


-h or --help
Display commandline arguments information


Specify a VPB source file containing all commandline options.

Output the VPB source file for the current run.


Read the cache file to use a look up for locally cached files.

Print out version

Print out version number only.

Added a comment/description string to the top most node in the dataset

Set the distributed build split level.

Set the distributed build primary and secondary split levels.

Set the path that the build should be run from.

Set the notify level when logging messages.


Specify the digital elevation map input file to process

Specify the texture map input file to process

Specify building outlines using shapefiles.

Specify forest outlines using shapefiles

Specify the range of levels that the next source Texture or DEM will contribute to.

Specify the layer that the next source Texture will contribute to..

Coordinate system

Set the coordinates system of source imagery, DEM or destination database. The string may be any of the usual GDAL/OGR forms, complete WKT, PROJ.4, EPS

Set the coordinates system of source imagery, DEM or destination database in WellKownText form.

Set the coordinates system of source imagery, DEM or destination database by as file containing WellKownText definition.

Geocentric database

Build a database in geocentric (i.e. whole earth) database.

Set the coordinates system for next texture or dem to represent the eastern hemisphere of the earth.

Set the coordinates system for next texture or dem to represent the western hemisphere of the earth.

Set the coordinates system for next texture or dem to represent the whole hemisphere of the earth.

Ellipsoid model

Set the polar radius of the ellipsoid model when building a geocentric database.

Set the equatorial radius of the ellipsoid model when building a geocentric database.

Set the polar and equatorial radius both to the average of the two.

Flat database

Set the coordinates system for next texture or dem to the given range.








Interpret input as a vector data set

Interpret input as a raster data set (default)


Specify the Image format to output to via its plugin name, i.e. rgb, dds, jp2, jpeg.

Specify the output master file to generate

Specify the archive to place the generated database

Specify the intermediate build file name

Specify the number of PagedLOD levels to generate

Extents of the model to generate

Geographic (Lat/Lon) Extents of the model to generate.

Bounds (similar to extents) of the model to generate. Max/Min order is not important.

Geographic Bounds (similar to extents) of the model to generate. Max/Min order is not important.

Set the ratio of skirt height to tile size

Set the vertical multiplier

Switch off terrain simplification.

Sets the default color of the terrain.
(0.5, 0.5, 1.0, 1.0)

Set the maximum visible distance ratio for all tiles apart from the top most tile. The maximum visible distance is computed from the ratio * tile radius.

Max anisotropy level to use when texturing


Create a height field database

Create a height field database (default)

Create a osgTerrain::Terrain database


Create a LOD'd database

Create a PagedLOD'd database (default)


Use OpenGL compression on RGB destination imagery (default)

Use OpenGL compression on RGBA destination imagery

Use 16bit RGB destination imagery

Use 24bit RGB destination imagery

Use 16bit RGBA destination imagery

Use 32bit RGBA destination imagery


Disable mip mapping of textures

Use mip mapped textures, and generate the mipmaps in hardware when available.

Use mip mapped textures, and generate the mipmaps in imagery. (default)

--BuildOverlays [True/False]
Switch on/off the building of overlay within the source imagery. Overlays can help reduce texture aliasing artifacts.

--ReprojectSources [True/False]
Switch on/off the reprojection of any source imagery that aren't in the correct projection for the database build.

--GenerateTiles [True/False]
Switch on/off the generation of the output database tiles.

Set the tile maximum image size

Set the tile maximum terrain size

string option to pass to write plugins, use "" for multiple options

Set the subtile to begin the build from.

Enable the setting of the subtile file name of the leaf tiles.

Set the type name which specify how the shapes should be interpreted in shapefile/dbase files. (empty signifies no type attribute has been defined)

Set the attribute name for height attributes used in shapefile/dbase files.

Set the height to use for associated shapefiles. (negative signifies that no height has been defined)

Set the mask to assign indivual shapefile/model.

Set the overall mask to assign terrain.

Set the ratio number of read threads relative to number of cores to use.

Set the ratio number of write threads relative to number of cores to use.

Set build options string.

DEM interpolation

Enable the use of interpolation when sampling data from source DEMs. (default)

Disable the use of interpolation when sampling data from source DEMs.

Imagery interpolation

Enable the use of interpolation when sampling data from source imagery. (default)

Disable the use of interpolation when sampling data from source imagery.



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