本文翻译自:Listing only directories using ls in bash: An examination

This command lists directories in the current path: ls -d */ 此命令列出当前路径中的目录: ls -d */

What exactly does the pattern */ do? */模式到底是做什么的?

And how can we give the absolute path in the above command (eg ls -d /home/alice/Documents ) for listing only directories in that path? 以及如何在上述命令中给出绝对路径(例如ls -d /home/alice/Documents )以仅列出该路径中的目录?




*/ is a pattern that matches all of the subdirectories in the current directory ( * would match all files and subdirectories; the / restricts it to directories). */是与当前目录中所有子目录匹配的模式( *将与所有文件子目录匹配; /将其限制为目录)。 Similarly, to list all subdirectories under /home/alice/Documents, use ls -d /home/alice/Documents/*/ 同样,要列出/ home / alice / Documents下的所有子目录,请使用ls -d /home/alice/Documents/*/


Four ways to get this done, each with a different output format 完成此操作的四种方法,每种方法具有不同的输出格式

1. Using echo 1.使用echo

Example: echo */ , echo */*/ 示例: echo */echo */*/
Here is what I got: 这是我得到的:

cs/ draft/ files/ hacks/ masters/ static/
cs/code/ files/images/ static/images/ static/stylesheets/

2. Using ls only 2.仅使用ls

Example: ls -d */ 示例: ls -d */
Here is exactly what I got: 这正是我得到的:

cs/     files/      masters/
draft/  hacks/      static/

Or as list (with detail info): ls -dl */ 或作为列表(包含详细信息): ls -dl */

3. Using ls and grep 3.使用lsgrep

Example: ls -l | grep "^d" 示例: ls -l | grep "^d" ls -l | grep "^d" Here is what I got: ls -l | grep "^d"这是我得到的:

drwxr-xr-x  24 h  staff     816 Jun  8 10:55 cs
drwxr-xr-x   6 h  staff     204 Jun  8 10:55 draft
drwxr-xr-x   9 h  staff     306 Jun  8 10:55 files
drwxr-xr-x   2 h  staff      68 Jun  9 13:19 hacks
drwxr-xr-x   6 h  staff     204 Jun  8 10:55 masters
drwxr-xr-x   4 h  staff     136 Jun  8 10:55 static

4. Bash Script (Not recommended for filename containing spaces) 4. Bash脚本(不建议将文件名包含空格)

Example: for i in $(ls -d */); do echo ${i%%/}; done 示例: for i in $(ls -d */); do echo ${i%%/}; done for i in $(ls -d */); do echo ${i%%/}; done
Here is what I got: 这是我得到的:


If you like to have '/' as ending character, the command will be: for i in $(ls -d */); do echo ${i}; done 如果您希望以'/'作为结束字符,则命令将为: for i in $(ls -d */); do echo ${i}; done for i in $(ls -d */); do echo ${i}; done



I use: 我用:

ls -d */ | cut -f1 -d'/'

This creates a single column with no trailing slash - useful in scripts. 这将创建不带斜杠的单列-在脚本中很有用。

My two cents. 我的两分钱。


I partially solved with : 我部分解决了:

cd "/path/to/pricipal/folder"for i in $(ls -d .*/); do sudo ln -s "$PWD"/${i%%/} /home/inukaze/${i%%/}; doneln: «/home/inukaze/./.»: can't overwrite a directory
ln: «/home/inukaze/../..»: can't overwrite a directory
ln: accesing to «/home/inukaze/.config»: too much symbolics links levels
ln: accesing to «/home/inukaze/.disruptive»: too much symbolics links levels
ln: accesing to «/home/inukaze/innovations»: too much symbolics links levels
ln: accesing to «/home/inukaze/sarl»: too much symbolics links levels
ln: accesing to «/home/inukaze/.e_old»: too much symbolics links levels
ln: accesing to «/home/inukaze/.gnome2_private»: too much symbolics links levels
ln: accesing to «/home/inukaze/.gvfs»: too much symbolics links levels
ln: accesing to «/home/inukaze/.kde»: too much symbolics links levels
ln: accesing to «/home/inukaze/.local»: too much symbolics links levels
ln: accesing to «/home/inukaze/.xVideoServiceThief»: too much symbolics links levels

Well , this reduce to me , the mayor part :) 好吧,这减少了我,市长的一部分:)


One-liner to list directories only from "here". 一线式仅从“这里”列出目录。

With file count. 随着文件数。

for i in `ls -d */`; do g=`find ./$i -type f -print| wc -l`; echo "Directory $i contains $g files."; done


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