti-government rallies in several Iranians cities on Monday. Conserved lawmakers say Tuesday opposition leaders Mr. Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi should be tried for sedition which under Iranian law is punished by death. Mosadi’s website says it has confirmed reports that security forces arrested 200 people during the demonstrations which drew thousands of activists to the streets of Tehran.

Bahraini Security forces stated open the fire. Opposition activists tending the funeral of the man killed the crack on Monday’s pro-reform protests killing another protestor. Witnesses say the second activist was died Tuesday when police didn’t moved in to break up the crowd, gathering for the funeral outside the hospital of Bahraini capital. That was the first activist killed and 20 others wounded Monday as Bahraini security forces raided a Shiite village to disperse hundreds of activist engaged in anti-government rallies. Phillip Walter Wellman reports for VOA from Bahrain.

Despite heavy crack down by police, thousands of demonstrators participate in what organizers called “Day of range across Bahrain”, a strategic American ally in the Persian Gulf. The main demands are for new constitution, the release political prisoners, stopping perceived discrimination against the country Shi ite Muslims,

巴林 (国名,位于阿拉伯半岛):Bahrain [bɑː'rein]
波斯人:Persian /'pɜːʃn/

sedition /sɪ'dɪʃn/ n 煽 动叛乱的言论(或行动)
funeral /'fjuːnərəl/ n 葬礼;丧礼;出殡
strategic /strə'tiːdʒɪk/ adj 根据全局而安排的;战略性的 | 战略性的;战略上的
perceive [pə'siːv] v 察觉;感知 | 意识到;理解

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