

Date: Wed, 25 Jul 2007 07:27:26 -0700
Subject: RE: Investigating "" account

Thanks for your kind response.

Unfortunately, I'm not in control of that process. I was only asked to follow up on several account to provide you a polite notification.

Because we do not have public registration open for accounts yet, all accounts currently created are considered "test" accounts.  Test accounts are scheduled to be deleted in approximately 3 weeks as a pre-release step prior to the official launch of Live Mail.

You can use this 3 week period to export your address book (Options >> Export Contacts) and redirect contacts.  I'm very sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.

Please let me know if you have any questions,



From: Lei Huang []
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 2:09 AM
To: Scott Sxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Investigating " " account


I'm very glad to  receive your email.
      If you want to know how I can get this account, please search the Internet and you find several bugs can be used before your official rollout.
      In addition, there are a lot of friends and business partners in my friend list of this account. If you delect it, you will make a big trouble for me.
      Thanks for regarding.


From: Scott Sxxxxxxx <>
Date: 2007-7-25 9:57pm
Subject: RE: Investigating " " account
To: Ray <>

Thanks for your reply,

I'm very sorry for the misunderstanding.  My intent is not to threaten and I trust your intent is also not to threaten. J

We simply haven't released addresses for public use yet.  The good news is that the official release of @ email registration is in several months.

As part of that launch, we are looking at addresses that were 'pre-registered' typically through a registration bug where a query string value could be changed to the domain value.  There were also a small number of accounts which were issued to internal Microsoft team members that worked on shipping Live Mail.  Some of those team members work in our China development group which is why I inquired if you were a Microsoft employee.



From: Ray [mailto:]
Sent: Wednesday, July 25, 2007 1:02 AM
To: Scott Sxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Investigating " " account

Who says the Windows Live ID only can be registered by MS employee?
If you have any document to indicated it, please share it to me.
Or I will let others know how arbitrary and outrageous MS employee is.



2007/7/25, Scott Sxxxxxxx <>:

Are you a Microsoft employee?

I'm looking into how several accounts were created prior to the official rollout of accounts.

Please respond by Friday or the account may be deleted.




Subject: *DETECTED* Online User Violation
Date: Mon, 23 Jul 2007 23:00:35 +1000

Dear Live Member,

We have temporarily suspended your email account

This might be due to either of the following reasons:

1. A recent change in your personal information (i.e. change of address).
2. Submiting invalid information during the initial sign up process.
3. An innability to accurately verify your selected option of subscription due to an internal error within our processors.
See the details to reactivate your Live account.

Sincerely,The Live Support Team

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