
PostgreSQL , Greenplum , JOIN , group by , distinct , 聚合 , 非分布键 , 数据倾斜 , 多阶段聚合







JOIN,排序,group by,distinct。



3、group by非分布键字段




( HybridDB for PostgreSQL基于GPDB开源版本改进而来,已包含这个功能。 )

非分布键 JOIN,排序,group by,distinct

1、非分布键 group by


tbl_ao_col表是c1的分布键,但是我们group by使用了c398字段,因此看看它是怎么做的呢?请看执行计划的解释。

postgres=# explain analyze select c398,count(*),sum(c399),avg(c399),min(c399),max(c399) from tbl_ao_col group by c398;      QUERY PLAN
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------      Gather Motion 48:1  (slice2; segments: 48)  (cost=123364.18..123582.28 rows=9693 width=96)      // 返回结果    Rows out:  10001 rows at destination with 120 ms to end, start offset by 1.921 ms.      ->  HashAggregate  (cost=123364.18..123582.28 rows=202 width=96)      // 重分布后再次聚合。    Group By: tbl_ao_col.c398      Rows out:  Avg 208.4 rows x 48 workers.  Max 223 rows (seg17) with 0.001 ms to first row, 54 ms to end, start offset by 35 ms.      ->  Redistribute Motion 48:48  (slice1; segments: 48)  (cost=122928.00..123121.86 rows=202 width=96)      // 第一次聚合后,记录数以及降低到了几千行,因此重分布后即使出现倾斜,关系也不大。    Hash Key: tbl_ao_col.c398      Rows out:  Avg 8762.2 rows x 48 workers at destination.  Max 9422 rows (seg46) with 31 ms to end, start offset by 63 ms.      ->  HashAggregate  (cost=122928.00..122928.00 rows=202 width=96)      // 这一步是在segment节点聚合    Group By: tbl_ao_col.c398      Rows out:  Avg 8762.2 rows x 48 workers.  Max 8835 rows (seg2) with 0.004 ms to first row, 8.004 ms to end, start offset by 82 ms.      ->  Append-only Columnar Scan on tbl_ao_col  (cost=0.00..107928.00 rows=20834 width=16)      Rows out:  0 rows (seg0) with 28 ms to end, start offset by 64 ms.      Slice statistics:      (slice0)    Executor memory: 377K bytes.      (slice1)    Executor memory: 1272K bytes avg x 48 workers, 1272K bytes max (seg0).      (slice2)    Executor memory: 414K bytes avg x 48 workers, 414K bytes max (seg0).      Statement statistics:      Memory used: 128000K bytes      Settings:  optimizer=off      Optimizer status: legacy query optimizer      Total runtime: 122.173 ms
(22 rows)


非分布键 GROUP BY,首先会在本地节点group by,然后按GROUP BY字段进行数据重分布,然后再在本地节点GROUP BY,最后返回GROUP BY结果给master节点,返回给用户。

Greenplum会根据group by的字段的distinct值的比例,考虑是直接重分布数据,还是先在本地聚合后再重分布数据(减少重分布的数据量)。

2、非分布键 distinct


tbl 为 随机分布

postgres=# explain analyze select count(distinct c2) from tbl;  QUERY PLAN
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Aggregate  (cost=1549462.55..1549462.56 rows=1 width=8)  Rows out:  1 rows with 0.002 ms to first row, 0.645 ms to end, start offset by 1.681 ms.  ->  Gather Motion 48:1  (slice2; segments: 48)  (cost=1548947.03..1549450.04 rows=1001 width=4)  Rows out:  1001 rows at destination with 498 ms to end, start offset by 1.684 ms.  ->  HashAggregate  (cost=1548947.03..1548959.55 rows=21 width=4)  Group By: tbl.c2  Rows out:  Avg 20.9 rows x 48 workers.  Max 31 rows (seg17) with 0.002 ms to first row, 152 ms to end, start offset by 39 ms.  ->  Redistribute Motion 48:48  (slice1; segments: 48)  (cost=1548912.00..1548932.02 rows=21 width=4)  Hash Key: tbl.c2  Rows out:  Avg 1001.0 rows x 48 workers at destination.  Max 1488 rows (seg17) with 309 ms to end, start offset by 39 ms.  ->  HashAggregate  (cost=1548912.00..1548912.00 rows=21 width=4)  Group By: tbl.c2  Rows out:  Avg 1001.0 rows x 48 workers.  Max 1001 rows (seg0) with 0.006 ms to first row, 271 ms to end, start offset by 42 ms.  ->  Append-only Columnar Scan on tbl  (cost=0.00..1048912.00 rows=2083334 width=4)  Rows out:  0 rows (seg0) with 25 ms to end, start offset by 42 ms.  Slice statistics:  (slice0)    Executor memory: 327K bytes.  (slice1)    Executor memory: 764K bytes avg x 48 workers, 764K bytes max (seg0).  (slice2)    Executor memory: 292K bytes avg x 48 workers, 292K bytes max (seg0).  Statement statistics:  Memory used: 128000K bytes  Settings:  enable_bitmapscan=off; enable_seqscan=off; optimizer=off  Optimizer status: legacy query optimizer  Total runtime: 502.576 ms
(24 rows)


