用法:tail [选项]… [文件]…
Print the last 10 lines of each FILE to standard output.
With more than one FILE, precede each with a header giving the file name.
With no FILE, or when FILE is -, read standard input.

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
-c, --bytes=K output the last K bytes; or use -c +K to output
bytes starting with the Kth of each file
-f, --follow[={name|descriptor}]
output appended data as the file grows;
an absent option argument means ‘descriptor’
-F same as --follow=name --retry
-n, --lines=K output the last K lines, instead of the last 10;
or use -n +K to output starting with the Kth
with --follow=name, reopen a FILE which has not
changed size after N (default 5) iterations
to see if it has been unlinked or renamed
(this is the usual case of rotated log files);
with inotify, this option is rarely useful
–pid=PID with -f, terminate after process ID, PID dies
-q, --quiet, --silent never output headers giving file names
–retry keep trying to open a file if it is inaccessible
-s, --sleep-interval=N with -f, sleep for approximately N seconds
(default 1.0) between iterations;
with inotify and --pid=P, check process P at
least once every N seconds
-v, --verbose always output headers giving file names
–help 显示此帮助信息并退出
–version 显示版本信息并退出

If the first character of K (the number of bytes or lines) is a ‘+’,
print beginning with the Kth item from the start of each file, otherwise,
print the last K items in the file. K may have a multiplier suffix:
b 512, kB 1000, K 1024, MB 10001000, M 10241024,
GB 100010001000, G 102410241024, and so on for T, P, E, Z, Y.

的程序动作并不如您所愿。在这种场合可以使用–follow=name 选项,它会使
tail 定期追踪打开给定名称的文件,以确认它是否被删除或被其它某些程序重新创建过。

GNU coreutils online help: http://www.gnu.org/software/coreutils/
请向http://translationproject.org/team/zh_CN.html 报告tail 的翻译错误
要获取完整文档,请运行:info coreutils ‘tail invocation’


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