
To change Harbor's configuration, first stop existing Harbor instance, update harbor.cfg, and then run install.sh again:
$ sudo docker-compose down
$ vim harbor.cfg
$ sudo install.sh


[docker@c7ks1 harbor]$ docker-compose ps
      Name                     Command               State                    Ports                  
harbor-db           docker-entrypoint.sh mysqld      Up      3306/tcp                                
harbor-jobservice   /harbor/harbor_jobservice        Up                                              
harbor-log          /bin/sh -c crond && rm -f  ...   Up>514/tcp                   
harbor-ui           /harbor/harbor_ui                Up                                              
nginx               nginx -g daemon off;             Up>443/tcp,>80/tcp
registry            /entrypoint.sh serve /etc/ ...   Up      5000/tcp                                
[docker@c7ks1 harbor]$ docker-compose down
Stopping nginx ... done
Stopping harbor-jobservice ... done
Stopping harbor-db ... done
Stopping registry ... done
Stopping harbor-ui ... done
Stopping harbor-log ... done
Removing nginx ... done
Removing harbor-jobservice ... done
Removing harbor-db ... done
Removing registry ... done
Removing harbor-ui ... done
Removing harbor-log ... done
Removing network harbor_default

[root@c7ks1 ~]# (umask 077;openssl genrsa -out /etc/pki/CA/private/cakey.pem 4096)
Generating RSA private key, 4096 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)
  req: 生成证书签署请求
    -news: 生成新请求
    -key /path/to/keyfile: 指定私钥文件
    -out /path/to/somefile:   【自签时】证书存放位置
    -x509: 生成自签署证书
    -days n: 有效天数
[root@c7ks1 ~]# openssl req -new -x509 -key /etc/pki/CA/private/cakey.pem -out /etc/pki/CA/cacert.pem -days 365
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:CN
State or Province Name (full name) []:zhejiangsheng
Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:hangzhuo
Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:c7ks1
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:tech
Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:c7ks1
Email Address []:deliwucn@qq.com
[root@c7ks1 ~]# touch /etc/pki/CA/{index.txt,serial}
[root@c7ks1 ~]# echo 01 > /etc/pki/CA/serial
[root@c7ks1 ~]# mkdir /data/source/harbor/ssl
[root@c7ks1 ~]# (umask 077;openssl genrsa -out /data/source/harbor/ssl/harbor.key 4096)
Generating RSA private key, 4096 bit long modulus
e is 65537 (0x10001)
[root@c7ks1 ~]# openssl req -new -key /data/source/harbor/ssl/harbor.key -out /data/source/harbor/ssl/harbor.csr
You are about to be asked to enter information that will be incorporated
into your certificate request.
What you are about to enter is what is called a Distinguished Name or a DN.
There are quite a few fields but you can leave some blank
For some fields there will be a default value,
If you enter '.', the field will be left blank.
Country Name (2 letter code) [XX]:CN
State or Province Name (full name) []:zhejiangsheng
Locality Name (eg, city) [Default City]:hangzhuo
Organization Name (eg, company) [Default Company Ltd]:c7ks1
Organizational Unit Name (eg, section) []:tech
Common Name (eg, your name or your server's hostname) []:c7ks1
Email Address []:deliwu@qq.com

Please enter the following 'extra' attributes
to be sent with your certificate request
A challenge password []:
An optional company name []:
[root@c7ks1 ~]# openssl ca -in /data/source/harbor/ssl/harbor.csr -out /data/source/harbor/ssl/harbor.crt -days 265
Using configuration from /etc/pki/tls/openssl.cnf
Check that the request matches the signature
Signature ok
Certificate Details:
        Serial Number: 1 (0x1)
            Not Before: Jul 10 14:45:30 2017 GMT
            Not After : Apr  1 14:45:30 2018 GMT
            countryName               = CN
            stateOrProvinceName       = zhejiangsheng
            organizationName          = c7ks1
            organizationalUnitName    = tech
            commonName                = c7ks1
            emailAddress              = deliwu@qq.com
        X509v3 extensions:
            X509v3 Basic Constraints:
            Netscape Comment:
                OpenSSL Generated Certificate
            X509v3 Subject Key Identifier:
            X509v3 Authority Key Identifier:

Certificate is to be certified until Apr  1 14:45:30 2018 GMT (265 days)
Sign the certificate? [y/n]:y

1 out of 1 certificate requests certified, commit? [y/n]y
Write out database with 1 new entries
Data Base Updated
[root@c7ks1 ~]#

#The protocol for accessing the UI and token/notification service, by default it is http.
#It can be set to https if ssl is enabled on nginx.
ui_url_protocol = https
#The path of cert and key files for nginx, they are applied only the protocol is set to https
ssl_cert = /data/source/harbor/ssl/harbor.crt
ssl_cert_key = /data/source/harbor/ssl/harbor.key
For HTTPS protocol

1.Enable HTTPS in Harbor by following this guide.
2.Modify docker-compose.yml
Replace the first "443" to a customized port, e.g. 4443:443.

