1. 配置kafka connectors

kafka connectors配置是简单的键值映射。对于独立模式,这些在属性文件中定义,并传递到命令行上的kafka Connect进程。在分布式模式下,它们将包含在JSON有效负载中,用于创建(或修改)kafka connectors的请求。

大多数配置都依赖于kafka connectors,因此不能在这里列出它们。然而,有几个常见的选择:

name : kafka connectors的唯一名称。试图用相同的名称重新注册将失败。


tasks.max: 应该为这个连接器创建的最大任务数。如果连接器不能达到这种并行度,它可能会创建更少的任务。

key.converter:  转换器(可选)覆盖工作人员设置的默认密钥转换器。

value.converter: 转换器-(可选)覆盖工作程序设置的默认值转换器。


Sink connectors 也有一些额外的选项来控制它们的输入。每个接收器连接器必须设置以下之一:

topics:  使用逗号分隔的主题列表作为此连接器的输入

topics.regex: 用作此连接器输入的主题的Java正则表达式


2.配置kafka connectors transforms

kafka connectors可以配置transformations来进行轻量级的一次性消息修改。它们可以方便地进行数据按摩和事件路由。

A transformation chain can be specified in the connector configuration.

transforms :   List of aliases for the transformation, specifying the order in which the transformations will be applied.
transforms.$alias.type :  Fully qualified class name for the transformation.
transforms.$alias.$transformationSpecificConfig:  Configuration properties for the transformation
Kafka Connect包含了几个广泛适用的数据和路由transformations:

InsertField: 使用静态数据或记录元数据添加字段
HoistField:   将整个事件包装为struct或map中的单个字段
ExtractField:  从Struct和Map中提取特定字段,并在结果中只包含该字段
SetSchemaMetadata:  修改Schema名称或版本
TimestampRouter: Modify the topic of a record based on original topic and timestamp. Useful when using a sink that needs to write to different tables or indexes based on timestamps
RegexRouter - modify the topic of a record based on original topic, replacement string and a regular expression

3.使用kafka connect rest api 启动kafka connectors

由于Kafka Connect打算作为服务运行,所以它还提供了一个用于管理连接器的REST API。默认情况下,此服务在端口8083上运行。以下是目前支持的端点:

  • GET /connectors - return a list of active connectors
  • POST /connectors - create a new connector; the request body should be a JSON object containing a string name field and an object config field with the connector configuration parameters
  • GET /connectors/{name} - get information about a specific connector
  • GET /connectors/{name}/config - get the configuration parameters for a specific connector
  • PUT /connectors/{name}/config - update the configuration parameters for a specific connector
  • GET /connectors/{name}/status - get current status of the connector, including if it is running, failed, paused, etc., which worker it is assigned to, error information if it has failed, and the state of all its tasks
  • GET /connectors/{name}/tasks - get a list of tasks currently running for a connector
  • GET /connectors/{name}/tasks/{taskid}/status - get current status of the task, including if it is running, failed, paused, etc., which worker it is assigned to, and error information if it has failed
  • PUT /connectors/{name}/pause - pause the connector and its tasks, which stops message processing until the connector is resumed
  • PUT /connectors/{name}/resume - resume a paused connector (or do nothing if the connector is not paused)
  • POST /connectors/{name}/restart - restart a connector (typically because it has failed)
  • POST /connectors/{name}/tasks/{taskId}/restart - restart an individual task (typically because it has failed)
  • DELETE /connectors/{name} - delete a connector, halting all tasks and deleting its configuration

Kafka Connect also provides a REST API for getting information about connector plugins:

  • GET /connector-plugins- return a list of connector plugins installed in the Kafka Connect cluster. Note that the API only checks for connectors on the worker that handles the request, which means you may see inconsistent results, especially during a rolling upgrade if you add new connector jars
  • PUT /connector-plugins/{connector-type}/config/validate - validate the provided configuration values against the configuration definition. This API performs per config validation, returns suggested values and error messages during validation.

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