
Landscapes are one of the classic art subjects. Since the days of the Roman Empire, artists have been painting them. Taking landscape photographs is just a natural extension of this ancient tradition. Let’s look at how to do it properly.

风景是经典的艺术题材之一。 自罗马帝国时代以来,艺术家一直在绘画它们。 拍摄风景照只是这种古老传统的自然延伸。 让我们看看如何正确地做它。

是什么造就了好的风景照 (What Makes a Good Landscape Photo)

A great landscape image normally has two things: a great location and great light. A technically perfect photo of a boring location in drab lighting isn’t going to stand out no matter what camera you shoot it with. But an awesome view with the sun bursting out from behind the clouds will be stunning, even shot from a smartphone. Nothing will photograph well if the light is bad.

一个好的风景图像通常有两件事:一个好的位置和一个好的光线。 无论您使用哪种相机拍摄,单调乏味的无聊位置的技术完美照片都不会脱颖而出。 但是,即使从智能手机拍摄,从云层后面射出的太阳的绝佳景象也会令人惊叹。 如果光线不好,什么都不会拍好。

技术资料 (The Technical Stuff)

When you’re capturing a landscape, depth of field is king. You normally want everything from the foreground to the background to be tack sharp. This means you need to prioritize aperture in your exposures. A value of between f/11 and f/16 is going to give you the depth of field you need, although you can go up to f/22 or so if you want a slower shutter speed.

拍摄风景时,景深为王。 通常,您希望从前景到背景的所有内容保持清晰。 这意味着您需要在曝光中优先考虑光圈。 f / 11和f / 16之间的值将为您提供所需的景深,但如果您想降低快门速度,则可以提高到f / 22左右。

Put your camera in aperture priority or manual mode and set it to the aperture you want to use. Set your ISO to 100 and then either let your camera control the shutter speed (if you’re in aperture priority mode) or dial in a value that works for the image through trial and error (manual mode).

将相机置于光圈优先或手动模式,并将其设置为要使用的光圈。 将ISO设置为100,然后让相机控制快门速度(如果处于光圈优先模式),或者通过反复试验拨入一个对图像有效的值(手动模式)。

A tripod is one of the most important bits of kit for landscape photos. Unless you’re shooting in bright daylight, there’s a good chance that the shutter speed will be too long for you to get a sharp photo while holding your camera in your hands. It also gives you the option to play around with long exposures. Set your camera up on the tripod, frame the shot, and get ready to take the photo. I use the highly-acclaimed Vanguard Alta Pro ($150).

三脚架是风景照片套装中最重要的部分之一。 除非您在明亮的日光下拍摄,否则很有可能快门速度会太长,以至于您无法将相机握在手中而获得清晰的照片。 它还使您可以选择长时间曝光。 将相机放在三脚架上,构图,然后准备拍摄照片。 我使用广受好评的Vanguard Alta Pro (150美元)。

Just pressing the shutter button can move your camera enough to affect the shot. You should either use a remote trigger or the camera’s self timer to take the photo. I normally use the self-timer set to two seconds; it’s the simpler option.

只需按下快门按钮即可移动相机,足以影响拍摄效果。 您应该使用遥控触发器或相机的自拍定时器拍摄照片。 我通常将自拍设置为两秒; 这是更简单的选择。

其他技巧 (Other Tips and Tricks)

Jim Richardson, a National Geographic photographer, has a fantastic bit of advice that’s always at the forefront of my mind when I’m shooting landscapes: “If you want to be a better photographer, stand in front of more interesting stuff.” It’s much easier to take a stunning landscape photo if the landscape is stunning; if you’re standing in a boring field you’ve got your work cut out for you. To take great landscape images, go to great locations.

国家地理摄影师吉姆·理查森( Jim Richardson )提出了很多绝妙的建议,这些建议在我拍摄风景时始终摆在我的脑海中:“如果您想成为一名更好的摄影师,请站在更多有趣的事物面前。” 如果风景优美,则拍摄风景优美的照片要容易得多; 如果您站在一个无聊的领域,那么您的工作就很容易完成。 要拍摄出色的风景图像,请前往合适的位置。

Here’s another good bit of advice: “Nothing more than ten miles from a carpark is over-photographed.” Any famous landmark that you can drive to is going to have been shot from every angle at every time of the day by thousands of photographers, good and bad. Taking a unique photograph of El Capitan in Yosemite is next to impossible. Ansel Adams got there first. Even if a location is stunning, your landscape shots won’t stand out if it’s over-photographed. Try to find locations that other photographers have overlooked. Your local area is a great place to start.

