advanced east

by Luke Konior

卢克·科尼尔(Luke Konior)

SpriteKit Advanced —如何构建2,5D游戏(第二部分) (SpriteKit Advanced — How to build a 2,5D game (Part II))

介绍 (Intro)

This article shows how to write basic shaders in the SpriteKit. It’s split into two parts: first we play, then we learn.

本文介绍如何在SpriteKit中编写基本着色器。 它分为两个部分:首先我们玩,然后学习。

It also contains information how to use SKAttribute and SKAttributeValue classes that were added in iOS SDK 10.0.

它还包含有关如何使用iOS SDK 10.0中添加的SKAttributeSKAttributeValue类的信息。

If you haven’t already read it, here’s part 1 of this article series.

如果您还没有阅读它,请参阅本系列文章的第1部分 。

准备项目 (Prepare the project)

Let’s get quick and dirty.


  • Open XCode 8 and create a new project from template: iOS > Game.打开XCode 8,然后从以下模板创建一个新项目:iOS>游戏。
  • Open the GameScene.sks and remove the label in the center of the screen.


  • Download this and put it inside Assets.xcassets


  • Name it “Trees”命名为“树木”
  • Open the GameScene.m


  • remove all instance variables删除所有实例变量
  • remove all methods删除所有方法

片段着色器 (The Fragment Shader)

Now we create an empty fragment shader In XCode:


  • In the Project Navigator select Supporting Files在项目浏览器中,选择“支持文件”
  • Choose: File > New > File…选择:文件>新建>文件…
  • Select: Other > Empty选择:其他>空
  • Name it “myShader.fsh” and press Create.

    将其命名为“ myShader.fsh ”,然后按创建。

  • Put this inside:放在里面:
// currently a boring pass-thru shader void main( void ) { vec4 color = texture2D(utexture, vtexcoord); // here will emerge something worthy glFragColor = color;}

Above fragment shader does nothing perceptible. Quick explanation:

片段shader上方没有任何可察觉的内容。 快速说明:

  • void main()

    void main()

    this function gets called for each pixel of the sprite and outputs color for that pixel


    Gets input data from surrounding globals and must set the


    gl_FragColor variable


  • vec2, vec3and vec4 are the types similar to C's: float array[2], float array[3] and float array[4]

    vec2vec3vec4与C的类型相似: float array[2]float array[3]float array[4]

  • u_texture is a texture ID


    Leave it alone :-)

    不要管它 :-)

  • v_tex_coord is a vec2 which contains our current position in texture

    v_tex_coord是一个vec2 ,其中包含我们当前的纹理位置

  • texture2D(tex , p) is a function that returns color from texture tex in point p as vec4

    texture2D(tex , p)是一个函数,将point p处纹理tex颜色返回为vec4

    which contains rgba


  • gl_FragColor is an output color


    We must assign it a




正在加载代码 (Loading code)

What’s left is the loading code.


  • Open the GameScene.m


  • add method -didMoveToView:


- (void)didMoveToView:(SKView *)view {   // 1. load the shader's source from myShaderFile.fsh   NSString *file = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"myShader" ofType:@"fsh"];  NSString *sourceString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:file encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];         // 2. create the shader SKShader *shader = [SKShader shaderWithSource:sourceString];       // 3. assign the shader to a newly created sprite node  SKSpriteNode *spriteNode = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:@"Trees"];    spriteNode.shader = shader;        // 4. finally add the sprite to the scene   [self addChild:spriteNode];}

Ensure that myShader.fsh figures in ProjectFile > Target > Build Phases > Copy Bundle Resources!


You may now run the project on the iOS device. There shall be no errors in the XCode’s console and you should see a screen similar to this below:

您现在可以在iOS设备上运行该项目。 XCode的控制台中应该没有错误,并且您应该看到类似于以下的屏幕:

让我们玩吧! (Let’s play a bit!)

Now is the fun part. We’ll replace the shader’s main function.

现在是有趣的部分。 我们将替换着色器的主要功能。

颜色为红色,保留alpha (Color with red with alpha preservation)

void main( void ){    vec4 color = texture2D(u_texture, v_tex_coord);    float alpha = color.a;    gl_FragColor = vec4(1,0,0, 1.0) * alpha; //google "premultiplied alpha"}

缩小2倍 (Scale down by 2x)

void main( void ){    vec4 color = texture2D(u_texture, v_tex_coord * 2.0);    gl_FragColor = color;}

1秒后交换颜色 (Swap colors after 1 second)

void main( void ){    vec4 color = texture2D(u_texture, v_tex_coord);    float alpha = color.a;    float phase = mod(u_time, 3);    vec3 outputColor = color.rgb;    if (phase < 1.0) {        outputColor = color.bgr;    } else if (phase < 2.0) {        outputColor = color.brg;    }    gl_FragColor = vec4(outputColor, 1.0) * alpha;}

随时间着色 (Colorize over time)

void main( void ){    vec4 color = texture2D(u_texture, v_tex_coord);    float alpha = color.a;    float r = (sin(u_time+ 3.14 * 0.00)+1.0)*0.5;    float g = (sin(u_time+ 3.14 * 0.33)+1.0)*0.5;    float b = (sin(u_time+ 3.14 * 0.66)+1.0)*0.5;    gl_FragColor = vec4(r,g,b, 1.0) * alpha;}

波浪 (Waves)

void main( void ){    float deltaX = sin(v_tex_coord.y*3.14*10 + u_time * 4)*0.01;    vec2 coord = v_tex_coord;    coord.x = coord.x + deltaX;    vec4 color = texture2D(u_texture, coord);    gl_FragColor = color;}

新属性 (New Attributes)

At WWDC 2016 Apple introduced an important update to SpriteKit — the SKAttribute and SKAttributeValue classes.

