近期开发的项目利用 WSE 来实现 Web 服务的安全性,由于这方面的资料比较少,使用的人也不多,学习起来效果不理想,现在对 Web Services Enhancements 提供的很多特性还不知道有什么用,该怎样去用-_-
今天在 MSDN 上闲逛时发现 p&p 发布了一本关于 WSE 的书,叫 Web Service Security: Scenarios, Patterns, and Implementation Guidance ,对于使用 WSE 来实现 Web 服务安全的开发人员来说无疑是难得的参考资料。

Web Service Security: Scenarios, Patterns, and Implementation Guidance
Web 服务安全:场景、模式和实现指南


To design, develop, and deploy secure Web services, architects and developers must learn new technologies, and consider new threats associated with exposing functionality on potentially hostile networks. To prepare you to meet these challenges (both now on Web Service Enhancements 3.0 and in the future with Windows Communication Foundation), patterns & practices has created the Web Service Security guide. This guide provides a scenario-driven approach to demonstrate where different security patterns are successful, combined with a series of decision matrices to assist you in applying your own criteria for using Web service security patterns in your environment.

为了设计、开发和部署安全的 Web 服务,架构师和开发人员必须学习新技术,并考虑在有潜在危险的网络上暴露功能服务将引起的新的威胁。为了让你能够准备好迎接这些挑战(基于现在的 Web Service Enhancements 3.0 和将来的 Windows Communication Foundation),p&p 制作了《Web 服务安全指南》。这本指南通过场景驱动的方式。演示了在什么情景中可以成功地运用这些安全模式,并结合一连串的决策表,来帮助你在自己的环境中应用自己的标准来使用 Web 服务安全模式。


This chapter provides architectural patterns for direct authentication and brokered authentication. It includes, three brokered authentication design patterns that illustrate authentication using the Kerberos protocol, X.509, and a Security Token Service (STS).
本章为直接鉴定和经纪人鉴定提供了架构模式。通过 Kerberos 协议、X.509 和 Security Token Service (STS) 等3种经纪人鉴定设计模式的示例来阐明鉴定。

This chapter provides design patterns for data confidentiality and data origin authentication.

This chapter builds on the first two chapters by demonstrating how you can implement the patterns described in those chapters using Microsoft technologies.

This chapter contains the design pattern for trusted subsystem and information about protocol transition with constrained delegation.

This chapter describes how to provide service boundary protection. It includes both design and implementation patterns that address message replay protection, message validation, and exception shielding.

This chapter includes a design pattern for a perimeter service router and an implementation pattern that shows how the perimeter service router can be implemented using Microsoft technologies.

This chapter contains technical supplements for the Kerberos protocol and X.509 brokered authentication patterns.
本章包含了Kerberos 协议和 X.509 经纪人鉴定模式的技术补遗。


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