这里还有一个很好的建议:“离停车场不超过十英里的地方拍摄得过多。” 成千上万的摄影师每天都会在各个角度从任何角度拍摄您可以开车前往的任何著名地标。 在优胜美地拍摄El Capitan的独特照片几乎是不可能的。 安塞尔·亚当斯(Ansel Adams)首先到达那里。 即使某个位置令人惊叹,但如果拍摄过多,您的风景照片也不会脱颖而出。 尝试查找其他摄影师忽略的位置。 您的本地是一个很好的起点。

To get to the best locations, you often need to hike. A sturdy pair of boots and a decent backpack (I use one from f-stop) can make all the difference. Professional landscape photographers will regularly get up at 3 AM to hike to a location before sunrise, or even spend the night in a tent, but that’s generally overkill.

为了到达最佳位置,您通常需要远足。 一双坚固的靴子和一个像样的背包(我从f-stop使用一个)可以使一切变得不同。 专业的风景摄影师通常会在凌晨3点起床,在日出之前徒步旅行到某个地点,甚至在帐篷里过夜,但这通常是过分的。

Landscape photos are made, not taken. While it’s easy to shoot a dozen great portraits in an hour or two, a single landscape image can take all day. You need to get to the location, set up your camera, take the shot, and get home. Don’t rush the process.

风景照片被制作,而不是被拍摄。 虽然在一两个小时内就能拍出十几幅精美的肖像很容易,但是一张风景照可能需要一整天。 您需要到达该位置,设置相机,拍摄并回家。 不要着急。

Although most landscape photos are taken with a wide angle lens, don’t be afraid to experiment. I normally use my 17-40mm wide angle, but the shot below was taken at around 120mm.

尽管大多数风景照片都是使用广角镜拍摄的,但不要害怕进行试验。 我通常使用我的17-40mm广角镜头,但下面的镜头是在120mm左右拍摄的。

Take lots of test shots when you’re on location. Don’t worry about getting it right first time. Take a photo, see what you like and don’t like, then adjust your camera.

在现场时,请进行大量测试。 不用担心第一次就做对。 拍照,看看您喜欢什么和不喜欢什么,然后调整相机。

The “best” hours to take landscape images are the two hours before and two hours after dawn and dusk. These are the golden and blue hours. I also love shooting at night. You can shoot at other times of the day, but the sun’s light is normally harsher which makes for uglier photos.

拍摄风景图像的“最佳”时间是黎明和黄昏之前的两个小时和之后的两个小时。 这些是金色和蓝色的小时。 我也喜欢在夜间射击。 您可以在一天中的其他时间拍摄,但通常情况下,太阳的光线更刺眼,因此照片质量较差。

Play around with longer shutter speeds. A shutter speed of between one and thirty seconds can blur water, trees, and other objects that move in the frame. When done right, it can make for a really serene image. The shot below was taken with a long shutter speed and you can see how the water breaking against the shore is just a smooth white blur. The test shots I have with faster shutter speeds are much less interesting.

以更长的快门速度播放。 一秒至三十秒之间的快门速度会使水,树木和其他在框架中移动的物体模糊。 如果操作正确,它可以使图像真实宁静。 下面的照片是用长快门速度拍摄的,您可以看到水溅到岸边时只是光滑的白色模糊。 我用较快的快门速度拍摄的照片就没那么有趣了。

To get long shutter speeds during the day, you need to use a neutral density filter. These are essentially sunglasses for your lens; they block some light from reaching the camera so you can take long exposures.

要在白天获得较长的快门速度,您需要使用中性密度滤镜。 这些实质上是用于您的镜片的太阳镜; 它们会阻挡一些光线进入相机,因此您可以长时间曝光。

Although landscapes are normally about nature, don’t be afraid to have people or manmade objects in the frame. They can add a sense of scale or a bit of tension.

尽管景观通常是关于自然的,但不要害怕在框架中放置人或人造物体。 它们可以增加规模感或带来一些紧张感。

Landscapes are one of the most forgiving subjects to shoot. Break all the rules, totally go against my advice and see what you come away with. Having a tripod and all the time in the world is great, but you can capture some beautiful photos from the side of a road with 30 seconds and a smartphone. The shot above was taken with my iPhone 6S. If you’ve got your DSLR and don’t have a tripod to hand, just bump up the ISO and use an aperture of f/8 or f/11. Give it a try.

风景是最宽容的拍摄对象之一。 违反所有规则,完全违背我的建议,看看您能从中得到什么。 拥有三脚架以及世界上所有的时间都很棒,但是您可以用30秒和一部智能手机从路边拍摄一些精美的照片。 上面的照片是我的iPhone 6S拍摄的。 如果您已经安装了数码单反相机,但没有三脚架,只需将ISO抬高,并使用f / 8或f / 11的光圈即可。 试一试。




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