


In recent years,the improvement of people’S living standard not only has driven the development of tourist resort industry,but also stimulated the development of distinctive hotel industry with merepresentatiVe of Bed&Breakfast(B&B).As the limitation of B&B scale,the practitioners have the different computer skills SO that B&B management has been dominated with the original manual bookkeeping.It is lack of electronic management,whichnot only isn’t conducive to the improvement of management efficiency,but also cannot preserve the valuable business data of B&B industry.Also.the B&B host is unable to guide the future business activities through the scientific and valid data statistics.In addition to these problems,the order captureof B&B largely relies on the large—scale online OTA platform,and the way in which the distribution canbe quickly implemented and trackingits effect are also needed to be paid much more attention.The system which was designed in this article gives an overall consideration of the special situation of B&B industry and combines withthe knowledge of software engineering.The beginning of this system attaches greater importance to theconnection between management system and online distribution platform.Finally,it

allows the B&B host to develop the corresponding hotel rates scheme with the aim of specific distribution platform.This is the most significant feature of the B&B management system.In the technical aspect of system realization,a low-cost or even free management

system is developed in order to reduce the development costs.Also,the LAMP(Linux

+Apache+Mysql+PHP、open source software combination in the respect of technology selection is adopted in order to enable B&B hostto quickly and easily master this system,which is presented with B/S structure.The rooms and typescan be easily managed by the B&B host through this system.Also,they candevelop their own price schemeson the different distributionplatforms according to t


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