









  • 将kitti数据集中 雷达点云图像投影到camera图像平面,
  • 并生成 深度图的灰度图(灰度值=深度x256 保存成int16位图像(kitti中 depth benchmark的做法))


  • P_rect_02: camera02相机内参
  • R_rect_00: 3x3 纠正旋转矩阵(使图像平面共面)(kitti特有的)

  • Tr_velo_to_cam: 激光雷达到camera00的变换矩阵


  • 投影图
  • 深度图的灰度图




  • RT_velo_to_cam * x :是将Velodyne坐标中的点x投影到编号为0的相机(参考相机)坐标系中
  • R_rect00 *RT_velo_to_cam * x :是将Velodyne坐标中的点x投影到编号为0的相机(参考相机)坐标系中, 再以参考相机0为基础进行图像共面对齐修正(这是使用KITTI数据集的进行3D投影的必要操作)
  • P_rect_00 * R_rect00 *RT_velo_to_cam * x :是将Velodyne坐标中的点x投影到编号为0的相机(参考相机)坐标系中, 再进行图像共面对齐修正, 然后投影到相机0的像素坐标系中. 如果将P_rect_00改成P_rect_2, 也就是从参考相机0投影到相机2的像素坐标系中(其他相机相对与相机0有偏移b(i)).
  • 原始论文: Vision meets Robotics: The KITTI Dataset


# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-#  数据来源: calib_cam_to_cam.txt
#  下载链接: http://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/raw_data.php?type=road  >  2011_10_03_drive_0047  >  [calibration]
# R_rect_00: 9.999454e-01 7.259129e-03 -7.519551e-03 -7.292213e-03 9.999638e-01 -4.381729e-03 7.487471e-03 4.436324e-03 9.999621e-01
## P_rect_00: 7.188560e+02 0.000000e+00 6.071928e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 7.188560e+02 1.852157e+02 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00
# ...
## R_rect_02: 9.999191e-01 1.228161e-02 -3.316013e-03 -1.228209e-02 9.999246e-01 -1.245511e-04 3.314233e-03 1.652686e-04 9.999945e-01
# P_rect_02: 7.188560e+02 0.000000e+00 6.071928e+02 4.538225e+01 0.000000e+00 7.188560e+02 1.852157e+02 -1.130887e-01 0.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 1.000000e+00 3.779761e-03#  数据来源: calib_velo_to_cam.txt
#  下载链接: http://www.cvlibs.net/datasets/kitti/raw_data.php?type=road  >  2011_10_03_drive_0047  >  [calibration]
#   calib_time: 15-Mar-2012 11:45:23
#   R: 7.967514e-03 -9.999679e-01 -8.462264e-04 -2.771053e-03 8.241710e-04 -9.999958e-01 9.999644e-01 7.969825e-03 -2.764397e-03
#   T: -1.377769e-02 -5.542117e-02 -2.918589e-01# # png bin来源
# data_odometry_color/dataset/sequences/00/image_2
# data_odometry_velodyne/dataset/sequences/00/velodyneimport sys
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import matplotlib.image as mpimg
import numpy as np
import utils
from PIL import Image
import math#-----------------------------------相机02内参矩阵-----------------------------------
P_rect_02 = np.array( [ 7.188560000000e+02, 0.000000000000e+00, 6.071928000000e+02, 4.538225000000e+01, 0.000000000000e+00,7.188560000000e+02, 1.852157000000e+02, -1.130887000000e-01,0.000000000000e+00, 0.000000000000e+00, 1.000000000000e+00, 3.779761000000e-03]).reshape((3,4))R_rect_00 = np.array( [ 9.999454e-01, 7.259129e-03, -7.519551e-03,-7.292213e-03, 9.999638e-01, -4.381729e-03, 7.487471e-03, 4.436324e-03, 9.999621e-01]).reshape((3,3))# R_rect_02 = np.array( [ 9.999191e-01, 1.228161e-02 -3,.316013e-03,
#                         -1.228209e-02, 9.999246e-01, -1.245511e-04,
#                         3.314233e-03, 1.652686e-04, 9.999945e-01]).reshape((3,3))#velo激光雷达 到 相机00(此处已知条件重点注意) 的变换矩阵
Tr_velo_to_cam = np.array( [    7.967514e-03, -9.999679e-01, -8.462264e-04, -1.377769e-02,-2.771053e-03, 8.241710e-04, -9.999958e-01, -5.542117e-02,9.999644e-01, 7.969825e-03, -2.764397e-03, -2.918589e-01]).reshape((3,4))    #-----------------------------------数据文件位置---------------------------------------
velo_files = "./data/00_velodyne/000005.bin"
rgbimg = "./data/00_image_02/000005.png"
resultImg = "./data/result_merge.png"data = {}
data['P_rect_20'] = P_rect_02
# Compute the velodyne to rectified camera coordinate transforms
data['T_cam0_velo'] = Tr_velo_to_cam
data['T_cam0_velo'] = np.vstack([data['T_cam0_velo'], [0, 0, 0, 1]])# pattern1:
R_rect_00 = np.insert(R_rect_00,3,values=[0,0,0],axis=0)
R_rect_00 = np.insert(R_rect_00,3,values=[0,0,0,1],axis=1)
data['T_cam2_velo'] = R_rect_00.dot(data['T_cam0_velo']) #雷达 到 相机02的变换矩阵
print(data['T_cam2_velo'])pointCloud = utils.load_velo_scan(velo_files)   #读取lidar原始数据
points = pointCloud[:, 0:3]                                           # 获取 lidar xyz (front, left, up)
points_homo = np.insert(points,3,1,axis=1).T    # 齐次化,并转置(一列表示一个点(x,y,z,1), 多少列就有多少个点)
points_homo = np.delete(points_homo,np.where(points_homo[0,:]<0),axis=1) #以列为基准, 删除深度x=0的点proj_lidar = data['P_rect_20'].dot( data['T_cam2_velo'] ).dot(points_homo)  #相机坐标系3D点=相机02内参*激光雷达到相机02的变换矩阵*激光雷达3D点
cam = np.delete(proj_lidar,np.where(proj_lidar[2,:]<0),axis=1)  #以列为基准, 删除投影图像点中深度z<0(在投影图像后方)的点 #3xN
cam[:2,:] /= cam[2,:]   # 等价写法 cam[:2] /= cam[2] # 前两行元素分布除以第三行元素(归一化到相机坐标系z=1平面)(x=x/z, y =y/z)# -----------------------------------将激光投影点绘制到图像平面:绘制原图------------------------------------
png = mpimg.imread(rgbimg)
IMG_H,IMG_W,_ = png.shape
plt.figure(figsize=((IMG_W)/72.0,(IMG_H)/72.0),dpi=72.0, tight_layout=True)
# restrict canvas in range
# plt.axis('off')
plt.imshow(png) #在画布上画出原图# filter point out of canvas
u,v,z = cam
u_out = np.logical_or(u<0, u>IMG_W)
v_out = np.logical_or(v<0, v>IMG_H)
outlier = np.logical_or(u_out, v_out)
cam = np.delete(cam,np.where(outlier),axis=1)
# generate color map from depth
u,v,z = cam# 将激光投影点绘制到图像平面:绘制激光深度散点图
plt.show()  #在画布上画出散点雷达深度投影#-----------------------------------单独保存深度图像成灰度图像---------------------------------------------------
image_array = np.zeros((IMG_H, IMG_W), dtype=np.int16)
for i in range(cam.shape[1]):x = int(round(u[i]))y = int(round(v[i]))# x = math.ceil(u[i]) #向上取整# y = math.ceil(v[i])depth =  int(z[i]*256)if 0<x<image_array.shape[1] and 0<y<image_array.shape[0]:image_array[y,x] = depthimage_pil = Image.fromarray(image_array, 'I;16')




