

inner 指在事物内部接近部位中心的,也可指内心隐密的活动。

1)Cochlea is spiral-shaped part of the inner ear.   耳蜗是内耳里螺旋状的部分。
2)Few people ever managed to penetrate the director’s inner sanctum.很少有人进过经理的私人密室。
3)The inner surface of this kind of workpiece casting is often protected against against corrosion
with a special coat.这种铸件的内表面通常使用一种特殊涂层保护以抵抗腐蚀。
4)Everybody acts not only under external compulsion but also in accordance with inner necessity. 每个人的行动都不仅处于外部的推动,也同样依据内在的需要。
5)All these manifestations are the signs of an inner turbulence of emotion.所有这些表现是内心情绪紊乱的的迹象。
6)Her artificial gaiety disguised an inner sadness.她以矫揉造作的快乐掩饰著内心的悲痛。
7)The secret was locked in the inner depths of his mind. 这秘密埋藏在他的内心深处。
8)When he heard these words, Shinran felt his inner doubts melt away. 听到这番话,欣兰感到他内心的疑虑顿时消散了。

internal 指事物的“内部的”,也可指“国内的”、“内政的”,或指“身内的(多用医学)”(existing or happening inside a person, object, organization, place or courntry)。

   1)This force takes two forms, one internal and one external.这种力有两种形式:一种是对内的,一种是对外的。2)The bank conducted its own internal investigation into the robbery.银行对该起抢劫案进行了内部调查。3)The fundamental cause of the development of a thing lies in its  internal contradictoriness.事物发展的根本原因在于其内部矛盾。4)He said he could not put up with such internal sabotage any longer.他说,他再也不能忍受这种从内部来的阴谋活动了。5)Don't meddle in the internal affairs of other countries.不要干涉别国内政。6)The examination reveals that the bleeding is coming from the internal injury.检查显示出血来自内部损伤。7)In normal persons, pain serves to protect the body from exogenous injury and internal diseases.对正常人而言,疼痛是用来保护人体免受外源性损伤及内部疾患的。

interior 指某物的内部,相对外部而言;也可指“内地的”或“国内的”。

   1)The interior life was a source of identity and of power.内在的生命力是个性和力量的源泉。2)The interior decoration of the house is a compromise between Chinese and foreign styles.这所房子的内部装饰是中西两式的折衷物。3)This is a critical component of rebalancing China’s future growth from coastal to interior regions.这是中国从沿海至内地重新调整未来经济增长的一个关键部分。4)We will strive to fulfil the interior needs and meanwhile explore the exterior market.我们将努力满足内部需求,同时探索外部市场。●  interior 多用作名词       1)Xi'an is a city in the interior of China.西安是一个内陆城市。2)The interior of the house corresponded with the exterior.房间内部的陈设跟室外很协调。3)The car's interior is very impressive - wonderful leather seats and a wooden dashboard.这款汽车的内部看上去很气派 —— 优质的皮座椅及木质的仪表板。4)There is great spatial difference in the aspect of vocational education between Tibet and the interior.西藏职业教育相对内地发达地区存在很大差距。

inward 指朝着中心或内部方向的(on or towards the inside),也可指内心的隐密活动(inside your mind and not expressed to other people)。

   1)A positive movement from the sensor will cause an inward movement of the diaphragm.来自传感器的正向运动将导致膜片向内运动。2)To compete successfully in global markets we must seek to create a favourable environment to attract inward investment.为了在全球市场的竞争中获得成功,我们必须努力创造良好的环境吸引对内投资。3)His face, as he turned it round, betrayed the inward shock.她把脸转过来的时候,暴露出了他内心的震惊。4)The story caters to everyone's inward yearning for success.这个故事迎合了每个人内心深处对成功的渴望,5)You will a little frustrated if nobody asks to listen to your inward thoughts.要是再没有人愿听你说心事,你会有点失落。6)He comes to the increasing realization that he has not kept inward pace with his outward actions.他越来越意识到自己内心已跟不上行动的步伐。

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