Nominal,Ordinal,Interval and Ratio分别是定类、定序、定距、定比,定类变量值只是分类,如性别变量的男女;定序变量值可以排序,但不能加减,如年级变量;定距变量值是数字型变量,可以加减;定比变量值和定距变量值唯一区别是不存在基准0,即当变量值为0时不是表示没有,如温度变量,当温度为0时,并不是表示没有温度,这样温度就为定距变量,而不是定比变量.

Originally from

Basic definitions

Nominal Just names, IDs
Ordinal Have / represent rank order (e.g. fully agree, mostly agree, somewhat agree)
Interval Has a fixed size of interval between data points. (E.g. degrees Centigrade)
Ratio Has a true zero point (e.g. mass, length)

Summary table: The four data types

Attribute Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio
Name2 Categorical Sequence Equal interval Ratio
Name3 Set Fully ordered, rank ordered Unit size fixed Zero or fixed
Statistics Count, Mode, chi-squared + median, rank order correlation + ANOVA, mean, SDev + logs??
Example1 Set of participants, makes of car order of finishing a race centigrade scale Degrees Kelvin or absolute
Transformations/ rescaling allowed Rename Montonic (any curve that always increases) Linear -
Transformations 2 Hash function Montonic Add and multiply multiply?
Transformation examples 1:1 mapping, Assign colours for lines on a chart Sorting. Log or exp Z-transform, renormalise IQ scores Scale (zoom in or out)
Types of relativity A≠B A>B |(A-B)|  >  |(C-D)| ?
Types of absolute Identity of individual entities order, seqeuence intervals, differences ratios, proportions


  • Thurstone scaling takes in ordinal data and generates an interval scale.
  • Spreadsheet (re)sorting takes any kind of data and generates ordinal data as represented, say, by the row number after sorting.
  • Log (or log-log, or exp()) transformations create interval data out of ratio or other interval data. This corresponds to the fact that even when a measurement scale has a zero (a ratio scale), the measure of interest may not e.g. may be a difference.

    An alternative list of types

    (Attributed to Mosteller & Tukey.)

    Grades   ordered labels such as Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, Senior
    Ranks   starting from one, which may represent either the largest or smallest
    Counted fractions   bounded by zero and one. These include percentages, for example.
    Counts   non-negative integers
    Amounts   non-negative real numbers
    Balances   unbounded, positive or negative values.
    Circles   (partially ordered, but in a circle). e.g. the points of the compass

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