

# Fundamentals 5 Library

Fundamentals 5 Code Library for FreePascal and Delphi


* String, DateTime and dynamic array routines
* Unicode routines
* Hash (e.g. SHA256, SHA512, SHA1, SHA256, MD5)
* Integer (e.g. Word128, Word256, Int128, Int256)
* Huge Word, Huge Integer
* Decimal (Decimal32, Decimal64, Decimal128, HugeDecimal and signed decimals)
* Random number generators
* Ciphers (symmetric: AES, DES, RC2, RC4; asymmetric: RSA, Diffie-Hellman)
* Data structures (array and dictionary classes)
* Mathematics (Rational number, complex number, vector, matrix, statistics)
* JSON parser
* Google protocol buffer parser, utilities and Pascal code generator
* Socket library (cross platform - Windows and Linux)
* TLS Client
* TLS Server
* TCP Client
* TCP Server
* HTTP Client
* HTTP Server



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    DELPHI PROTOBUF免费的开源支持库fundamentals5 1.源码URL: 2.编译P ...


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