


首先manufacturer_specific.xml 这个文件给出了目前支持的所有产品,该文件的样例如下所示:

<Manufacturer id="0040" name="2B Electronics">


<Manufacturer id="0098" name="2GIG Technologies">

<Product type="1e12" id="015c" name="CT30 Thermostat" config="2gig/ct30.xml"/>

<Product type="1e12" id="015e" name="CT30 Thermostat" config="2gig/ct30.xml"/>

<Product type="6401" id="0105" name="CT100 Thermostat" config="2gig/ct100.xml"/>

<Product type="6401" id="0107" name="CT100 Thermostat USA" config="2gig/ct100.xml"/>

<Product type="6501" id="000c" name="CT101 Thermostat (Iris)" config="2gig/ct101.xml"/>


<Manufacturer id="002a" name="3e Technologies">


<Manufacturer id="0022" name="A-1 Components">


<Manufacturer id="0001" name="ACT">

<Product type="4349" id="3130" name="ZCS101 Serial Interface"/>

<Product type="4952" id="3030" name="ZIR000 PIR Motion Sensor" config="act/zir010.xml"/>

<Product type="4952" id="3330" name="ZIR010 PIR Motion Sensor" config="act/zir010.xml"/>

<Product type="4952" id="3130" name="ZIR010 PIR Motion Sensor" config="act/zir010.xml"/>

<Product type="4450" id="3030" name="ZDP100 Plugin Lamp Module"/>

<Product type="4457" id="3033" name="ZDW103 Wall Dimmer Module" config="act/zdw103.xml"/>

<Product type="4457" id="3330" name="ZDW230 Wall Dimmer Module"/>

<Product type="4457" id="3332" name="ZDW232 Wall Dimmer Module" config="act/zdw232.xml"/>

<Product type="444d" id="3330" name="ZDM230 Wall Dimmer Module" config="act/zdm230.xml"/>

<Product type="5250" id="3030" name="ZRP100 Plugin Appliance Module"/>

<Product type="5250" id="3130" name="ZRP110 Exterior Appliance Module" config="act/zrp110.xml"/>

<Product type="5257" id="3330" name="ZRW230 Wall Appliance Module"/>

<Product type="5246" id="3133" name="LFM-20 Relay Fixture Module" config="act/lfm20.xml"/>

<Product type="5257" id="3033" name="ZRW103 Wall Switch Module" config="act/zrw103.xml"/>

<Product type="524d" id="3330" name="ZRM230 Wall Appliance Module"/>

<Product type="5457" id="3330" name="ZTW230 Wall Transmitter Module"/>

<Product type="544d" id="3330" name="ZTM230 Wall Transmitter Module"/>


<Manufacturerid="0098" name="2GIG Technologies">  给出了制造商的ID,以及制造商的名字;

<Producttype="1e12" id="015c" name="CT30 Thermostat"config="2gig/ct30.xml"/> 给出了产品的类型,产品ID,产品的名称,以及该产品相关参数对应的配置文件的名称和路径。在该配置文件中给出了这个产品可配置的一些参数描述。



Product Type ID: 0x1D03

Product ID: 0x0091


<!-- Configuration Parameters -->

<CommandClass id="112">

<Value type="byte" index="2" genre="config" label="2. Basic Set Level" min="0" max="255" value="255">


Set the BASIC command value to turn on the light.

255: always turn on the light.

For dimmer equipment 1 to 100 means the light strength. 0 means turn off the light.



<Value type="byte" index="3" genre="config" label="3. PIR Sensitivity" min="0" max="99" value="80">


PIR sensitivity settings.

0 means disable the PIR motion.

1 means the lowest sensitivity.

99 means the highest sensitivity.

High sensitivity means the sensor can detect over a long distance, but if there is more noise signal in the environment, it will re-trigger too frequently.




l  ManufacturerSpecific::SetProductDetails  -> ManufacturerSpecific::LoadProductXML 从配置文件manufacturer_specific.xml(该文件在openzwave库中启动后,只加载一次)中读出制造商的产品信息;

l  如果该产品在上一步中发现有给出相关参数的话,则进一步调用ManufacturerSpecific::LoadConfigXML 中打开配置文件;读取该产品的所有可配置参数。

l  CommandClass id="112" 对应的是COMMAND_CLASS_CONFIGURATION;也就是定义了厂商自定义的一些可配置参数列表,这部分参数没有在zwave标准中定义;这些具体可配置参数列表,可以在找到;例如对于OMMI的plug产品,OMMI厂家定义的可配置参数列表在如下链接中可以看到




对某一个value的描述通过<Value> </Value>来完成

l  “type”是value的类型,openzwave中定义的类型如下所示;对应到这里,推测可用的值应该是”bool”,”byte”,”decimal”,”int”,”list”,”schedule”,”short”,”string”,”button”,”raw”;

enum ValueType


ValueType_Bool= 0,                              /**<Boolean, true or false */

ValueType_Byte,                                                  /**<8-bit unsigned value */

