本文算法摘自opencv,可以说opencv是一个大宝库,里面有无穷无尽的算法,但是opencv里面的算法属于研究性质,只能解决“有”的问题,还不能解决“好”的问题。比如下面的简单白平衡算法,核心思想是:在rgb三通道上分别计算直方图,然后将1%的最大值和最小值设置为255和0,其余值映射到(0, 255)区间内,这样使得每个通道的值均匀分布,以实现简单的颜色平衡。实际测试效果,对于某些图像效果还是可以的,尤其是偏色比较厉害的图像。不过该算法实现逻辑比较晦涩。
#include "stdafx.h"
#include <cv.h>
#include <highgui.h>using namespace cv;
using namespace std;enum
void balanceWhite(std::vector<Mat> &src, Mat &dst, const float inputMin, const float inputMax, const float outputMin, const float outputMax, const int algorithmType)
{// 在rgb三通道上分别计算直方图// 将1%的最大值和最小值设置为255和0// 其余值映射到(0, 255), 这样使得每个值通道的值在rgb中分布较均匀, 以实现简单的颜色平衡switch (algorithmType){case WHITE_BALANCE_SIMPLE:{/********************* Simple white balance *********************/float s1 = 1.0f;// low quantilefloat s2 = 1.0f;// high quantileint depth = 2;// depth of histogram treeint bins = 16;// number of bins at each histogram levelint total = src[0].cols * src[0].rows;int nElements = int(pow((float)bins, (float)depth));// number of elements in histogram treefor (size_t k = 0; k < src.size(); ++k){std::vector<int> hist(nElements, 0);uchar *pImag = src[k].data;// histogram fillingfor (int i = 0; i < total; i++){int pos = 0;float minValue = inputMin - 0.5f;float maxValue = inputMax + 0.5f;float interval = float(maxValue - minValue) / bins;uchar val = pImag[i];for (int j = 0; j < depth; ++j){int currentBin = int((val - minValue + 1e-4f) / interval);++hist[pos + currentBin];pos = (pos + currentBin)*bins;minValue = minValue + currentBin*interval;interval /= bins;}}int p1 = 0, p2 = bins - 1;int n1 = 0, n2 = total;float minValue = inputMin - 0.5f;float maxValue = inputMax + 0.5f;float interval = float(maxValue - minValue) / bins;// searching for s1 and s2for (int j = 0; j < depth; ++j){while (n1 + hist[p1] < s1 * total / 100.0f){n1 += hist[p1++];minValue += interval;}p1 *= bins;while (n2 - hist[p2] > (100.0f - s2) * total / 100.0f){n2 -= hist[p2--];maxValue -= interval;}p2 = p2*bins - 1;interval /= bins;}src[k] = (outputMax - outputMin) * (src[k] - minValue) / (maxValue - minValue) + outputMin;}/****************************************************************/break;}default:CV_Error_(CV_StsNotImplemented, ("Unsupported algorithm type (=%d)", algorithmType));}// switchmerge(src, dst);
}void balanceWhite(const Mat &src, Mat &dst, const int algorithmType, const float inputMin = 0.0f, const float inputMax = 255.0f, const float outputMin = 0.0f, const float outputMax = 255.0f)
{switch (src.depth()){case CV_8U:{std::vector<Mat> mv;split(src, mv);balanceWhite(mv, dst, inputMin, inputMax, outputMin, outputMax, algorithmType);break;}default:CV_Error_(CV_StsNotImplemented, ("Unsupported source image format (=%d)", src.type()));break;}
/**************************************************************************************************************************/int main()
{const char* fileName = "dog.png" ;Mat src = imread(fileName);imshow("src", src);cv::Mat dst(src.size(), src. type());balanceWhite(src, dst, WHITE_BALANCE_SIMPLE);imshow("dst", dst);imwrite("result.jpg", dst);cv::waitKey();return 0;


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