
Sometimes, it’s easy to get frustrated when learning programming. Perhaps you’ve been working on the same concept for an hour or two. Perhaps your progress is slow. Perhaps this is all happening at 6pm on a Friday in the middle of a global pandemic. I’ve been there, and I imagine I’m not alone.

有时,在学习编程时很容易感到沮丧。 也许您已经在同一个概念上研究了一两个小时。 也许您的进度很慢。 也许这一切都是在全球大流行期间的星期五下午6点发生的。 我去过那里,我想我并不孤单。

Thankfully for R programmers, there are packages that help bring joy back into the learning process. What’s more, they’re easy to understand and can make amusing additions to recreational projects.

值得庆幸的是,对于R程序员,有一些软件包可以使学习过程重新获得欢乐。 而且,它们很容易理解,并且可以为娱乐项目添加有趣的内容。

Below, I’ve put together five of my favourite ‘just for fun’ R packages. Each example is very beginner friendly, though make sure you install each package before running the example code. You can do this by running the function install.packages("packagenamehere") for each example, changing the package name to one of those listed below.

下面,我整理了五个我最喜欢的“只是为了娱乐” R程序包。 每个示例对初学者都非常友好,但是请确保在运行示例代码之前先安装每个软件包。 您可以通过为每个示例运行功能install.packages("packagenamehere")并将包名称更改为以下所列名称之一来完成此操作。

1.蜂 (1. beepr)

The ‘beepr’ package contains only one function: beep. This plays a sound when called, and comes loaded with some fun notifications. If you ever wanted to to hear a Wilhelm scream or the ‘get item’ sound from the Legend of Zelda in the middle of a script, this is the package for you. It’ll also play sound from a .wav file from the internet if you give it a valid URL. Just call beep with a number or valid URL as an argument, and it’ll play a corresponding sound.

“ beepr ”软件包仅包含一个功能: beep 。 调用时会播放声音,并附带一些有趣的通知。 如果您想在脚本中间听到《塞尔达传说》中的威廉尖叫声或“获取物品”的声音,那么此包适合您。 如果您给它提供有效的URL,它还将从Internet的.wav文件中播放声音。 只需使用数字或有效URL作为参数调用beep ,它就会播放相应的声音。

library(beepr)# Play Zelda treasure notificationbeep(5)# Play Wilhelm screambeep(9)

Unlike some of the other packages I mention below, beepr can actually be quite useful in serious work. While running code that takes a long time to execute, I often work on something else while waiting for it to finish. Calling beep at the end of my script signals that my long process is done. It’s pretty satisfying to hear some 8-bit fanfare at the end of a long analysis or simulation.

与下面提到的其他一些软件包不同,beepr实际上在认真的工作中会非常有用。 在运行需要很长时间才能执行的代码时,我经常在等待代码完成的同时进行其他工作。 在脚本末尾调用beep表示我的长过程已经完成。 在长时间的分析或模拟结束时听到一些8位夸张的声音,这真是令人满足。

2.好玩 (2. fun)

The aptly named ‘fun’ package is a collection of miscellaneous functions and games. If you ever needed another vehicle for procrastination, you’ve got one in this package. Notable inclusions are a neat version of minesweeper that runs in an R window, as well as other games like a sliding puzzle, and ‘5 in a row’. Running these games is easy, only requires the code below. After loading the package, the conditional statement opens the right interactive graphics device based on your operating system. You can then start any game from the package (such as the sliding puzzle) by calling its function.

恰当地命名为“ fun ”包是各种功能和游戏的集合。 如果您需要另一种拖延工具,则可以在此工具包中找到。 值得一提的内容是在R窗口中运行的minesweeper的简洁版本,以及其他游戏,例如滑动拼图和“连续5个”。 运行这些游戏很容易,只需要下面的代码。 加载软件包后,条件语句将根据您的操作系统打开正确的交互式图形设备。 然后,您可以通过调用包的功能来从包中启动任何游戏(例如滑动拼图)。

library(fun)# Open the right interactive graphics deviceif (.Platform$OS.type == "windows") {  x11()} else {  x11(type = "Xlib")}# Start game of choice (sliding puzzle)fun::sliding_puzzle()

This package also contains some other miscellaneous features and demos. Ever wanted to draw a turtle in R? Test for Alzheimer’s disease? Shut down your operating system? These are all things you can do with ‘fun’. While bricking your OS might not result in laughter, the many other amusing games and distractions in this package are good fun.

该软件包还包含其他一些杂项功能和演示。 是否曾经想在R中画一只乌龟? 测试阿尔茨海默氏病? 关闭操作系统? 这些就是您可以通过“有趣”做的所有事情。 虽然使操作系统变砖可能不会引起欢笑,但此程序包中的许多其他有趣的游戏和令人分心的游戏都很好玩。

3.命运 (3. fortunes)

‘fortunes’ is another package with a sole function; fortune. When called with no arguments, it spits out random nuggets of humour and wisdom from the R-help forums, and other R related sites. To receive a more specific fortune, you can add a string argument to the function call (fortune("divide") for example). This frequently results in some amusing outputs, with one of my favourites below:

