
​ 在企业的应用场景中,为了知道优化SQL语句的执行,需要查看SQL语句的具体执行过程,以加快SQL语句的执行效率。

​ 可以使用explain+SQL语句来模拟优化器执行SQL查询语句,从而知道mysql是如何处理sql语句的。



格式: explain sql语句例: explain select * from t_user


# 格式:
explain2 datanode=数据节点 sql=SQL语句# 实例
EXPLAIN2 explain2 datanode=ios_dn1 sql=select * from t_user;

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Column Meaning
id The SELECT identifier
select_type The SELECT type
table The table for the output row
partitions The matching partitions
type The join type
possible_keys The possible indexes to choose
key The index actually chosen
key_len The length of the chosen key
ref The columns compared to the index
rows Estimate of rows to be examined
filtered Percentage of rows filtered by table condition
extra Additional information




​ 1、如果id相同,那么执行顺序从上到下

explain select * from emp e join dept d on e.deptno = d.deptno join salgrade sg on e.sal between sg.losal and sg.hisal;

​ 2、如果id不同,如果是子查询,id的序号会递增,id值越大优先级越高,越先被执行

explain select * from emp e where e.deptno in (select d.deptno from dept d where d.dname = 'SALES');

​ 3、id相同和不同的,同时存在:相同的可以认为是一组,从上往下顺序执行,在所有组中,id值越大,优先级越高,越先执行

explain select * from emp e join dept d on e.deptno = d.deptno join salgrade sg on e.sal between sg.losal and sg.hisal where e.deptno in (select d.deptno from dept d where d.dname = 'SALES');



select_type Value Meaning
SIMPLE Simple SELECT (not using UNION or subqueries)
UNION Second or later SELECT statement in a UNION
DEPENDENT UNION Second or later SELECT statement in a UNION, dependent on outer query
SUBQUERY First SELECT in subquery
DEPENDENT SUBQUERY First SELECT in subquery, dependent on outer query
DERIVED Derived table
UNCACHEABLE SUBQUERY A subquery for which the result cannot be cached and must be re-evaluated for each row of the outer query
UNCACHEABLE UNION The second or later select in a UNION that belongs to an uncacheable subquery (see UNCACHEABLE SUBQUERY)
explain select * from emp;
explain select staname,ename supname from (select ename staname,mgr from emp) t join emp on t.mgr=emp.empno ;
explain select * from emp where deptno = 10 union select * from emp where sal >2000;
--dependent union:跟union类似,此处的depentent表示union或union all联合而成的结果会受外部表影响
explain select * from emp e where e.empno  in ( select empno from emp where deptno = 10 union select empno from emp where sal >2000)
--union result:从union表获取结果的select
explain select * from emp where deptno = 10 union select * from emp where sal >2000;
explain select * from emp where sal > (select avg(sal) from emp) ;
--dependent subquery:subquery的子查询要受到外部表查询的影响
explain select * from emp e where e.deptno in (select distinct deptno from dept);
--DERIVED: from子句中出现的子查询,也叫做派生类,
explain select staname,ename supname from (select ename staname,mgr from emp) t join emp on t.mgr=emp.empno ;
--UNCACHEABLE SUBQUERY:表示使用子查询的结果不能被缓存explain select * from emp where empno = (select empno from emp where deptno=@@sort_buffer_size);--uncacheable union:表示union的查询结果不能被缓存:sql语句未验证


对应行正在访问哪一个表,表名或者别名,可能是临时表或者union合并结果集 1、如果是具体的表名,则表明从实际的物理表中获取数据,当然也可以是表的别名

​ 2、表名是derivedN的形式,表示使用了id为N的查询产生的衍生表

​ 3、当有union result的时候,表名是union n1,n2等的形式,n1,n2表示参与union的id



system > const > eq_ref > ref > fulltext > ref_or_null > index_merge > unique_subquery > index_subquery > range > index > ALL


explain select * from emp;
explain  select empno from emp;
--range:表示利用索引查询的时候限制了范围,在指定范围内进行查询,这样避免了index的全索引扫描,适用的操作符: =, <>, >, >=, <, <=, IS NULL, BETWEEN, LIKE, or IN()
explain select * from emp where empno between 7000 and 7500;
explain select * from emp where emp.job in (select job from t_job);
--unique_subquery:该连接类型类似与index_subquery,使用的是唯一索引explain select * from emp e where e.deptno in (select distinct deptno from dept);--index_merge:在查询过程中需要多个索引组合使用,没有模拟出来
explain select * from emp e where  e.mgr is null or e.mgr=7369;
--ref:使用了非唯一性索引进行数据的查找create index idx_3 on emp(deptno);explain select * from emp e,dept d where e.deptno =d.deptno;
--eq_ref :使用唯一性索引进行数据查找
explain select * from emp,emp2 where emp.empno = emp2.empno;
explain select * from emp where empno = 7369;--system:表只有一行记录(等于系统表),这是const类型的特例,平时不会出现


​ 显示可能应用在这张表中的索引,一个或多个,查询涉及到的字段上若存在索引,则该索引将被列出,但不一定被查询实际使用

explain select * from emp,dept where emp.deptno = dept.deptno and emp.deptno = 10;


​ 实际使用的索引,如果为null,则没有使用索引,查询中若使用了覆盖索引,则该索引和查询的select字段重叠。

explain select * from emp,dept where emp.deptno = dept.deptno and emp.deptno = 10;



explain select * from emp,dept where emp.deptno = dept.deptno and emp.deptno = 10;



explain select * from emp,dept where emp.deptno = dept.deptno and emp.deptno = 10;



explain select * from emp;



--using filesort:说明mysql无法利用索引进行排序,只能利用排序算法进行排序,会消耗额外的位置
explain select * from emp order by sal;
--using temporary:建立临时表来保存中间结果,查询完成之后把临时表删除
explain select ename,count(*) from emp where deptno = 10 group by ename;
--using index:这个表示当前的查询时覆盖索引的,直接从索引中读取数据,而不用访问数据表。如果同时出现using where 表名索引被用来执行索引键值的查找,如果没有,表面索引被用来读取数据,而不是真的查找
explain select deptno,count(*) from emp group by deptno limit 10;
--using where:使用where进行条件过滤
explain select * from t_user where id = 1;
--using join buffer:使用连接缓存,情况没有模拟出来
--impossible where:where语句的结果总是false
explain select * from emp where empno = 7469;



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