


Costmaps for Context-Sensitive Navigation 这篇论文阐述了layered maps相对于Monolithic的优点,解读了layered costmap的构造和他的生成过程

标准的layered costmap分为4层

  1. static map layer:静态层,是master costmap的底层,可以使用预先生成的静态地图,也可以创建空白地图
  2. obstacles layer:激光雷达生成
  3. voxels layer:使用3维的方式生成障碍层
  4. inflation layer:膨胀出non-lethal cost的区域

由这四层汇总成为master costmap,就这样



For the base_local_planner, nothing should be modified, since the planning will not be affected in any way when exploding the maps in layers.



inflater: 10 robot_radius: 0.35 11 inflation_radius:0.35
obstacles: observation_sources: pointcloud_sensorpointcloud_sensor:data_type: PointCloud2 topic: camera/depth/pointsmin_obstacle_height: 0.2max_obstacle_height: 2.0marking: trueclearing: truez_voxels:8 z_resolution: 0.25max_obstacle_height: 2.0

In this example, we create two layers: a inflater layer, that considers a circular robot with 35cm of radius, and, therefore, an inflation radius of 35cm so it doesn’t collide with anything; a obstacles layer, that takes the pointcloud data (if you are using a laser, please change that here) and passes this data to the costmap.

plugins:-{name: obstacles, type: "costmap_2d::VoxelLayer"} -{name: inflater, type: "costmap_2d::InflationLayer"}


LOCAL COSTMAP: If you’re not using a layered approach, your local_costma p in its whole will be displayed in this topic.





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