Manually configuring Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS)


This topic describes manual configuration settings for Internet Information Services (IIS).

Before you begin

This topic is one of the optional procedures in Manually configuring supported Web servers.

Why and when to perform this task

Follow this procedure to manually reproduce how the Installation wizard configures the Microsoft Internet Information Services Web server.

Configuring IIS 5.0

  1. Start the IIS application.
  2. Create a new virtual directory for the Web site instance that you intend to work with WebSphere Application Server. These instructions assume that you are using the Default Web Site.
    1. Expand the tree on the left until you see Default Web Site. Right-click Default Web Site and select New > Virtual Directory to create the directory with a default installation.

      In the wizard for adding a virtual directory, perform the following steps:

      1. Type sePlugins in the "Alias to be used to Access Virtual Directory" field.
      2. Browse to the WebSphere Application Server install_root\bin directory in the "Enter the physical path of the directory containing the content you want to publish" field.
      3. Select the Allow Execute Access check box in the "What access permissions do you want to set for this directory" field.
      4. Click Finish to add the sePlugins virtual directory to your default Web site.
  3. Add the Internet Services Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) filter into the IIS configuration.
    1. Right-click the host name in the tree on the left and click Properties.

      In the Properties dialog, perform the following steps:

      1. Go to the Internet Information Services tab.
      2. Click WWW Service in the Master properties window.
      3. Click Edit to open the WWW Service master properties window.
      4. Click ISAPI Filters > Add to open the Filter properties window.
      5. Type iisWASPlugin in the "Filter Name" field.
      6. Click Browse in the Executable field.
      7. Browse to the install_root\bin directory.
      8. Click the iisWASPlugin_http.dll file.
      9. Click OK until all open windows close.
  4. Add the Plugin Config variable to the registry under the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > IBM > WebSphere Application Server > 5.x.0.0 where x designates the version.

    Set the value of the Plugin Config variable to the location of the configuration file, which is the install_root\config\cells\plugin-cfg.xml directory.

Configuring IIS 6.0

  1. Start the IIS application.
  2. Create a new virtual directory for the Web site instance that you intend to work with WebSphere Application Server. These instructions assume that you are using the Default Web Site.
    1. Expand the tree on the left until you see Default Web Site. Right-click Default Web Site and select New > Virtual Directory to create the directory with a default installation.
    2. In the wizard for adding a virtual directory, perform the following steps:
      1. Type sePlugins in the "Alias to be used to Access Virtual Directory" field.
      2. Browse to the WebSphere Application Server install_root\bin directory in the "Enter the physical path of the directory containing the content you want to publish" field.
      3. Select the Allow Execute Access check box in the "What access permissions do you want to set for this directory" field.
      4. Click Finish to add the sePlugins virtual directory to your default Web site.
  3. Add the Internet Services Application Programming Interface (ISAPI) filter into the IIS configuration.
    1. Right-click Default Web Site in the tree on the left and click Properties.
    2. In the Properties dialog, perform the following steps:
      1. Go to the Internet Information Services tab.
      2. Go to the ISAPI Filters tab.
      3. Click Add to open the Filter properties window.
      4. Type iisWASPlugin in the "Filter Name" field.
      5. Click Browse in the Executable field.
      6. Browse to the install_root\bin directory.
      7. Click the iisWASPlugin_http.dll file.
      8. Click OK until all open windows close.
  4. Add the Plugin Config variable to the registry under the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE > SOFTWARE > IBM > WebSphere Application Server > 5.x.0.0 where x designates the version.

    Set the value of the Plugin Config variable to the location of the configuration file, which is the install_root\config\cells\plugin-cfg.xml directory.

  5. Enable the Web server to run WebSphere Application Server extensions:
    1. Expand the tree on the left until you see Web service extensions.
    2. Click Web service extensions.
    3. Click All Unknown ISAPI extensions on the right side of the page.
    4. Click Allow.


You can configure the Internet Information Services (IIS) Web server to work with WebSphere Application Server, Version 5.x.


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