
一、Test.Model.Person.hbm.xml(2,2): XML validation error: 未能找到元素“urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.0:hibernate-mapping”的架构信息。


二、 The following types may not be used as proxies:
        Test.Model.Person: method set_Id should be virtual
        Test.Model.Person: method get_Name should be virtual
        Test.Model.Person: method set_Name should be virtual
        Test.Model.Person: method get_Id should be virtual

       1.   You can follow the advice of the exception and add "virtual" to all of your properties, and make sure your class is non-sealed. Obviously you'll want to do this if you think you might want to take advantage of the lazy-initializing proxy feature.   However, changing your classes may not be practical or advisable if you have a legacy codebase, or it may just bother you that a "transparent" persistence framework is dictating how you design certain aspects of your value classes.   That's where Options 2 and 3 come in.   Both of those involve changing back to the old behavior.

2.  To change the lazy-initialization proxy setting for a specific class, you can add a "lazy='false'" attribute to the <class> mapping element.   This might look something like:
    name="NorthwindClasses.Category, NorthwindClasses"
3.  To change the lazy-initialization proxy setting for all classes in a given mapping file, you can add a "default-lazy='false'" attribute to the <hibernate-mapping> element, as follows:
<hibernate-mapping xmlns="urn:nhibernate-mapping-2.0" default-lazy="false">
Unfortunately, Option 3 doesn't really help you much if you do one <class> mapping per <hibernate-mapping> file, a practice which I personally follow and recommend.   It's too bad, but there doesn't seem to be any way to set this default in the <nhibernate> global configuration.   But if you do happen to have all of your <class>'s in one .hbm.xml file, "default-lazy" can help you out.


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