
Search histories can tell a lot about you, and that’s especially true of Facebook’s search history. If you don’t want that sort of data left sitting around, here’s how to clear it.

搜索历史可以告诉您很多信息,Facebook的搜索历史尤其如此。 如果您不希望留下那种数据,请按照以下方法清除它。

如何查看搜索记录 (How to View Your Search History)

How you get to your search history in the first place varies a bit, depending on whether you’re using the iOS or Android mobile apps, or the web interface.


在iOS上 (On iOS)

Tap the three horizontal lines and go to Settings > Activity Log.


Tap the “Category” dropdown and select the “Search History” item.


This shows all your recent searches.


在Android上 (On Android)

Tap the three horizontal lines, scroll down to Help and Settings, and then select the “Activity Log” item.


Tap the “Filter” setting, and then tap the “Search History” option.


Now you’ll see all your recent searches.


在Facebook网站上 (On the Facebook Website)

Go to your Profile and click the “View Activity Log” button.


In the Filters sidebar on the left, click the “More” option.


And then click the “Search History” setting.


These are all the searches you’ve made on Facebook.


如何清除整个Facebook搜索记录 (How to Clear Your Entire Facebook Search History)

To delete your entire search history, tap or click the “Clear Searches” option in your Activity log. This one is pretty much the same no matter what platform you’re using.

要删除整个搜索历史记录,请点击或单击“活动日志”中的“清除搜索”选项。 无论您使用哪种平台,该平台都几乎相同。

And just like that, your entire search history on Facebook will vanish.


如何在Facebook搜索记录中删除单个项目 (How to Remove a Single Item in Your Facebook Search History)

You also can remove individual items from your Facebook history if you don’t want to delete the whole thing. How you do it depends on whether you’re using the iOS or Android apps, or the web interface.

如果您不想删除整个内容,也可以从Facebook历史记录中删除单个项目。 具体操作方式取决于您使用的是iOS还是Android应用程序,还是使用网络界面。

在iOS和Android上 (On iOS and Android)

To remove a single item from your search history on iOS or Android tap the X next to the search you want to delete.


This clears that item from your search history.


在Facebook网站上 (On the Facebook Website)

To remove one thing from your search history on the web, click the “Edit” button next to it.


And then click the “Delete” button.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/348044/how-to-clear-your-facebook-search-history/



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