非分布键 求distinct,首先会在本地节点hash 聚合,然后按distinct字段进行数据重分布,然后再在本地节点hash 聚合,最后返回结果给master节点,返回给用户。


3、非分布键 distinct + 非分布键 group by

tbl 为 随机分布

postgres=# explain analyze select count(distinct c2) from tbl group by c3;  QUERY PLAN
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Gather Motion 48:1  (slice2; segments: 48)  (cost=1805483.56..1805484.83 rows=101 width=12)  Rows out:  101 rows at destination with 990 ms to end, start offset by 519 ms.  ->  HashAggregate  (cost=1805483.56..1805484.83 rows=3 width=12)  Group By: partial_aggregation.c3  Rows out:  Avg 2.5 rows x 41 workers.  Max 4 rows (seg9) with 0.005 ms to first row, 0.284 ms to end, start offset by 577 ms.  ->  HashAggregate  (cost=1802703.29..1803967.05 rows=2107 width=8)  Group By: tbl.c3, tbl.c2  Rows out:  Avg 2465.9 rows x 41 workers.  Max 4004 rows (seg9) with 0.001 ms to first row, 260 ms to end, start offset by 577 ms.  ->  Redistribute Motion 48:48  (slice1; segments: 48)  (cost=1798912.00..1800934.02 rows=2107 width=8)  Hash Key: tbl.c3  Rows out:  Avg 118362.0 rows x 41 workers at destination.  Max 192192 rows (seg9) with 663 ms to end, start offset by 577 ms.  ->  HashAggregate  (cost=1798912.00..1798912.00 rows=2107 width=8)  Group By: tbl.c3, tbl.c2  Rows out:  Avg 101100.9 rows x 48 workers.  Max 101101 rows (seg0) with 0.005 ms to first row, 747 ms to end, start offset by 562 ms.  ->  Append-only Columnar Scan on tbl  (cost=0.00..1048912.00 rows=2083334 width=8)  Rows out:  0 rows (seg0) with 40 ms to end, start offset by 560 ms.  Slice statistics:  (slice0)    Executor memory: 327K bytes.  (slice1)    Executor memory: 1117K bytes avg x 48 workers, 1117K bytes max (seg0).  (slice2)    Executor memory: 435K bytes avg x 48 workers, 452K bytes max (seg0).  Statement statistics:  Memory used: 128000K bytes  Settings:  enable_bitmapscan=off; enable_seqscan=off; optimizer=off  Optimizer status: legacy query optimizer  Total runtime: 1511.120 ms
(25 rows)

distinct和group by都是非分布键,Greenplum分布式执行计划优雅的解决了非分布键group by与distinct数据重分布带来的网络传输的问题。

