这是ECOWS2009的accepted paper list. 至此, 今年Web Service几个主要会议(ICWS, SCC, ICSOC, ECOWS, ICEBE, CEC)的论文集都出来了.

Invited Talk

Resource Space Management Systems
Marcos Baez and Fabio Casati

Service Discovery and Evaluation

Service-Based Semantic Search in P2P Systems
Devis Bianchini, Valeria De Antonellis, and Michele Melchiori
Relevance Judgments for Web Services Retrieval - A Methodology and Test Collection for SWS Discovery Evaluation
Ulrich Küster and Birgitta König-Ries
 Advanced Non-functional Property Evaluation of Web Services
Pei Li, Marco Comerio, Andrea Maurino, and Flavio De Paoli

Service Composition

An Evolutionary Algorithm for Automatic Composition of Information-gathering Web Services in Mashups
Thomas Fischer, Fedor Bakalov, Birgitta König-Ries, Andreas Nauerz, and Martin Welsch
 A Framework for Automated Creation and Deployment of Consolidated Charging Schemes for Service Compositions
Lei Xu and Brendan Jennings
 Semantic Web Services Discovery and Composition: Paths Along Workflows
Cássio Vinicius Serafim Prazeres, Cesar Augusto Camillo Teixeira, and Maria da Graça Campos Pimentel
A Framework for the Evaluation of Semantics-Based Service Composition Approaches
Eduardo Silva, Luís Ferreira Pires, and Marten van Sinderen
Negotiating Robustness in Semantic Web Service Composition
Freddy Lécué, Usman Wajid, and Nikolay Mehandjiev

Service Verification and Testing

 On More Predictable Implementations of Reliable Workflows in Service-oriented Architectures
Andreas Both and Wolf Zimmermann
GAmera: An Automatic Mutant Generation System for WS-BPEL Compositions
Juan José Domínguez-Jiménez, Antonia Estero-Botaro, Antonio García-Domínguez,
and Inmaculada Medina-Bulo

Service Validation and Simulation

A System Dynamics Approach to Web Service Capacity Management
Elena Orta, Mercedes Ruiz, and Miguel Toro
Message Correlation in Web Services Choreographies:  A 4-phase Validation Method
Gregory Van Seghbroeck, Bruno Volckaert, Filip De Turck, and Bart Dhoedt

Service Monitoring

A Model-Based Approach to Fault Diagnosis in Service Oriented Architectures
Mohammed Alodib and Behzad Bordbar
Run-time Verification of Behavioural Conformance for Conversational Web Services
Dimitris Dranidis, Ervin Ramollari, and Dimitrios Kourtesis
Specifying and Monitoring Temporal Properties in Web Services Compositions
Slim Kallel, Anis Charfi, Tom Dinkelaker, Mira Mezini, and Mohamed Jmaiel

Service Adaptation and Cooperation

A Model and Algorithm for Self-Adaptation in Service-oriented Systems
Christoph Dorn, Daniel Schall, and Schahram Dustdar
Indirect Reciprocity in Policy-Based Helping Experiments
Christian von der Weth, Klemens Böhm, Thorben Burghardt, Christian Hütter, and Jing Zhi Yue

Service Infrastructure

Session-Based SOAP Transmission and Processing
Nils Gruschka and Luigi Lo Iacono
Remote Batch Invocation for Web Services: Document-Oriented Web Services with Object-Oriented Interfaces
Ali Ibrahim, Marc Fisher II, William R. Cook, and Eli Tilevich
An Analysis of Windows Workflow's Control-Flow Expressiveness
Marco Zapletal, Wil M.P. van der Aalst, Nick Russell, Philipp Liegl, and Hannes Werthner


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