操作系统:CentOS release 5.5 (Final)

故障现象:网卡无故自动down掉,使用service network restart 重启后没多久又会自动down , 连接数大概在200个左右,没有arp攻击;


[root@www.linuxidc.com~]# cat /var/log/dmesg |grep eth0

eth0: Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5709 1000Base-T (C0) PCI Express found at mem d6000000, IRQ 90, node addr 842b2bfac367


[root@www.linuxidc.com~]# ethtool -i eth0

driver: bnx2

version: 2.0.2

firmware-version: 5.2.3 NCSI 2.0.10

bus-info: 0000:01:00.0


[root@www.linuxidc.com~]# unzip linux-7.4.27.zip

Archive: linux-7.4.27.zip

creating: Server/Linux/Driver/

inflating: Server/Linux/Driver/INSTALL.TXT

inflating: Server/Linux/Driver/netxtreme2-7.4.27-1.src.rpm

inflating: Server/Linux/Driver/netxtreme2-7.4.27.tar.gz

inflating: Server/Linux/Driver/netxtreme2_sup-7.4.27-1.ISO.tar.gz

inflating: Server/Linux/Driver/README.bnx2.TXT

inflating: Server/Linux/Driver/README.bnx2fc.TXT

inflating: Server/Linux/Driver/README.bnx2i.TXT

inflating: Server/Linux/Driver/README.bnx2x.TXT

inflating: Server/Linux/Driver/RELEASE.bnx2.TXT

inflating: Server/Linux/Driver/RELEASE.bnx2fc.TXT

inflating: Server/Linux/Driver/RELEASE.bnx2i.TXT

inflating: Server/Linux/Driver/RELEASE.bnx2x.TXT

inflating: Server/Linux/Driver/RELEASE.fclibs.TXT

[root@www.linuxidc.com~]# cd Server/Linux/Driver/

[root@www.linuxidc.com Driver]# rpm -ivh netxtreme2-7.4.27-1.src.rpm


[root@www.linuxidc.com Driver]# cd /usr/src/RedHat/SPECS/

[root@www.linuxidc.com SPECS]# rpmbuild -bb netxtreme2.spec


[root@www.linuxidc.com SPECS]# cd /usr/src/redhat/RPMS/x86_64

[root@www.linuxidc.com x86_64]# rpm -ivh netxtreme2-7.4.27-1.x86_64.rpm


[root@www.linuxidc.com~]# cat change_driver.sh

rmmod bnx2

rmmod bnx2x

modprobe bnx2

modprobe bnx2x

[root@www.linuxidc.com~]# chmod u+x change_driver.sh


[root@www.linuxidc.com~]# ./change_driver.sh &



[root@www.linuxidc.com ~]# ethtool -i eth0

driver: bnx2

version: 2.2.3f

firmware-version: 6.2.12 bc 5.2.3 NCSI 2.0.11

bus-info: 0000:01:00.0




[root@www.linuxidc.com Driver]# cat INSTALL.TXT

Installation Notes

Broadcom NetXtremeII Linux Drivers


Broadcom Corporation

5300 California Avenue,

Irvine, CA 92617

Copyright (c) 2004 - 2011 Broadcom Corporation

All rights reserved

Table of Contents





Installing Source RPM Package

Building Driver From TAR File

Unloading and Removing Driver



This file describes the installation procedures for the following

Broadcom Linux drivers:

- bnx2 driver for the Broadcom NetXtreme II BCM5706/BCM5708/5709/5716

10/100/1000/2500/10000 Mbps PCIX/PCIE Ethernet Network Controller.

- bnx2x driver for the Broadcom NetXtremeII BCM57710/BCM57711/BCM57711E/BCM57712

10/100/1000/2500/10000 Mbps PCIE Ethernet Network Controller.

- cnic driver that supports additional features required by the bnx2i iSCSI

offload driver, and bnx2fc FCoE offload driver.



The current versions of the drivers have been tested on 2.4.x kernels starting

from 2.4.24 and all 2.6.x kernels. The driver may not compile on kernels

older than 2.4.24. Testing is concentrated on i386 and x86_64 architectures.

Only limited testing has been done on some other architectures.

Minor changes to some source files and Makefile may be needed on some


Additionally, the Makefile will not compile the cnic driver on kernels

older than 2.6.16. iSCSI offload is only supported on 2.6.16 and newer

kernels. FCoE offload is only supported on 2.6.32 and newer kernels.



The driver is released in two packaging formats: source RPM and compressed tar

formats. The file name for the source RPM is:


The file name for the tar archive is:


Identical source files to build the drivers are included in both packages.

