ppt2mp4 (Python2.7)



1.需要Windows系统,并且启用了Windows多媒体播放器。需要安装Office 2010已上版本。因为PowerPoint把ppt转成视频需要依赖Windows多媒体播放器,如果没启用的话需要从设置里启用桌面体验功能。启用步骤可以参考:https://www.omnivex.com/suppo...


1.安装Office 2010或更高版本


3.编辑convert.py,修改ppt_path,mp4_path路径,然后运行python convert.py。

# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

import win32com.client

import time

import os

import shutil

def ppt_to_mp4(ppt_path,mp4_target,resolution = 720,frames = 24,quality = 60,timeout = 120):

# status:Convert result. 0:failed. -1: timeout. 1:success.

status = 0

if ppt_path == '' or mp4_target == '':

return status

# start_tm:Start time

start_tm = time.time()

# Create a folder that does not exist.

sdir = mp4_target[:mp4_target.rfind('\\')]

if not os.path.exists(sdir):


# Start converting

ppt = win32com.client.Dispatch('PowerPoint.Application')

presentation = ppt.Presentations.Open(ppt_path,WithWindow=False)

# CreateVideo() function usage: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/powerpoint.presentation.createvideo


while True:



if time.time() - start_tm > timeout:

# Converting time out. Killing the PowerPoint process(An exception will be threw out).

os.system("taskkill /f /im POWERPNT.EXE")

status = -1


if os.path.exists(mp4_path) and os.path.getsize(mp4_target) == 0:

# The filesize is 0 bytes when convert do not complete.


status = 1


except Exception, e:

print 'Error! Code: {c}, Message, {m}'.format(c = type(e).__name__, m = str(e))


print time.time()-start_tm

if status != -1:


return status

if __name__ == '__main__':

# Require Windows system(Media Player was enabled) and Microsoft Office 2010 or higher.

# Converting ppt into video relies on Windows Media Player. So you need to enable Desktop Experience feature.

# More save types please visit: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/vba/api/powerpoint.ppsaveasfiletype

# quality:0-100. The level of quality of the slide. The higher the number, the higher the quality.

quality = 60

# resolution:The resolution of the slide. 480,720,1080...

resolution = 720

# frames: The number of frames per second.

frames = 24

# ppt_path:The ppt/pptx/pptm file path.

ppt_path = os.path.abspath('./test.pptx')

# mp4_path:The mp4 video save path.

mp4_path = os.path.abspath('./test.mp4')

# ie_temp_dir:The convert cache file path.

# The default path (hidden) is 'C:/Users/username/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/Temporary Internet Files/Content.MSO/ppt'.

# Or 'C:/Users/username/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.MSO/ppt'

# You can find the cache folde at IE setting.

# If you don't want clear cache files,assign ie_temp_dir with empty string.

#ie_temp_dir = 'C:/Users/username/AppData/Local/Microsoft/Windows/INetCache/Content.MSO/ppt'

ie_temp_dir = ''

# status:Converting result. 0:failed. -1: timeout. 1:success.

status = 0

# timeout: Seconds that converting time out.

timeout = 4*60


status = ppt_to_mp4(ppt_path,mp4_path,resolution,frames,quality,timeout)

# Clear PowerPoint cache after convert completed. When you converted hundreds of files, the cache folder will be huge.

if ie_temp_dir != '':

shutil.rmtree(ie_temp_dir, ignore_errors=True)

except Exception, e:

print 'Error! Code: {c}, Message, {m}'.format(c = type(e).__name__, m = str(e))

if status == -1:

print 'Failed:timeout.'

elif status == 1:

print 'Success!'


if os.path.exists(mp4_path):


print 'Failed:The ppt may have unknow elements. You can try to convert it manual.'


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