苹果在WWDC 2016上对SpriteKit进行了重要更新,即SKAttributeSKAttributeValue类。

Before this SDK update, if we wanted to pass custom parameters into the shader program, we had to pass the data through a uniform value.


This had two serious drawbacks:


  • every uniform change caused shader recompilation每次统一更改都会导致着色器重新编译
  • shader program handled every sprite in the exact same way着色器程序以完全相同的方式处理每个精灵

For example: if we wanted to dye a group of sprites red, and one of them blue, we had two ways. First we create two separate SKShader instances and change our custom myColor uniform.

例如:如果我们想将一组精灵染成红色,而其中一个染成蓝色,则有两种方法。 首先,我们创建两个单独的SKShader实例,并更改我们的自定义myColor制服。

Second we make one shader instance and change its uniform which causes a recompilation.


Both ways cannot be drawn on same pass. And the second one requires complex management code.

两种方法不能同时绘制。 第二个要求复杂的管理代码。

SDK 10.0 introduced the SKAttribute and SKAttributeValue classes. These two allow (finally!) passing data to the shader programs without recompilation. The usage algorithm is simple:

SDK 10.0引入了SKAttributeSKAttributeValue类。 这两个允许(最终!)将数据传递到着色器程序,而无需重新编译。 用法算法很简单:

  • The shader part:着色器部分:
  1. Create a shader program


    Create a shader programSKShader


  2. Create an array of SKAttributes


  3. Assign array of attributes to the shader program将属性数组分配给着色器程序
  • The sprite part:


  1. Assign the shader program to a sprite将着色器程序分配给精灵
  2. Assign a dictionary of SKAttributeValues


属性示例 (Example with attributes)

In the last example, we’ll add two more sprites. Every one of them will have the same shader program and will differ only in attributes. Let’s modify the -didMoveToView: inGameScene.m:

在最后一个示例中,我们将再添加两个精灵。 它们中的每一个将具有相同的着色器程序,并且仅在属性上有所不同。 让我们修改- didMoveToView: inGameScene.m:

- (void)didMoveToView:(SKView *)view {    NSString *file = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"myShader" ofType:@"fsh"];    NSString *sourceString = [NSString stringWithContentsOfFile:file encoding:NSUTF8StringEncoding error:nil];    SKShader *shader = [SKShader shaderWithSource:sourceString];        // 1. Add a custom attribute to shader    SKAttribute *attrProgress = [SKAttribute attributeWithName:@"THE_MIGHTY_DARK_FACTOR" type:SKAttributeTypeFloat];    shader.attributes = @[attrProgress];    // 2. Create tree sprites    NSArray *trees = @[                       [self createTreeWithShader:shader mightyFactor:0.3f zPosition:1],                       [self createTreeWithShader:shader mightyFactor:0.6f zPosition:2],                       [self createTreeWithShader:shader mightyFactor:0.9f zPosition:3],                       ];    for (SKSpriteNode *tree in trees) {        [self addChild:tree];    }}- (SKSpriteNode*)createTreeWithShader:(SKShader*)shader mightyFactor:(CGFloat)mightyFactor zPosition:(CGFloat)zPosition {    SKSpriteNode *treeNode = [SKSpriteNode spriteNodeWithImageNamed:@"Trees"];    treeNode.shader = shader;    // 3. Fill the custom attribute on the sprite    treeNode.attributeValues = @{@"THE_MIGHTY_DARK_FACTOR": [SKAttributeValue valueWithFloat:mightyFactor]};    treeNode.zPosition = zPosition;return treeNode;}

… and the shader program:


void main( void ){    vec4 color = texture2D(u_texture, v_tex_coord * (2.5 * THE_MIGHTY_DARK_FACTOR));    float alpha = color.a;    vec3 baseColor = color.rgb * THE_MIGHTY_DARK_FACTOR;    gl_FragColor = vec4(baseColor, 1.0) * alpha;}

... and see the parameterized result!


注意事项 (Caveats)

  • The shader’s source code is typically loaded from a .fsh file to a plain NSString


    This code must compile on the target device during the runtime


    no buildtime checks!


  • Older devices may use different version of OpenGL ES so beware GLSL syntax differences!

    较旧的设备可能使用不同版本的OpenGL ES,因此请注意GLSL语法的不同!

    In Raft Challenge’s case there was the need to replace

    在Raft Challenge的情况下,需要更换

    __constant (valid in OpenGL ES 3.0) to const for OpenGL ES 2.0.

    __constant (在OpenGL ES 3.0中有效)以const表示OpenGL ES 2.0。

  • It’s a good idea to keep a reference to SKShader object somewhere and reuse it as frequently as needed to avoid visible frame rate drop


    While allocation and shader compilation takes less than 1/60 sec, it may become a huge burden in render loop


  • When using SpriteKit’s Texture Atlases be cautious of vtexcoord

    使用SpriteKit的Texture vtexcoord谨慎使用vtexcoord

    XCode may rotate some textures which swap


    X and Y axis


    X and Y axisColor modification is safe, geometry is not


摘要 (Summary)

We learned by examples how to use fragment shaders in the Sprite Kit. We added parameters to sprites so our shader program can render every instance in a different way without any performance loss.

我们通过示例学习了如何在Sprite Kit中使用片段着色器。 我们向精灵添加了参数,以便我们的着色器程序可以以不同的方式呈现每个实例而不会造成性能损失。

The complete project is available for a download.


You can read part 3 of this series here.

您可以在这里阅读本系列的第3部分 。

About the author: Kamil Ziętek is an iOS Developer at



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