4、非分布键 join





postgres=# explain analyze select a.c1,count(*) from a join b on (a.id=b.id) group by a.c1;  QUERY PLAN
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Gather Motion 48:1  (slice3; segments: 48)  (cost=0.00..2730.45 rows=1 width=12)  Rows out:  1 rows at destination with 7190 ms to end, start offset by 2.357 ms.  ->  GroupAggregate  (cost=0.00..2730.45 rows=1 width=12)  Group By: a.c1  Rows out:  1 rows (seg22) with 0.001 ms to first row, 0.320 ms to end, start offset by 54 ms.  ->  Sort  (cost=0.00..2730.44 rows=1 width=12)  Sort Key: a.c1  Rows out:  1 rows (seg22) with 0.001 ms to end, start offset by 54 ms.  Executor memory:  33K bytes avg, 33K bytes max (seg0).  Work_mem used:  33K bytes avg, 33K bytes max (seg0). Workfile: (0 spilling, 0 reused)  ->  Redistribute Motion 48:48  (slice2; segments: 48)  (cost=0.00..2730.44 rows=1 width=12)  Hash Key: a.c1  Rows out:  1 rows at destination (seg22) with 7138 ms to end, start offset by 54 ms.  ->  Result  (cost=0.00..2730.44 rows=1 width=12)  Rows out:  1 rows (seg42) with 0.003 ms to end, start offset by 77 ms.  ->  GroupAggregate  (cost=0.00..2730.44 rows=1 width=12)  Group By: a.c1  Rows out:  1 rows (seg42) with 0.002 ms to first row, 1054 ms to end, start offset by 77 ms.  ->  Sort  (cost=0.00..2730.44 rows=1 width=4)  Sort Key: a.c1  Rows out:  10000000 rows (seg42) with 0.003 ms to end, start offset by 77 ms.  Executor memory:  1400K bytes avg, 65676K bytes max (seg42).  Work_mem used:  1400K bytes avg, 65676K bytes max (seg42). Workfile: (1 spilling, 0 reused)  Work_mem wanted: 481337K bytes avg, 481337K bytes max (seg42) to lessen workfile I/O affecting 1 workers.  ->  Hash Join  (cost=0.00..2730.44 rows=1 width=4)  Hash Cond: b.id = a.id  Rows out:  10000000 rows (seg42) with 0.014 ms to first row, 4989 ms to end, start offset by 77 ms.  Executor memory:  6511K bytes avg, 6513K bytes max (seg18).  Work_mem used:  6511K bytes avg, 6513K bytes max (seg18). Workfile: (0 spilling, 0 reused)  ->  Redistribute Motion 48:48  (slice1; segments: 48)  (cost=0.00..471.72 rows=208130 width=4)  Hash Key: b.id  Rows out:  10000000 rows at destination (seg42) with 0.004 ms to end, start offset by 77 ms.  ->  Table Scan on b  (cost=0.00..436.27 rows=208130 width=4)  Rows out:  Avg 208333.3 rows x 48 workers.  Max 208430 rows (seg17) with 4.815 ms to first row, 824 ms to end, start offset by 92 ms.  ->  Hash  (cost=436.27..436.27 rows=208475 width=8)  Rows in:  (No row requested) 0 rows (seg0) with 0 ms to end.  ->  Table Scan on a  (cost=0.00..436.27 rows=208475 width=8)  Rows out:  Avg 208333.3 rows x 48 workers.  Max 208401 rows (seg18) with 34 ms to first row, 46 ms to end, start offset by 63 ms.  Slice statistics:  (slice0)    Executor memory: 330K bytes.  (slice1)    Executor memory: 1129K bytes avg x 48 workers, 1129K bytes max (seg0).  (slice2)  * Executor memory: 2139K bytes avg x 48 workers, 66504K bytes max (seg42).  Work_mem: 65676K bytes max, 481337K bytes wanted.  (slice3)    Executor memory: 372K bytes avg x 48 workers, 388K bytes max (seg22).  Work_mem: 33K bytes max.  Statement statistics:  Memory used: 128000K bytes  Memory wanted: 1444908K bytes  Settings:  enable_bitmapscan=on; enable_seqscan=on; optimizer=on  Optimizer status: PQO version 1.602  Total runtime: 7193.902 ms
(49 rows)



