What is “Deploy applications configured in Tomcat instance” in IntelliJidea
2018年04月24日 20:45:15 daijiguo 阅读数 1693
This setting controls whether the apps you already have present in TOMCAT_HOME\webapps directory will be deployed when Tomcat is started from IntelliJ IDEA.

By default that would deploy the following:

If you don’t need any of these default apps or any of your other apps put there manually to be deployed, disable the Deploy applications configured in Tomcat instance option. This will make the server startup faster and it will use less memory.

Documentation page you are looking for is available here, here is the official explanation for this option:

The Tomcat configuration files, among other things, may list the applications that should be deployed at the server start. If this check box is selected, all the applications so listed will be deployed on the server in addition to the artifacts specified on the Deployment tab. If the check box is not selected, only the artifacts and the external resources specified on the Deployment tab will be deployed.



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