    image: library/nginx:1.11.5
    restart: always
      - ./config/nginx:/etc/nginx
      - 80:80
      - 4443:443
      - mysql
      - registry
      - ui
      - log
      driver: "syslog"
        syslog-address: "tcp://"
        tag: "proxy"

3.Modify templates/registry/config.yml
Add the customized port, e.g. ":4443", after "$ui_url".

    issuer: registry-token-issuer
    realm: $ui_url:4443/service/token
    rootcertbundle: /etc/registry/root.crt   # 这里有一个证书文件,我修改为了我刚才存放的位置
    service: token-service

4.Run install.sh to update and start Harbor.
$ sudo docker-compose down
$ sudo install.sh
[root@c7ks1 harbor]# ./install.sh

[Step 0]: checking installation environment ...

Note: docker version: 1.10.2

Note: docker-compose version: 1.8.0

[Step 1]: loading Harbor images ...

[Step 2]: preparing environment ...
loaded secret key
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/ui/env
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/ui/app.conf
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/ui/private_key.pem
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/db/env
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/jobservice/env
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/jobservice/app.conf
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/registry/config.yml
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/registry/root.crt
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/nginx/cert/harbor.crt
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/nginx/cert/harbor.key
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/nginx/nginx.conf
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/nginx/nginx.conf
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/ui/env
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/ui/app.conf
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/registry/config.yml
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/db/env
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/jobservice/env
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/jobservice/app.conf
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/ui/private_key.pem
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/registry/root.crt
The configuration files are ready, please use docker-compose to start the service.

[Step 3]: checking existing instance of Harbor ...

[Step 4]: starting Harbor ...
Creating network "harbor_default" with the default driver
Creating harbor-log
Creating registry
Creating harbor-db
Creating harbor-ui
Creating nginx
Creating harbor-jobservice

✔ ----Harbor has been installed and started successfully.----

Now you should be able to visit the admin portal at
For more details, please visit https://github.com/vmware/harbor .

[root@c7ks1 harbor]# docker-compose ps
      Name                     Command                 State                       Ports                  
harbor-db           docker-entrypoint.sh mysqld      Up           3306/tcp                                
harbor-jobservice   /harbor/harbor_jobservice        Up                                                   
harbor-log          /bin/sh -c crond && rm -f  ...   Up >514/tcp                   
harbor-ui           /harbor/harbor_ui                Up                                                   
nginx               nginx -g daemon off;             Up >443/tcp,>80/tcp
registry            /entrypoint.sh serve /etc/ ...   Restarting   5000/tcp  
[root@c7ks1 harbor]# tail -100 /var/log/harbor/2017-07-10/docker_ui.log
Jul 10 23:04:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:04:39Z [INFO] User id: 1 already has its encrypted password.
Jul 10 23:04:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:04:39Z [DEBUG] [utils.go:245]: Start syncing repositories from registry to DB...
Jul 10 23:04:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:04:39Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:04:41 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:04:41Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:04:43 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:04:43Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:04:45 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:04:45Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:04:47 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:04:47Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:04:49 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:04:49Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:04:51 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:04:51Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:04:53 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:04:53Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:04:55 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:04:55Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:04:57 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:04:57Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:04:59 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:04:59Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:01 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:01Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:03 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:03Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:05 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:05Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:07 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:07Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:09 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:09Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:11 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:11Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:13 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:13Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:15 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:15Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:17 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:17Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:19 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:19Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:23 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:23Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:25 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:25Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:27 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:27Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:29 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:29Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:31 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:31Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:33 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:33Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:35 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:35Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:37 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:37Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: panic: Failed to connect to registry client after 60 seconds
Jul 10 23:05:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]:
Jul 10 23:05:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: goroutine 1 [running]:
Jul 10 23:05:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: panic(0xacbec0, 0xc820242580)
Jul 10 23:05:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: #011/usr/local/go/src/runtime/panic.go:481 +0x3e6
Jul 10 23:05:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: github.com/vmware/harbor/src/ui/api.initRegistryClient(0xab5220, 0x0, 0x0)
Jul 10 23:05:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: #011/go/src/github.com/vmware/harbor/src/ui/api/utils.go:450 +0x45a
Jul 10 23:05:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: github.com/vmware/harbor/src/ui/api.catalog(0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0, 0x0)
Jul 10 23:05:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: #011/go/src/github.com/vmware/harbor/src/ui/api/utils.go:314 +0x72
Jul 10 23:05:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: github.com/vmware/harbor/src/ui/api.SyncRegistry(0x0, 0x0)
Jul 10 23:05:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: #011/go/src/github.com/vmware/harbor/src/ui/api/utils.go:247 +0x7b
Jul 10 23:05:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: main.main()
Jul 10 23:05:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: #011/go/src/github.com/vmware/harbor/src/ui/main.go:84 +0x290
Jul 10 23:05:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:39Z [INFO] token expiration: 30 minutes
Jul 10 23:05:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:39Z [INFO] Config path: /etc/ui/app.conf
Jul 10 23:05:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:39Z [INFO] initializing database: type-MySQL host-mysql port-3306 user-root database-registry
Jul 10 23:05:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:39Z [INFO] User id: 1 already has its encrypted password.
Jul 10 23:05:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:39Z [DEBUG] [utils.go:245]: Start syncing repositories from registry to DB...
Jul 10 23:05:39 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:39Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:41 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:41Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:43 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:43Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:45 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:45Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:47 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:47Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused
Jul 10 23:05:49 c7ks1 docker/ui[11221]: 2017-07-10T15:05:49Z [ERROR] [utils.go:442]: failed to connect to registry client, retry after 2 seconds :dial tcp getsockopt: connection refuse
[root@c7ks1 harbor]# find ./ -name "config.yml"
[root@c7ks1 harbor]# diff common/config/registry/config.yml common/templates/registry/config.yml
<     realm:
>     realm: $ui_url/service/token
    issuer: registry-token-issuer
    realm: $ui_url:/service/token
    rootcertbundle: /etc/registry/root.crt
    service: token-service
    issuer: registry-token-issuer
    rootcertbundle: /etc/registry/root.crt
    service: token-service
[root@c7ks1 harbor]# ./install.sh

