一 总体感受


二 RAL投稿时间线


  1. 2022.9.15凌晨2点投稿,当天19:00状态变化 Under review
    直接选择下面的Submission for RA-L only

  2. 惊奇的是2022.9.26状态变为Decision Pending,外审意见这就回来了?有被惊讶到

  3. 等了两周,都没有状态更新,发了一封催恢复的邮件;

Dear Prof. **,
This is with regard to our submitted manuscript, **, titled “**” submitted to IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters. Sorry for disturbing you, we are not sure if it is the right time to contact you to inquire about the status of our submitted manuscript, which the status of “Decision pending” has been lasting for more than two weeks since September 26, 2022. If there are some responses from the reviewers, would you please tell me the results so that we can deal with it as early as possible? Sorry again for disturbing you.
We deeply appreciate your consideration of our manuscript. We are looking forward for your response sincerely.
Best regards.
Yours sincerely
  1. 有幸收到邮件:进入了复审 10.13

  2. 复审意见为录用 11.20
  3. 校稿
  4. 缴纳超页费
  5. 见刊 2023.02

三 ICRA投稿时间线


By RAS policy you have the opportunity to present the paper at one
of the upcoming RAS conferences listed below. For details about these
conferences visit https://www.ieee-ras.org/conferences-workshopsIn your author workspace you will find a link to transfer your paper
to the eligible conference(s) during appropriate submission windows
for various linked conferences. Please observe the time window listed
below for each conference. You are only sent a single invitation to
transfer papers to conference(s). As new conference become eligible or
older ones drop off from the list, you will NOT get additional
notifications. It is your responsibility to select the right conference
at the correct time. Once transferred, you will not be able to undo the
transfer, nor be able to transfer to another conference.Please note that:
(1) Only the corresponding author may transfer the paper to a
(2) By transferring the paper, you understand that you will comply with
the conference registration policy and any requirement to submit a
conference version of the paperDetails and further instructions may be found on the conference
website of your choice. The link to conferences actively accepting
transferred papers also appears in your workspace.



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