#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
#include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h>
#include <pcl/point_types.h>
#include <pcl/common/transforms.h>
#include <pcl/visualization/pcl_visualizer.h>typedef pcl::PointXYZRGBA PointT;
typedef pcl::PointCloud<PointT> PointCloud;
using namespace std;PointCloud::Ptr TransformBinFile2Points(const std::string &binFile, const cv::Mat &imRGB,const cv::Mat &Tcl, cv::Mat &imDepth);PointCloud::Ptr TransformBinFile2PointsKITTI(const std::string &binFile, const cv::Mat &imRGB, cv::Mat &imDepth);
void Transform3DPointFromLidarToImage02KITTI(const cv::Mat &x3Dl, cv::Mat &x3Dc, cv::Point2i &point2D, float &d);// backup funcitons
void Transform3DPointFromLidarToCamera(const cv::Mat &x3Dl, const cv::Mat &Tcl, cv::Mat &x3Dc);
void Transform3DPointInCameraTo2DImage(const cv::Mat &x3Dc, const cv::Mat &mK, cv::Point2i &point2D);template<typename T>
void PrintCvMat(cv::Mat mat);int main()
{// 1. read bin/pcd file and RGB file// 2. TransformBinFile2Points based on RGB image/ Tlc, TransformBinFile2ImDepth, GetPointsAndRGBCorrespondence// 2'. FOR LINGYUN: TransformPCDFile2Pointsstd::string binFile = "/home/james/mytools/LidarPointReconstructionOneFrame/data/000005-lidar.bin";std::string rgbFile = "/home/james/mytools/LidarPointReconstructionOneFrame/data/000005-rgb.png";// teststd::string pcdOutFile = "/home/james/mytools/LidarPointReconstructionOneFrame/data/000005-lidar.pcd";cv::Mat imRGB = cv::imread(rgbFile, cv::IMREAD_UNCHANGED);cv::Mat imDepth = cv::Mat::zeros(imRGB.rows, imRGB.cols, CV_32FC1);cv::Mat Tcl = (cv::Mat_<float>(4, 4)<< 1, 0, 0, 0,0, 1, 0, 0,0, 0, 1, 0,0, 0, 0, 1);PointCloud::Ptr curentCloud;//curentCloud = TransformBinFile2Points(binFile, imRGB, Tcl, imDepth);curentCloud = TransformBinFile2PointsKITTI(binFile, imRGB,imDepth);// test: write to tiff file for imDepthcv::imwrite("/home/james/mytools/LidarPointReconstructionOneFrame/data/test_imDepth.tiff",imDepth);// test: write to pcd file for curentCloud.pcl::io::savePCDFile(pcdOutFile, *curentCloud);std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;return 0;
}// generate depth image and 3D points with RGB color in Camera Coordinate System
// input: binFile of points from LIDAR, RGB image, Tcl(the transformation matrix from LIDAR to Camera)
// output: imDepth and 3D Points with RGB color in the Camera Coordinate System
PointCloud::Ptr TransformBinFile2PointsKITTI(const std::string &binFile, const cv::Mat &imRGB, cv::Mat &imDepth)
{PointCloud::Ptr tmpCloud(new PointCloud);// load point cloudfstream input(binFile.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary);if (!input.good()){cerr << "Could not read file: " << binFile << endl;exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}input.seekg(0, ios::beg);//read bin file one point by one pointint i;cv::Point2i point2D(0, 0);float d = 0.0;for (i = 0; input.good() && !input.eof(); i++){pcl::PointXYZI p; // the 3D point in the LIDAR coordinate system without color informationinput.read((char *) &p.x, 3 * sizeof(float));// read the value of x,y,zinput.read((char *) &p.intensity, sizeof(float)); // For KITTI datasetsif (p.x < 1E-6 && p.y < 1E-6 && p.z < 1E-6)continue;// transform point3D in Lidar coordinate system to the cameracv::Mat x3Dl = (cv::Mat_<float>(3, 1) << p.x, p.y, p.z);// pniot 3D in camera02 in KITTI datasetcv::Mat x3Dc = cv::Mat::zeros(3, 1, CV_32F);Transform3DPointFromLidarToImage02KITTI(x3Dl, x3Dc, point2D, d);//PrintCvMat<float>(x3Dc);// d almost equal x3Dc.ptr<float>(2)[0]if (x3Dc.ptr<float>(2)[0] < 0 || d < 0)continue;const int &x = point2D.x;const int &y = point2D.y;//std::cout << "point2D: " << point2D.x << ", " << point2D.y << std::endl;if (x > 0 && x < imRGB.cols &&y > 0 && y < imRGB.rows){// generate depth image in current camera coordinate systemimDepth.ptr<float>(y)[x] = d; //TOTEST: or x3Dc.ptr<float>(2)[0];// put point3D in camera to tmpCloud with RGB color informationPointT p3Dc;// the 3D point in the camera coordinate system with color informationp3Dc.x = x3Dc.ptr<float>(0)[0];p3Dc.y = x3Dc.ptr<float>(1)[0];p3Dc.z = x3Dc.ptr<float>(2)[0];p3Dc.b = imRGB.ptr<uchar>(y)[x * 3];p3Dc.g = imRGB.ptr<uchar>(y)[x * 3 + 1];p3Dc.r = imRGB.ptr<uchar>(y)[x * 3 + 2];tmpCloud->push_back(p3Dc);}}input.close();return tmpCloud;
}// input: x3Dl
// output: x3Dc and point2D
void Transform3DPointFromLidarToImage02KITTI(const cv::Mat &x3Dl, cv::Mat &x3Dc, cv::Point2i &point2D, float &d)
{// Vision meets Robotics: The KITTI Datase:// y = P_rect_02 * R_rect_00 * T_velo_to_cam00 * xcv::Mat P_rect_02 = (cv::Mat_<float>(3, 4)<< 7.188560000000e+02, 0.000000000000e+00, 6.071928000000e+02, 4.538225000000e+01,0.000000000000e+00, 7.188560000000e+02, 1.852157000000e+02, -1.130887000000e-01,0.000000000000e+00, 0.000000000000e+00, 1.000000000000e+00, 3.779761000000e-03 );//    cv::Mat P_rect_02_ = (cv::Mat_<float>(3, 4)
//            << 7.188560000000e+02, 0.000000000000e+00, 6.071928000000e+02, 0,
//            0.000000000000e+00, 7.188560000000e+02, 1.852157000000e+02, 0,
//            0.000000000000e+00, 0.000000000000e+00, 1.000000000000e+00, 0 );cv::Mat R_rect_00 = (cv::Mat_<float>(4, 4)<< 9.999454e-01, 7.259129e-03, -7.519551e-03,   0,-7.292213e-03, 9.999638e-01, -4.381729e-03,  0,7.487471e-03, 4.436324e-03, 9.999621e-01,    0,0,               0,          0,              1);cv::Mat T_velo_to_cam00 = (cv::Mat_<float>(4, 4)<< 7.967514e-03, -9.999679e-01, -8.462264e-04, -1.377769e-02,-2.771053e-03, 8.241710e-04, -9.999958e-01, -5.542117e-02,9.999644e-01, 7.969825e-03, -2.764397e-03, -2.918589e-01,0,               0,          0,              1);// T_cam00_to_cam02 = (R_02, t_02)cv::Mat T_cam00_to_cam02 = (cv::Mat_<float>(4, 4)<<  9.999788e-01, -5.008404e-03, -4.151018e-03,  5.954406e-02,4.990516e-03, 9.999783e-01, -4.308488e-03,  -7.675338e-04,4.172506e-03, 4.287682e-03, 9.999821e-01,   3.582565e-03,0,               0,          0,              1);cv::Mat x3Dl_h = (cv::Mat_<float>(4, 1)<< x3Dl.ptr<float>(0)[0],x3Dl.ptr<float>(1)[0],x3Dl.ptr<float>(2)[0],1                      );cv::Mat x3Dc_cam00 = T_velo_to_cam00 * x3Dl_h;cv::Mat rectified_x3Dc = P_rect_02 * R_rect_00 * x3Dc_cam00;//PrintCvMat<float>(rectified_x3Dc);// output the point 2D and depth in image02d = rectified_x3Dc.ptr<float>(2)[0];point2D.x = rectified_x3Dc.ptr<float>(0)[0]/d;point2D.y = rectified_x3Dc.ptr<float>(1)[0]/d;//std::cout << "point2D_rectified_x3Dc: " <<  point2D.x << ", " <<  point2D.y << ", d = "<< d << std::endl;cv::Mat theory_x3Dc = T_cam00_to_cam02 * x3Dc_cam00;//PrintCvMat<float>(theory_x3Dc);// output the point 3D in camera02x3Dc = (cv::Mat_<float>(3, 1)<<   theory_x3Dc.ptr<float>(0)[0],theory_x3Dc.ptr<float>(1)[0],theory_x3Dc.ptr<float>(2)[0]);//TEST   // 跟 rectified_x3Dc.ptr<float>(2)[0]; 误差在3cm以内,后续可以对比效果做选择 d=? TODO//std::cout << "theory_x3Dc d = " <<  theory_x3Dc.ptr<float>(2)[0] << std::endl;
}// generate depth image and 3D points with RGB color in Camera Coordinate System
// input: binFile of points from LIDAR, RGB image, Tcl(the transformation matrix from LIDAR to Camera)
// output: imDepth and 3D Points with RGB color in the Camera Coordinate System
