本文为英国利物浦约翰摩尔大学(作者:Anthony David Cliffe)的博士论文,共701页。




This thesis investigated the role of anUnmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) in the creation of an Enhanced Virtual FieldGuide (EVFG) in Geoscience fieldwork. This research used a pragmatic mixed methodsapproach to investigate the research question “How can an Unmanned AerialVehicle’s data be used to create an Enhanced Virtual Field Guide for Geosciencefieldwork?” The thesis examines the question in four distinct sections;fieldwork, mobile technologies in fieldwork, UAVs in fieldwork and finally, thecreation and evaluation of the Enhanced Virtual Field Guide created by UAVtechnology. To achieve this, online questionnaires, interviews, focus groupsand fieldwork observations with a selection of Geoscience staff and students attwo UK Universities were utilised. UAVs are a rapidly emerging commercialtechnology, however, their uptake and critical discussion around theirpotential in fieldwork with students has been limited. This study created with theguidance of those interviewed in this research, an innovative Enhanced VirtualField Guide for students to utilise in their final year fieldwork module andassignment. Findings from this research with regards to fieldwork and mobiletechnologies confirms that fieldwork and mobile technologies are still anintegral part of a geoscience students course and the majority of studentsstill greatly enjoy the positive aspects of fieldwork. However, this researchhas discovered many unexplored darker sides of fieldwork and mobile technologyuse in fieldwork, such as disabilities, distractions, and lack of access forsome students. In terms of the educational value of UAVs, this researchshowcases the many potential benefits for the fieldwork experience. Yet, this thesishighlights the many distinct and unique challenges that are attributed to UAVtechnologies that have and will continue to hinder their uptake on fieldwork.The value of this EVFG developed from a UAV has been shown to be a useful toolfor educators and students on fieldwork as examined in this thesis, such as animprovement of efficiency in the field, deeper and more peer learningdiscussions in the field and for it to be an effective learning tool for botheducators and students, particularly post fieldwork.

1 引言
2 研究方法
3 实地工作
4 实地工作的移动技术
5 无人机
6 虚拟景观模型的生成及后续的增强虚拟场地指南
7 EVFG评估
8 结论



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