[Step 0]: checking installation environment ...

Note: docker version: 1.10.2

Note: docker-compose version: 1.8.0

[Step 1]: loading Harbor images ...

[Step 2]: preparing environment ...
loaded secret key
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/ui/env
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/ui/app.conf
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/ui/private_key.pem
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/db/env
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/jobservice/env
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/jobservice/app.conf
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/registry/root.crt
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/registry/config.yml
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/nginx/cert/harbor.crt
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/nginx/cert/harbor.key
Clearing the configuration file: ./common/config/nginx/nginx.conf
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/nginx/nginx.conf
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/ui/env
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/ui/app.conf
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/registry/config.yml
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/db/env
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/jobservice/env
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/jobservice/app.conf
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/ui/private_key.pem
Generated configuration file: ./common/config/registry/root.crt
The configuration files are ready, please use docker-compose to start the service.

[Step 3]: checking existing instance of Harbor ...

Note: stopping existing Harbor instance ...
Removing nginx ... done
Removing harbor-jobservice ... done
Removing harbor-ui ... done
Removing harbor-db ... done
Removing registry ... done
Removing harbor-log ... done
Removing network harbor_default

[Step 4]: starting Harbor ...
Creating network "harbor_default" with the default driver
Creating harbor-log
Creating harbor-ui
Creating harbor-db
Creating registry
Creating harbor-jobservice
Creating nginx

✔ ----Harbor has been installed and started successfully.----

Now you should be able to visit the admin portal at
For more details, please visit https://github.com/vmware/harbor .
[root@c7ks1 harbor]# docker-compose ps
      Name                     Command               State                    Ports                  
harbor-db           docker-entrypoint.sh mysqld      Up      3306/tcp                                
harbor-jobservice   /harbor/harbor_jobservice        Up                                              
harbor-log          /bin/sh -c crond && rm -f  ...   Up>514/tcp                   
harbor-ui           /harbor/harbor_ui                Up                                              
nginx               nginx -g daemon off;             Up>443/tcp,>80/tcp
registry            /entrypoint.sh serve /etc/ ...   Up      5000/tcp



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  6. 13.远程登录 Linux
  7. 不是方阵有逆矩阵吗_Lecture 3 | 乘法和逆矩阵
  8. 《vSphere性能设计:性能密集场景下CPU、内存、存储及网络的最佳设计实践》一1.2.4 存储...
  9. 用 Lucene 构建文档数据库
  10. 【入门】求三个数的平均数
  11. 武汉市星创天地申报条件和程序
  12. 基于51单片机的简易计算器proteus仿真 数码管显示
  13. 原生64位卸载工具Revo Uninstaller Pro V2.5.7
  14. 2022年最新陕西水利水电施工安全员考试题库及答案
  15. 谈谈一只菜鸟转行Erlang游戏服务端的经历(希望大佬指导,也希望我的经历能给一些还未毕业的同学或者正在迷茫自己工作内容的同学一些感触)
  16. 基于Unity开发实现的坦克游戏设计
  17. python从入门到入魔第八天——turtle库使用(含玫瑰花绘制实例)
  18. 摩根大通表示CBDC不能蚕食商业金融系统
  19. VCO电路中的电源设计
  20. R语言初级教程(04): 算术运算


  1. 2008年9月三级网络技术考试试卷 参考答案1
  2. 你会想待下去吗?世界上25个最惊险的屋顶
  3. 菜鸟学python-基础(2)
  4. Linux学习之CentOS(十三)--CentOS6.4下Mysql数据库的安装与配置
  5. 关于Toast 详解
  6. 解决关于vs2010中w无法 显示的问题
  7. ***经验之教你穿透ADSL路由***内网
  8. Objcet_类的方法
  9. JS_高程7.函数表达式(1)
  10. 设备驱动基础学习--字符驱动实现