




[1,3,5,6],5 → 2

[1,3,5,6],2 → 1

[1,3,5,6], 7 → 4

[1,3,5,6],0 → 0


二分法直接搞,找到了返回下标,找不到结束时候的start ==end就是要插入的下标,非递归程序。


public class Solution {/** * param nums : an integer sorted array* param target :  an integer to be inserted* return : an integer*/public int searchInsert(int[] nums, int target) {// write your code hereif(nums==null)return 0;if(nums.length==0)return 0;int start = 0;int end = nums.length;while(start<end){int median = (start+end)/2;if(nums[median]==target)return median;else if(nums[median]<target){start = median + 1;}else{end = median - 1;}}return start;}

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总耗时: 1617 ms



class Solution:"""@param A : a list of integers@param target : an integer to be inserted@return : an integer"""def searchInsert(self, nums, target):# write your code hereif nums==None:return 0if len(nums)==0:return 0start = 0end = len(nums)-1 while start<=end:median = (start + end)/2if nums[median] == target:return medianelif nums[median] < target:start = median + 1else:end = median - 1return start

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总耗时: 474 ms


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