PointCloud::Ptr TransformBinFile2Points(const std::string &binFile, const cv::Mat &imRGB, const cv::Mat &Tcl, cv::Mat &imDepth)
{//1. read bin file one point by one point => point3DInLidar//2. transform point3DInLidar to camera coordinate system  => point3DInCamera//3. transform point3DInCamera to Image coordinate system => point2DInImage//4. if point2DInImage in the plane of rgb image, put point2DInImage to imDepth//5. if point2DInImage in the plane of rgb image, put point3DInCamera to tmpCloud with RGB color informationPointCloud::Ptr tmpCloud(new PointCloud);// load point cloudfstream input(binFile.c_str(), ios::in | ios::binary);if (!input.good()){cerr << "Could not read file: " << binFile << endl;exit(EXIT_FAILURE);}input.seekg(0, ios::beg);cv::Mat K = (cv::Mat_<float>(3, 3)<< 1, 0, 0,0, 1, 0,0, 0, 1);//read bin file one point by one pointint i;cv::Point2i point2D(0, 0);for (i = 0; input.good() && !input.eof(); i++){pcl::PointXYZI p; // the 3D point in the LIDAR coordinate system without color informationinput.read((char *) &p.x, 3 * sizeof(float));// read the value of x,y,zinput.read((char *) &p.intensity, sizeof(float)); // For KITTI datasetsif (p.x < 1E-6 && p.y < 1E-6 && p.z < 1E-6)continue;// transform point3D in Lidar coordinate system to the cameracv::Mat x3Dl = (cv::Mat_<float>(3, 1) << p.x, p.y, p.z);cv::Mat x3Dc = cv::Mat::zeros(3, 1, CV_32F);PrintCvMat<float>(x3Dl);Transform3DPointFromLidarToCamera(x3Dl, Tcl, x3Dc);PrintCvMat<float>(x3Dc);if (x3Dc.ptr<float>(2)[0] < 0)continue;// transform point3D in camera to point2D in pixel coordinate systempoint2D.x = 0;point2D.y = 0;Transform3DPointInCameraTo2DImage(x3Dc, K, point2D);const int &x = point2D.x;const int &y = point2D.y;std::cout << "point2D: " << point2D.x << ", " << point2D.y << std::endl;if (x > 0 && x < imRGB.cols &&y > 0 && y < imRGB.rows){// generate depth image in current camera coordinate systemimDepth.ptr<float>(y)[x] = x3Dc.ptr<float>(2)[0];// put point3D in camera to tmpCloud with RGB color informationPointT p3Dc;// the 3D point in the camera coordinate system with color informationp3Dc.z = x3Dc.ptr<float>(2)[0];p3Dc.x = x3Dc.ptr<float>(0)[0];p3Dc.y = x3Dc.ptr<float>(1)[0];p3Dc.b = imRGB.ptr<uchar>(y)[x * 3];p3Dc.g = imRGB.ptr<uchar>(y)[x * 3 + 1];p3Dc.r = imRGB.ptr<uchar>(y)[x * 3 + 2];tmpCloud->push_back(p3Dc);}}// testcv::imwrite("/home/james/mytools/LidarPointReconstructionOneFrame/data/test_imDepth.tiff",imDepth);input.close();return tmpCloud;
}// transform the 3D points form LIDAR coordinate system to camera coordinate system
// input:  x3Dl and Tcl
// output: x3Dc
void Transform3DPointFromLidarToCamera(const cv::Mat &x3Dl, const cv::Mat &Tcl, cv::Mat &x3Dc)
{cv::Mat Rcl = Tcl.rowRange(0, 3).colRange(0, 3);cv::Mat tcl = Tcl.rowRange(0, 3).col(3);x3Dc = Rcl * x3Dl + tcl;}// transform the 3D points in camera coordinate system to pixel coordinate system
// input: x3Dc and K
// output: point2D
void Transform3DPointInCameraTo2DImage(const cv::Mat &x3Dc, const cv::Mat &mK, cv::Point2i &point2D)
{const float &fx = mK.at<float>(0, 0);const float &fy = mK.at<float>(1, 1);const float &cx = mK.at<float>(0, 2);const float &cy = mK.at<float>(1, 2);point2D.x = (int) (fx * x3Dc.at<float>(0, 0) / x3Dc.at<float>(2, 0) + cx); // fx * X / Z + cxpoint2D.y = (int) (fy * x3Dc.at<float>(1, 0) / x3Dc.at<float>(2, 0) + cy); // fx * Y / Z + cy}template<typename T>
void PrintCvMat(cv::Mat mat)
{T value;cout << "\n-------------------------------" << endl;for (int j = 0; j < mat.rows; j++){for (int i = 0; i < mat.cols; i++){value = mat.ptr<T>(j)[i];cout << value << "\t\t";}cout << endl;}cout << "\n-------------------------------" << endl;


cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.17)
SET(CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE "Debug")set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11)find_package(OpenCV 3)
if(NOT OpenCV_FOUND)find_package(OpenCV 2.4.3 QUIET)if(NOT OpenCV_FOUND)message(FATAL_ERROR "OpenCV > 2.4.3 not found.")endif()
endif()find_package(Eigen3 3.1.0 REQUIRED)find_package( PCL REQUIRED COMPONENT common io visualization filters)
set(PCL_INCLUDE_DIRS /usr/include/pcl-1.8)
link_directories(${PCL_LIBRARY_DIRS})add_definitions( ${PCL_DEFINITIONS} )include_directories(${EIGEN3_INCLUDE_DIR}${PCL_INCLUDE_DIRS}
)add_executable(LidarPointReconstructionOneFrame main.cpp)target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME}${OpenCV_LIBS}${EIGEN3_LIBS}${PCL_LIBRARIES})





  • 自动驾驶视觉融合-相机校准与激光点云投影

  • KITTI激光雷达点云解析与图像反投影

  • https://github.com/azureology/kitti-velo2cam
  • python3.6 > sit-packages>pykitti>odometry.py


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  4. 如何将一个向量投影到一个平面上_自动驾驶视觉融合相机校准与激光点云投影...

    点云PCL免费知识星球,点云论文速读. 标题:自动驾驶视觉融合-相机校准与激光点云投影 作者:williamhyin 来源:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/136263753 ...

  5. 多相机坐标转换_自动驾驶视觉融合 | 相机校准与激光点云投影

    点击上方"AI算法修炼营",选择"星标"公众号 精选作品,第一时间送达 作者:william链接:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/13 ...

  6. 自动驾驶视觉融合-相机校准与激光点云投影

    点击上方"3D视觉工坊",选择"星标" 干货第一时间送达 作者:william 链接:https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/13626375 ...

  7. 视觉融合-相机校准与激光点云投影

    Github: 添加链接描述 像平面坐标系到像素坐标系的转换 3D空间中的点在图像平面上的投影与我们在实际的数字图像中看到的并不直接对应, 实际的数字图像由数千个图片像素组成. 因此我们需要实现从图像 ...

  8. matlab 点云特征_基于点云的3D障碍物检测

    击上方"新机器视觉",选择加"星标"或"置顶" 重磅干货,第一时间送达 基于点云的3D障碍物检测 主要有以下步骤: 点云数据的处理 基于点云 ...

  9. 多传感器融合——激光雷达点云投影到图像(kitti数据集)

    从csdn上下载了激光雷达点云投影到图像的matlab程序,连接见下方. KITTI雷达点云与图像数据融合matlab源码_点云与rgb图像融合-机器学习代码类资源-CSDN下载KITTI数据集中雷达 ...

  10. 激光雷达与相机融合(五)-------ros实时版点云投影到图像平面

    基于第一部分在单帧中将点云投影到图像的基础上,现将上述代码改写为ros实时处理的版本.以后还可以在此基础上进行一步一步的扩展.将原先的离线代码改写为ros在线版本,需要将原本的代码写成package的 ...


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