apt update 最后报错

$ sudo apt update

91 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.
W: An error occurred during the signature verification. The repository is not updated and the previous index files will be used. GPG error: http://repo.mysql.com/apt/ubuntu focal InRelease: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 467B942D3A79BD29
W: Failed to fetch http://repo.mysql.com/apt/ubuntu/dists/focal/InRelease  The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 467B942D3A79BD29

NO_PUBKEY 467B942D3A79BD29


重新获取公钥并加入到 apt 信任密钥

  1. 获取 gpg 公钥
    $ sudo gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 467B942D3A79BD29

     gpg: key 467B942D3A79BD29: public key "MySQL Release Engineering <mysql-build@oss.oracle.com>" importedgpg: Total number processed: 1gpg:               imported: 1

    $ sudo gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys 467B942D3A79BD29

     gpg: key 467B942D3A79BD29: "MySQL Release Engineering <mysql-build@oss.oracle.com>" not changedgpg: Total number processed: 1gpg:              unchanged: 1
  2. 导出公钥,加入到 apt 信任密钥
    $ sudo gpg --export --armor 467B942D3A79BD29 | sudo apt-key add -

  3. 再来 update
    $ sudo apt update

     ......Reading package lists... DoneBuilding dependency tree       Reading state information... Done98 packages can be upgraded. Run 'apt list --upgradable' to see them.


4 确认:查询一下被信任密钥

$ apt-key list......
pub   rsa4096 2021-12-14 [SC] [expires: 2023-12-14]859B E8D7 C586 F538 430B  19C2 467B 942D 3A79 BD29
uid           [ unknown] MySQL Release Engineering <mysql-build@oss.oracle.com>
sub   rsa4096 2021-12-14 [E] [expires: 2023-12-14]

报错:The following signatures couldn‘t be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY相关推荐

  1. 在ubuntu中运行sudo apt-get update报错The following signatures couldn‘t be verified because the public key

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  2. The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 3B4

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  3. The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY XXX

    reference apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com XXXXXX apt-get update

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