cannot change ownership to uid ***, gid ***
Linux tar: Cannot change ownership to […]: Permission denied

tar命令解压时,出现 cannot change ownership to uid ***, gid ***


使用tar命令的 --no-same-permissions 参数选项或者 尝试 --no-same-owner options 参数选项

tar --no-same-owner -xzf XX.tar.gz
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In a script I was working on, the tar command always reported the following error when I tried to extract an archive:

Cannot change ownership to uid 1000 , gid 1000: Permission denied
But I was executing the script as root! The reason for this error to occur turned out to be relatively simple. Hint: It has to do with CIFS.

The command in the script looked something like this:

tar xzf $INPUT_FOLDER/archive.tar.gz -C /mnt/test-nas/[..]

So tar tried to extract the contents of the archive to /mnt/test-nas/[…] and failed (even as root). It turns out that tar tries to preserve the file permissions when run as root:

 -p, --preserve-permissions, --same-permissionsextract information about file permissions (default for superuser)

Since the filesystem /mnt/test-nas/ was mounted via SMB, even root had trouble setting the correct permissions and therefore failed. You can get around this problem by specifying --no-same-owner, so tar won’t try to set an owner:

tar xzf $INPUT_FOLDER/archive.tar.gz --no-same-owner -C /mnt/test-nas/[..]

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