Following is a list of files included -

a) netxtreme2-.src.rpm - NetXtreme II L2/cnic/bnx2fc/libfc/libfcoe

driver source RPM

b) netxtreme2-.tar.gz - tar zipped NetXtreme II

L2/cnic/bnx2fc/libfc/libfcoe driver source

c) INSTALL.TXT - This file

d) README..TXT - driver specific readme instructions,

where driver is bnx2, bnx2x, bnx2i, bnx2fc.

e) RELEASE..TXT - release information text providing list of bug fixes

and enhancement for each driver.

Installing Source RPM Package


The following are general guidelines for installing the driver.

1. Install the source RPM package:

rpm -ivh netxtreme2-.src.rpm

2. CD to the RPM path and build the binary driver for your kernel:

cd /usr/src/{redhat,OpenLinux,turbo,packages,rpm ..}

(For RHEL 6.0 and above, cd ~/rpmbuild )

rpm -bb SPECS/netxtreme2.spec


rpmbuild -bb SPECS/netxtreme2.spec (for RPM version 4.x.x)

Note that the RPM path is different for different Linux distributions.

The driver will be compiled for the running kernel by default. To build

the driver for a kernel different than the running one, specify the

kernel by defining it in KVER:

rpmbuild -bb SPECS/netxtreme2.spec --define "KVER "

where in the form of 2.x.y-z is the version of another

kernel that is installed on the system.

3. Install the newly built package (driver and man page):

rpm -ivh RPMS//netxtreme2-..rpm

where is the machine architecture such as i386:

rpm -ivh RPMS/i386/netxtreme2-.i386.rpm

Note that the --force option may be needed on some Linux distributions

if conflicts are reported.

The drivers will be installed in the following path:

2.4.x kernels:



2.6.0 kernels:



2.6.16 and newer kernels:




Newer RHEL and SLES distros:






4. Unload existing driver if necessary:

rmmod bnx2

rmmod bnx2x

If the cnic driver is loaded, it should also be unloaded along with dependent


rmmod bnx2fc

rmmod bnx2i

rmmod cnic

5. Load the bnx2 driver for the BCM5706/BCM5708/5709/5716 devices:

insmod bnx2.o


insmod bnx2.ko (on 2.6.x kernels)


modprobe bnx2

To load the bnx2x driver for the BCM57710/BCM57711/BCM57711E/BCM57712 devices:

insmod bnx2x.o


insmod bnx2x.ko (on 2.6.x kernels)


modprobe bnx2x

To load the cnic driver:

insmod cnic.ko


modprobe cnic

To load the bnx2i driver:

insmod bnx2i.ko


modprobe bnx2i

service iscsid restart (Please refer REDAME.bnx2i.txt for more details

about iSCSI operation)

To load the bnx2fc driver for BCM57712 device:

insmod bnx2fc.ko


modprobe bnx2fc

service fcoe start (Please refer README.bnx2fc.txt for more details about

FCoE operation)

Note that the inbox kernel may have an older version of bnx2, bnx2x and cnic

driver. It is important for FCoE offload user to unload these inbox versions

before attempting to load bnx2fc driver. There are 2 options to reach the

desired goal,

a) Reboot the server


b) If already loaded, unload inbox bnx2, bnx2x, cnic drivers and load newly

installed version from netxtreme2-foce package using 'modprobe '

NOTE: Driver upgrade (rpm -Uvh) is not supported.

NOTE: On SLES 11, change "allow_unsupported_modules" parameter value of

/etc/modprobe.d/unsupport-modules' from 0 to 1, until bnx2fc driver

is inbox. Failing to do so will not load bnx2fc.

6. To configure network protocol and address, refer to various Linux


Building Driver From TAR File


The following are general guidelines for installing the driver.

1. Create a directory and extract the files:

tar xvzf netxtreme2-.tar.gz

2. Build the drivers as a loadable module for the running kernel:


The driver will be compiled for the running kernel by default. To build

the driver for a kernel different than the running one, specify the

kernel by defining it in KVER:

make KVER=

where in the form of 2.x.y-z is the version of another

kernel that is installed on the system.

3. Test the driver by loading it (Same procedures as described in the

Source RPM section above).

4. Install the driver and man page:

make install

See RPM instructions above for the location of the installed driver.

5. To configure network protocol and address, refer to various Linux


Unloading and Removing Driver


If the driver was installed using rpm, do the following to remove it:

rpm -e nextreme2

Note - this will remove libfc2, libfcoe2, bnx2, bnx2x and cnic modules as well

If the driver was installed using make install from the tar file, the drivers

have to be manually deleted from the system. Refer to the section

"Installing Source RPM Package" for the location of the installed driver.

1. rmmod

2. delete .ko from location given in section "Installing Source RPM Package"

3. depmod -a

**The kernel will now be back to original state prior to instalation from tar file.

You may now reload previous module versions if necessary.


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