
"name" : "My First Extension",
"version" : "1.0",
"manifest_version" : 2,
"description" : "The first extension that I made.",
"browser_action" : {
"default_icon" : "image/icon.png",
"default_popup" : "popup.html"
"permissions" : [


(function(cityName){var prefixURL = '';var prefixURLCurrent = '';var surfix = ".html";var cityCode;switch(cityName){case 'dalian':cityCode = '101070201';}var wholeURL = prefixURL + cityCode + surfix;var configuration = {'dataType' : 'json','type' : 'get', // Here, must be get method.'url' : wholeURL,'crossDomain' : true,'timeout' : 60000,'success' : successCallback,'error' : errorCallback};$.ajax(configuration);})('dalian');/*** * @param data* @param textStatus*/
function successCallback(data, textStatus){/*<tr id="day-1-top"><td rowspan="2" class="date">22日星期三</td><td class="time">白天</td><td class="phenomena-image-1">图</td><td class="phenomena">多云</td><td class="temperature">高温20C</td><td class="wind-direction">东风</td><td class="wind-force">4-5级</td></tr><tr id="day-1-bottom"><td class="time">夜间</td><td class="phenomena-image-2">图</td><td class="phenomena">多云</td><td class="temperature">低温13C</td><td class="wind-direction">东南风</td><td class="wind-force">4-5级</td></tr>*/var table = $('#forecast_table');var info = data.weatherinfo;$('#city_name').text(;for(var n = 1; n < 7; n++){// 风力var windForce = info['fl' + n].split("转");// 温度var temperature = info['temp' + n].split('~');// 风向var windDirection = info['wind' + n];var reg = new RegExp("[0-9]", "g");var result = reg.exec(windDirection);var directionStr = windDirection.substring(0, result['index']).split('转');var topRow = $('<tr id=day-' + n + '-top></tr>').appendTo(table).append('<td rowspan="2" class="date">' + info.date_y + '</td>').append('<td class="time">白天</td>').append('<td class="phenomena-image-1"></td>').append('<td class="phenomena">' + info['img_title' + (2 * n - 1)] + '</td>').append('<td class="temperature">' + temperature[0] + '</td>').append('<td class="wind-direction">' + directionStr[0] + '</td>').append('<td class="wind-force">' + windForce[0] + '</td>');$('<tr id=day-' + n + '-bottom></tr>').insertAfter(topRow).append('<td class="time">夜间</td>').append('<td class="phenomena-image-1"></td>').append('<td class="phenomena">' + info['img_title' + 2 * n] + '</td>').append('<td class="temperature">' + temperature[1] + '</td>').append('<td class="wind-direction">' + (directionStr[1] ? directionStr[1] : directionStr[0]) + '</td>').append('<td class="wind-force">' + (windForce[1] ? windForce[1] : windForce[0]) + '</td>');}
}function errorCallback(request, textStatus, errorThrown){;


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<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="style/popup.css">
<body><div class="container"><div id="city_name"></div><table id="forecast_table" class="forecast-table"><tr id="title_row" class="title-row"><td colspan="2" class="date-title">日期</td><td colspan="2" class="phenomena-title">天气现象</td><td class="temperature-title">气温</td><td class="wind-direction-title">风向</td><td class="wind-force-title">风力</td></tr></table></div>
<script type="text/javascript" src="script/jquery-1.8.2.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="script/popup.js"></script>


.container {width: 600px;height: 400px;
}.forecast-table {border-collapse: collapse;width: 100%;
}.forecast-table tr {border-top: 1px solid gray;border-bottom: 1px solid gray;border-left: 1px solid gray;
}.forecast-table tr td {border-right: 1px solid gray;text-align: center;vertical-align: middle;
}.forecast-table .title-row td {height: 30px;font-weight: bold;
}.forecast-table .title-row .date-title {/* width: 25%; */
}.forecast-table .title-row .phenomena-title {/* width: 25%; */
}.forecast-table .title-row .temperature-title {/* width: 20%; */
}.forecast-table .title-row .wind-direction-title {/* width: 15%; */
}.forecast-table .title-row .wind-force-title {/* width: 15%; */


Object {weatherinfo: Object}
weatherinfo: Object
city: "大连"
city_en: "dalian"
cityid: "101070201"
date: ""
date_y: "2013年5月22日"
fchh: "11"
fl1: "4-5级"
fl2: "4-5级"
fl3: "4-5级"
fl4: "4-5级"
fl5: "4-5级转5-6级"
fl6: "5-6级转4-5级"
fx1: "东风"
fx2: "东南风"
img1: "1"
img2: "99"
img3: "1"
img4: "2"
img5: "1"
img6: "99"
img7: "1"
img8: "99"
img9: "2"
img10: "7"
img11: "7"
img12: "1"
img_single: "1"
img_title1: "多云" // 今天白天的天气
img_title2: "多云" // 今天晚上的天气
img_title3: "多云" // 明天白天的天气
img_title4: "阴"   // 明天晚上的天气,依次类推
img_title5: "多云"
img_title6: "多云"
img_title7: "多云"
img_title8: "多云"
img_title9: "阴"
img_title10: "小雨"
img_title11: "小雨"
img_title12: "多云"
img_title_single: "多云"
index: "较舒适"
index48: "较舒适"
index48_d: "建议着薄外套、开衫牛仔衫裤等服装。年老体弱者应适当添加衣物,宜着夹克衫、薄毛衣等。"
index48_uv: "最弱"
index_ag: "易发"
index_cl: "较适宜"
index_co: "舒适"
index_d: "建议着薄外套、开衫牛仔衫裤等服装。年老体弱者应适当添加衣物,宜着夹克衫、薄毛衣等。"
index_ls: "适宜"
index_tr: "很适宜"
index_uv: "弱"
index_xc: "较不宜"
st1: "20"
st2: "12"
st3: "21"
st4: "12"
st5: "20"
st6: "13"
temp1: "20℃~13℃"
temp2: "22℃~15℃"
temp3: "21℃~15℃"
temp4: "20℃~14℃"
temp5: "19℃~14℃"
temp6: "19℃~15℃"
tempF1: "68℉~55.4℉"
tempF2: "71.6℉~59℉"
tempF3: "69.8℉~59℉"
tempF4: "68℉~57.2℉"
tempF5: "66.2℉~57.2℉"
tempF6: "66.2℉~59℉"
weather1: "多云" // 今天的天气
weather2: "多云转阴"  // 明天的天气,依次类推
weather3: "多云"
weather4: "多云"
weather5: "阴转小雨"
weather6: "小雨转多云"
week: "星期三"
wind1: "东风转东南风4-5级"
wind2: "东南风转南风4-5级"
wind3: "东北风转东南风4-5级"
wind4: "东南风4-5级"
wind5: "东南风4-5级转5-6级"
wind6: "东北风5-6级转4-5级"
__proto__: Object
__proto__: Object

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