➤原文地址: https://www.cnblogs.com/strengthen/p/10668058.html 

A query word matches a given pattern if we can insert lowercase letters to the pattern word so that it equals the query. (We may insert each character at any position, and may insert 0 characters.)

Given a list of queries, and a pattern, return an answer list of booleans, where answer[i] is true if and only if queries[i] matches the pattern.

Example 1:

Input: queries = ["FooBar","FooBarTest","FootBall","FrameBuffer","ForceFeedBack"], pattern = "FB"
Output: [true,false,true,true,false]
"FooBar" can be generated like this "F" + "oo" + "B" + "ar".
"FootBall" can be generated like this "F" + "oot" + "B" + "all".
"FrameBuffer" can be generated like this "F" + "rame" + "B" + "uffer".

Example 2:

Input: queries = ["FooBar","FooBarTest","FootBall","FrameBuffer","ForceFeedBack"], pattern = "FoBa"
Output: [true,false,true,false,false]
"FooBar" can be generated like this "Fo" + "o" + "Ba" + "r".
"FootBall" can be generated like this "Fo" + "ot" + "Ba" + "ll".

Example 3:

Input: queries = ["FooBar","FooBarTest","FootBall","FrameBuffer","ForceFeedBack"], pattern = "FoBaT"
Output: [false,true,false,false,false]
"FooBarTest" can be generated like this "Fo" + "o" + "Ba" + "r" + "T" + "est".


  1. 1 <= queries.length <= 100
  2. 1 <= queries[i].length <= 100
  3. 1 <= pattern.length <= 100
  4. All strings consists only of lower and upper case English letters.

如果我们可以将小写字母插入模式串 pattern 得到待查询项 query,那么待查询项与给定模式串匹配。(我们可以在任何位置插入每个字符,也可以插入 0 个字符。)

给定待查询列表 queries,和模式串 pattern,返回由布尔值组成的答案列表 answer。只有在待查项 queries[i] 与模式串 pattern匹配时, answer[i] 才为 true,否则为 false

示例 1:

输入:queries = ["FooBar","FooBarTest","FootBall","FrameBuffer","ForceFeedBack"], pattern = "FB"
"FooBar" 可以这样生成:"F" + "oo" + "B" + "ar"。
"FootBall" 可以这样生成:"F" + "oot" + "B" + "all".
"FrameBuffer" 可以这样生成:"F" + "rame" + "B" + "uffer".

示例 2:

输入:queries = ["FooBar","FooBarTest","FootBall","FrameBuffer","ForceFeedBack"], pattern = "FoBa"
"FooBar" 可以这样生成:"Fo" + "o" + "Ba" + "r".
"FootBall" 可以这样生成:"Fo" + "ot" + "Ba" + "ll".

示例 3:

输出:queries = ["FooBar","FooBarTest","FootBall","FrameBuffer","ForceFeedBack"], pattern = "FoBaT"
"FooBarTest" 可以这样生成:"Fo" + "o" + "Ba" + "r" + "T" + "est". 


  1. 1 <= queries.length <= 100
  2. 1 <= queries[i].length <= 100
  3. 1 <= pattern.length <= 100
  4. 所有字符串都仅由大写和小写英文字母组成。

Runtime: 8 ms
Memory Usage: 19.9 MB
 1 class Solution {
 2     func camelMatch(_ queries: [String], _ pattern: String) -> [Bool] {
 3         var ans:[Bool] = [Bool]()
 4         for q in queries
 5         {
 6             ans.append(go(q,pattern))
 7         }
 8         return ans
 9     }
11     func go(_ q:String,_ p:String) -> Bool
12     {
13         var pos:Int = 0
14         var arrP:[Character] = Array(p)
15         for c in q
16         {
17             if pos < p.count && c == arrP[pos]
18             {
19                 pos += 1
20             }
21             else if c < "a" || c > "z"
22             {
23                 return false
24             }
25         }
26         return pos == p.count
27     }
28 }

 1 import Foundation
 3 class Solution {
 4     func camelMatch(_ queries: [String], _ pattern: String) -> [Bool] {
 5         var result = [Bool]()
 6         let pattern = Array(pattern)
 7         for q in queries {
 8             result.append(check(Array(q), pattern))
 9         }
10         return result
11     }
13     func check(_ q: [Character], _ p: [Character]) -> Bool {
14         if p.count > q.count { return false }
15         var pIndex = 0
16         for i in 0..<q.count {
17             if pIndex > p.count - 1 {
18                 if isUpperCase(q[i]) { return false }
19             } else {
20                 if q[i] == p[pIndex] {
21                     pIndex += 1
22                 } else {
23                     if isUpperCase(q[i]) { return false }
24                 }
25             }
26         }
27         return pIndex == p.count
28     }
30     func isUpperCase(_ c: Character) -> Bool {
31         let tmd = String(c).unicodeScalars.first!
32         return CharacterSet.uppercaseLetters.contains(tmd)
33     }
34 }


 1 class Solution {
 2     func camelMatch(_ queries: [String], _ pattern: String) -> [Bool] {
 3         var result = [Bool]()
 4         for query in queries {
 5             result.append(isSubsequnce(pattern, query))
 6         }
 7         return result
 8     }
10     fileprivate func isSubsequnce(_ pattern: String, _ word: String) -> Bool {
11         guard pattern.count <= word.count else {
12             return false
13         }
14         var index1 = 0, index2 = 0
15         let chars1 = Array(pattern)
16         let chars2 = Array(word)
18         let capitals1 = chars1.filter { String($0).uppercased() == String($0) }
19         let capitals2 = chars2.filter { String($0).uppercased() == String($0) }
20         guard capitals1 == capitals2 else {
21             return false
22         }
24         while index1 < chars1.count && index2 < chars2.count {
25             if chars1[index1] == chars2[index2] {
26                 index1 += 1
27                 index2 += 1
28             } else {
29                 index2 += 1
30             }
31         }
32         return (index1 == chars1.count && index2 == chars2.count) || index1 == chars1.count
33     }
34 }


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