ValueType_Decimal,                             /**< Representsa non-integer value as a string, to avoid floating point accuracy issues. */

ValueType_Int,                                                      /**<32-bit signed value */

ValueType_List,                                                     /**<List from which one item can be selected */

ValueType_Schedule,                                         /**<Complex type used with the Climate Control Schedule command class */

ValueType_Short,                                  /**<16-bit signed value */

ValueType_String,                                 /**< Textstring */

ValueType_Button,                                /**< Awrite-only value that is the equivalent of pressing a button to send a commandto a device */

ValueType_Raw,                                                   /**<A collection of bytes */

ValueType_Max= ValueType_Raw               /**< Thehighest-number type defined.  Not to beused as a type itself. */


l  “index”是参数的ID,用来唯一识别某个可配置参数;对应””中的”ParameterNumber”

l  “genre”对于可配置参数来说,应该固定为”config”; 应该对应于openzwave程序中的如下分类


* Value Genres

* Theclassification of a value to enable low level system or configurationparameters to be filtered by the application.

* \seeGetGenre


enum ValueGenre


ValueGenre_Basic= 0,            /**< The 'level' ascontrolled by basic commands.  Usuallyduplicated by another command class. */

ValueGenre_User,/**< Basic values an ordinary user would be interested in. */

ValueGenre_Config,/**< Device-specific configuration parameters.  These cannot be automatically discovered viaZ-Wave, and are usually described in the user manual instead. */

ValueGenre_System,              /**< Values of significanceonly to users who understand the Z-Wave protocol */

ValueGenre_Count     /**< A count of the number of genresdefined.  Not to be used as a genreitself. */


l  “label” 是对这个可配置参数的简要文字描述;

l  “min” 给出该可配置参数的最小值

l  “max” 给出该可配置参数的最大值

l  “value” 给出该可配置参数的默认值,从openzwave的程序逻辑看,该参数可以不用指定;

l  “size” 给出该可配置参数需要占用多少byte;例如size=1,表示该参数大小是一个byte;由于”byte”,”int”,”short”这些类型已经显而易见地给出了参数大小,所以通常他们不需要显式地给出size;

l  “Help” 给出一些帮助信息;

对于list类型的参数,还需要通过”Item”来描述每一个list项;例如:<Item label="Always off" value="2" />

对于<Item />中使用的项目描述如下

l  “label” 是对item的简要文字描述;

l  “value” 是某一个item对应的值;


<Value type="list" index="20" genre="config" label="output load status" min="0" max="2" value="0" size="1">

<Help>Configure the output load status after re-power on</Help>

<Item label="The last status before the power outage" value="0" />

<Item label="Always on" value="1" />

<Item label="Always off" value="2" />


<Value type="short" index="243" genre="config" label="Pin code" min="0" max="65535" value="65535">

<Help>Pin code, the available range of the Pin code is 0 to 65535.</Help>


<Value type="list" index="252" genre="config" label="Enable/disable Configuration Locked" min="0" max="1" value="0" size="1">

<Help>Enable/disable Configuration Locked.</Help>

<Item label="Disable" value="0" />

<Item label="Enable" value="1" />


<Value type="int" index="255" genre="config" label="Reset the Plug" min="1" max="1431655765">


Reset the Plug.

1: Reset all configuration parameters to default

1431655765(0x5555 5555): Reset the Plug to factory default



<Value type="int" index="82" genre="config" label="notification in group 3">


Set the time of LED state when it is in Night light mode.

Value 1 (msb) time of ON state (hour)

Value 2 time of ON state (minute)

Value 3 time of OFF state (hour)

Value 4 (lsb) time of OFF state (minute)

0 to 59 time of OFF state (minute) 256 to 279 time of OFF state (hour)

65536 to 65595 time of ON state (minute) 16777216 to 16777239 time of ON state (hour)




在该配置文件中,通过<CommandClass id="32" setasreport="true"/>这样的形式来定义COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC命令的一些配置参数;

l  “setasreport”: Received Basic set , treating it as a Basic report ornot. 如果是true的话,就把收到的basic set指令当成basic report处理;

l  “mapping”: COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC命令映射到那个类;

l  “ignoremapping”:是否不考虑COMMAND_CLASS_BASIC命令映射;

三)Z-Wave Association Capabilities的一些参数

在该配置文件中,通过<CommandClass id="133"> </CommandClass> 来定义COMMAND_CLASS_ASSOCIATION的一些可配置参数;



<!-- Association Groups -->

<CommandClass id="133">

<Associations num_groups="2">

<Group index="1" max_associations="5" label="Z-Wave Plus Lifeline. The Hial CC and Basic Report CC (configured by parameter 80) can be sent to the associatd nodes in this group" />

<Group index="2" max_associations="5" label="Forward the Basic Set, Switch Binary Set to associated nodes in Group 2 when the Plug receives the Basic Set, Switch Binary Set commands from the main controller" />



l  max_associations="5" :最大可以association 5个节点;


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