“ fortunes ”是另一个具有唯一功能的软件包; fortune 。 当不加任何参数地被调用时,它会从R-help论坛和其他与R相关的站点中随机散发出幽默和智慧。 要获得更具体的财富,您可以在函数调用中添加一个字符串参数(例如fortune("divide") )。 这经常导致一些有趣的输出,下面是我的最爱之一:

Corinna Schmitt: How can I divide the number 0.285 with 2. I need a function. Result: 0.285 / 2 = 0.1425Gabor Csardi: Well, i think half.of.0.285 <- function() { 0.1425 }would do the trick. -- Corinna Schmitt and Gabor Csardi R-help (April 2007)

Corinna Schmitt:如何将数字0.285除以2。我需要一个函数。 结果:0.285 / 2 = 0.1425Gabor Csardi:嗯,我认为0.285 <-function(){0.1425}的一半会解决问题。 -Corinna Schmitt和Gabor Csardi R-help(2007年4月)

As an added learning incentive, many quotes get funnier as you find out more about R and its community. But whatever your skill level, fortunes’ selection of humourous asides make for a fun distraction from whatever you’re meant to be doing instead.

作为额外的学习动机,当您进一步了解R及其社区时,许多引号会变得更有趣。 但是,无论您的技术水平如何,财富中选择的幽默助手都会使您分心,而这本来就是要做什么的。

4. Cowsay (4. cowsay)

A neat package that adds character to text output in the console, ‘cowsay’ lets you print messages that are ‘spoken’ by animals drawn in ASCII characters. Want to soften the blow of a warning message? Make a cat say it with the code below.

一个很好的程序包,它在控制台的文本输出中添加了字符,“ cowsay ”使您可以打印被ASCII字符绘制的动物“说出”的消息。 想要减轻警告消息的打击吗? 用下面的代码让猫说出来。

say(what = "Cannot index object of type 'cat food'.", by = "cat", type = "warning")
A very cute warning message.

The say function can also handle messages that aren’t defined as warnings, and defaults to printing normal text. It also integrates with the ‘fortunes’ package; when running say(what = "fortune"), a random fortune will be spoken by an animal. Because everyone wants to see a duck lament the stupidity of R users.

say函数还可以处理未定义为警告的消息,默认情况下为打印普通文本。 它还与“财富”软件包集成在一起; 当运行say(what = "fortune") ,动物会说出随机的运气。 因为每个人都希望看到鸭子对R用户的愚蠢感叹。

5.好评 (5. praise)

Finally, it’s just nice to receive a compliment sometimes. The ‘praise’ package facilitates this by generating random praise, allowing you to receive fresh encouragement with each call. Calling praise while specifying parts of speech to dynamically generate with the ${} syntax yields statements like the following:

最后,有时候会受到称赞是很好的。 “ 称赞 ”包通过产生随机称赞来促进这一点,使您在每次通话时都能得到新鲜的鼓励。 在指定词性以使用${}语法动态生成时调用praise会产生如下语句:

praise("${Exclamation}! Kind reader, you're ${adjective}!")
Some kind output.

In my example, I capitalised my exclamation, while leaving my adjective in lowercase for grammatical purposes. Dynamically generated phrases can be entirely capitalised for some extra enthusiasm (${EXCLAMATION} , for instance). While I can’t see this gaining traction in many serious production-level scripts, sometimes it’s nice to praise your own efforts. Learned a new analysis today? Sensational work, champ.

在我的示例中,我大写了感叹号,同时出于语法目的将形容词小写。 动态生成的短语可以完全大写,以获得一些额外的热情(例如${EXCLAMATION} )。 尽管我看不到在许多严肃的生产级脚本中如此吸引人,但有时还是值得称赞您自己的努力。 今天学会了新的分析方法? 耸人听闻的工作,冠军。

In our current economic climate, people are mainly learning programming for career development. The concern of the hour is learning techniques that secure jobs, not building projects that bring joy. I don’t think this is completely unreasonable either. After all, most R programmers don’t get paid to make ASCII animals talk to users. They get paid to analyse data.

在当前的经济形势下,人们主要是学习编程以发展职业。 时间的关注点是学习技术可以确保工作安全,而不是构建能够带来欢乐的项目。 我也不认为这完全是不合理的。 毕竟,大多数R程序员并没有获得使ASCII动物与用户交谈的报酬。 他们得到报酬来分析数据。

That said, I like these packages because they reaffirm why I was drawn to programming in the first place. It’s fun, and lets me make interesting things. When I first started learning to code, I wasn’t gunning for a high powered job. I was excited to create fun small scale projects that applied my new skills. Even though I enjoy writing code in my career nowadays, it’s nice to get back in touch with that feeling once in a while.

就是说,我喜欢这些软件包,因为它们重申了为什么我一开始就被编程所吸引。 很好玩,让我做有趣的事情。 当我刚开始学习编码时,我并不是在追求高能力的工作。 我很高兴创建有趣的小规模项目,这些项目运用了我的新技能。 即使我现在喜欢在职业生涯中编写代码,但偶尔与这种感觉重新联系还是很高兴的。

So, in the spirit of fun: say(praise("Thanks for reading, and have fun ${creating} your own ${adjective} R code!"))

因此,本着乐趣的精神: say(praise("Thanks for reading, and have fun ${creating} your own ${adjective} R code!"))

翻译自: https://towardsdatascience.com/make-learning-r-fun-with-these-5-packages-3c3f6ca82c96




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