postgres=# explain analyze select a.c1,count(*) from a join b on (a.id=b.id) group by a.c1;  QUERY PLAN
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  Gather Motion 48:1  (slice4; segments: 48)  (cost=0.00..990.85 rows=101 width=12)  Rows out:  101 rows at destination with 752 ms to first row, 753 ms to end, start offset by 732 ms.  ->  GroupAggregate  (cost=0.00..990.85 rows=3 width=12)  Group By: a.c1  Rows out:  Avg 2.5 rows x 41 workers.  Max 4 rows (seg9) with 746 ms to end, start offset by 738 ms.  ->  Sort  (cost=0.00..990.85 rows=3 width=12)  Sort Key: a.c1  Rows out:  Avg 118.2 rows x 41 workers.  Max 192 rows (seg9) with 746 ms to end, start offset by 738 ms.  Executor memory:  58K bytes avg, 58K bytes max (seg0).  Work_mem used:  58K bytes avg, 58K bytes max (seg0). Workfile: (0 spilling, 0 reused)  ->  Redistribute Motion 48:48  (slice3; segments: 48)  (cost=0.00..990.85 rows=3 width=12)  Hash Key: a.c1  Rows out:  Avg 118.2 rows x 41 workers at destination.  Max 192 rows (seg9) with 594 ms to first row, 746 ms to end, start offset by 738 ms.  ->  Result  (cost=0.00..990.85 rows=3 width=12)  Rows out:  Avg 101.0 rows x 48 workers.  Max 101 rows (seg0) with 675 ms to first row, 676 ms to end, start offset by 740 ms.  ->  HashAggregate  (cost=0.00..990.85 rows=3 width=12)  Group By: a.c1  Rows out:  Avg 101.0 rows x 48 workers.  Max 101 rows (seg0) with 675 ms to first row, 676 ms to end, start offset by 740 ms.  Executor memory:  4185K bytes avg, 4185K bytes max (seg0).  ->  Hash Join  (cost=0.00..964.88 rows=208191 width=4)  Hash Cond: a.id = b.id  Rows out:  Avg 208333.3 rows x 48 workers.  Max 208401 rows (seg18) with 282 ms to first row, 661 ms to end, start offset by 767 ms.  Executor memory:  4883K bytes avg, 4885K bytes max (seg18).  Work_mem used:  4883K bytes avg, 4885K bytes max (seg18). Workfile: (0 spilling, 0 reused)  (seg18)  Hash chain length 1.3 avg, 4 max, using 159471 of 262151 buckets.  ->  Redistribute Motion 48:48  (slice1; segments: 48)  (cost=0.00..444.59 rows=208378 width=8)  Hash Key: a.id  Rows out:  Avg 208333.3 rows x 48 workers at destination.  Max 208401 rows (seg18) with 0.112 ms to first row, 104 ms to end, start offset by 1048 ms.  ->  Table Scan on a  (cost=0.00..436.27 rows=208378 width=8)  Rows out:  Avg 208333.3 rows x 48 workers.  Max 208422 rows (seg31) with 0.117 ms to first row, 64 ms to end, start offset by 749 ms.  ->  Hash  (cost=440.42..440.42 rows=208191 width=4)  Rows in:  Avg 208333.3 rows x 48 workers.  Max 208401 rows (seg18) with 250 ms to end, start offset by 798 ms.  ->  Redistribute Motion 48:48  (slice2; segments: 48)  (cost=0.00..440.42 rows=208191 width=4)  Hash Key: b.id  Rows out:  Avg 208333.3 rows x 48 workers at destination.  Max 208401 rows (seg18) with 0.219 ms to first row, 132 ms to end, start offset by 798 ms.  ->  Table Scan on b  (cost=0.00..436.27 rows=208191 width=4)  Rows out:  Avg 208333.3 rows x 48 workers.  Max 208388 rows (seg3) with 0.146 ms to first row, 77 ms to end, start offset by 760 ms.  Slice statistics:  (slice0)    Executor memory: 313K bytes.  (slice1)    Executor memory: 1096K bytes avg x 48 workers, 1096K bytes max (seg0).  (slice2)    Executor memory: 1096K bytes avg x 48 workers, 1096K bytes max (seg0).  (slice3)    Executor memory: 25518K bytes avg x 48 workers, 25518K bytes max (seg0).  Work_mem: 4885K bytes max.  (slice4)    Executor memory: 374K bytes avg x 48 workers, 382K bytes max (seg0).  Work_mem: 58K bytes max.  Statement statistics:  Memory used: 128000K bytes  Settings:  enable_bitmapscan=on; enable_seqscan=on; optimizer=on  Optimizer status: PQO version 1.602  Total runtime: 1486.335 ms
(48 rows)

非分布键 排序

1、merge sort


Greenplum使用了merge sort,首先在数据节点本地排序(所有节点并行),然后master节点向segment请求数据,在master节点merge sort合并。


非分布键 group by 和 distinct 的原理





第四阶段,返回结果给master,有必要的话master节点调用聚合函数的final func(已经是很少的记录数和运算量)。

非分布键 JOIN 的原理




《Greenplum 行存、列存,堆表、AO表的原理和选择》

《分布式DB(Greenplum)中数据倾斜的原因和解法 - 阿里云HybridDB for PostgreSQL最佳实践》


《日增量万亿+级 实时分析、数据规整 - 阿里云HybridDB for PostgreSQL最佳实践》

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