

vara:array[0..1,0..1000050] of longint;cf:array[-1..1000050] of int64;n,c,last,now,cnt,tot,i:longint;
function max(a,b:longint):longint;begin if (a>b) then exit(a) else exit(b); end;
function min(a,b:longint):longint;begin if (a<b) then exit(a) else exit(b); end;
procedure print(x:longint);beginwriteln(x);halt;end;
beginread(n,c);last:=0;now:=1;cnt:=1;read(a[now][0]);for i:=1 to a[now][0] doread(a[now][i]);while (cnt<n) dobeginlast:=last xor 1;now:=now xor 1;inc(cnt);read(a[now][0]);for i:=1 to a[now][0] doread(a[now][i]);for i:=1 to max(a[last][0],a[now][0]) doif (i>min(a[last][0],a[now][0]))thenbeginif (a[last][0]>a[now][0])then print(-1);endelsebeginif (a[last][i]=a[now][i]) then continue;inc(tot);if (a[last][i]<a[now][i])thenbegininc(cf[0]);dec(cf[c-a[now][i]+1]);inc(cf[c-a[last][i]+1]);dec(cf[c]);endelsebegininc(cf[c-a[last][i]+1]);dec(cf[c-a[now][i]+1]);end;break;end;end;for i:=0 to c do cf[i]:=cf[i-1]+cf[i];for i:=0 to c do if (cf[i]=tot) then print(i);print(-1);

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