
Given a number N, return true if and only if it is a confusing number, which satisfies the following condition:

We can rotate digits by 180 degrees to form new digits. When 0, 1, 6, 8, 9 are rotated 180 degrees, they become 0, 1, 9, 8, 6 respectively. When 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 are rotated 180 degrees, they become invalid. A confusing number is a number that when rotated 180 degrees becomes a different number with each digit valid.

Example 1:

Input: 6
Output: true
We get 9 after rotating 6, 9 is a valid number and 9!=6.

Example 2:

Input: 89
Output: true
We get 68 after rotating 89, 86 is a valid number and 86!=89.

Example 3:

Input: 11
Output: false
We get 11 after rotating 11, 11 is a valid number but the value remains the same, thus 11 is not a confusing number.

Example 4:

Input: 25
Output: false
We get an invalid number after rotating 25.


  1. 0 <= N <= 10^9
  2. After the rotation we can ignore leading zeros, for example if after rotation we have 0008 then this number is considered as just 8.
class Solution {
public:bool confusingNumber(int N) {int M=N;int n=0;while(M>0){int x=M%10;n*=10;M/=10;if(x==0||x==1||x==8) n+=x;else if(x==6) n+=9;else if(x==9) n+=6;else return false;}return n!=N;}

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