
Problem one: Trains

The local commuter railroad services a number of towns in Kiwiland. Because of monetary concerns, all of the tracks are ‘one-way.’ That is, a route from Kaitaia to Invercargill does not imply the existence of a route from Invercargill to Kaitaia. In fact, even if both of these routes do happen to exist, they are distinct and are not necessarily the same distance!

The purpose of this problem is to help the railroad provide its customers with information about the routes. In particular, you will compute the distance along a certain route, the number of different routes between two towns, and the shortest route between two towns.

Input: A directed graph where a node represents a town and an edge represents a route between two towns. The weighting of the edge represents the distance between the two towns. A given route will never appear more than once, and for a given route, the starting and ending town will not be the same town.

Output: For test input 1 through 5, if no such route exists, output ‘NO SUCH ROUTE’. Otherwise, follow the route as given; do not make any extra stops! For example, the first problem means to start at city A, then travel directly to city B (a distance of 5), then directly to city C (a distance of 4).

1.The distance of the route A-B-C.
2.The distance of the route A-D.
3.The distance of the route A-D-C.
4.The distance of the route A-E-B-C-D.
5.The distance of the route A-E-D.
6.The number of trips starting at C and ending at C with a maximum of 3 stops. In the sample data below, there are two such trips: C-D-C (2 stops). and C-E-B-C (3 stops).
7.The number of trips starting at A and ending at C with exactly 4 stops. In the sample data below, there are three such trips: A to C (via B,C,D); A to C (via D,C,D); and A to C (via D,E,B).
8.The length of the shortest route (in terms of distance to travel) from A to C.
9.The length of the shortest route (in terms of distance to travel) from B to B.
10.The number of different routes from C to C with a distance of less than 30. In the sample data, the trips are: CDC, CEBC, CEBCDC, CDCEBC, CDEBC, CEBCEBC, CEBCEBCEBC.

Test Input:

For the test input, the towns are named using the first few letters of the alphabet from A to D. A route between two towns (A to B) with a distance of 5 is represented as AB5.

Graph: AB5, BC4, CD8, DC8, DE6, AD5, CE2, EB3, AE7

Expected Output:

Output #1: 9

Output #2: 5

Output #3: 13

Output #4: 22

Output #5: NO SUCH ROUTE

Output #6: 2

Output #7: 3

Output #8: 9

Output #9: 9

Output #10: 7

Problem Two: Conference Track Management

You are planning a big programming conference and have received many proposals which have passed the initial screen process but you’re having trouble fitting them into the time constraints of the day – there are so many possibilities! So you write a program to do it for you.

•The conference has multiple tracks each of which has a morning and afternoon session.
•Each session contains multiple talks.
•Morning sessions begin at 9am and must finish before 12 noon, for lunch.
•Afternoon sessions begin at 1pm and must finish in time for the networking event.
•The networking event can start no earlier than 4:00 and no later than 5:00.
•No talk title has numbers in it.
•All talk lengths are either in minutes (not hours) or lightning (5 minutes).
•Presenters will be very punctual; there needs to be no gap between sessions.

Note that depending on how you choose to complete this problem, your solution may give a different ordering or combination of talks into tracks. This is acceptable; you don’t need to exactly duplicate the sample output given here.

Test input:

Writing Fast Tests Against Enterprise Rails 60min

Overdoing it in Python 45min

Lua for the Masses 30min

Ruby Errors from Mismatched Gem Versions 45min

Common Ruby Errors 45min

Rails for Python Developers lightning

Communicating Over Distance 60min

Accounting-Driven Development 45min

Woah 30min

Sit Down and Write 30min

Pair Programming vs Noise 45min

Rails Magic 60min

Ruby on Rails: Why We Should Move On 60min

Clojure Ate Scala (on my project) 45min

Programming in the Boondocks of Seattle 30min

Ruby vs. Clojure for Back-End Development 30min

Ruby on Rails Legacy App Maintenance 60min

A World Without HackerNews 30min

User Interface CSS in Rails Apps 30min

Test output:

Track 1:

09:00AM Writing Fast Tests Against Enterprise Rails 60min

10:00AM Overdoing it in Python 45min

10:45AM Lua for the Masses 30min

11:15AM Ruby Errors from Mismatched Gem Versions 45min

12:00PM Lunch

01:00PM Ruby on Rails: Why We Should Move On 60min

02:00PM Common Ruby Errors 45min

02:45PM Pair Programming vs Noise 45min

03:30PM Programming in the Boondocks of Seattle 30min

04:00PM Ruby vs. Clojure for Back-End Development 30min

04:30PM User Interface CSS in Rails Apps 30min

05:00PM Networking Event

Track 2:

09:00AM Communicating Over Distance 60min

10:00AM Rails Magic 60min

11:00AM Woah 30min

11:30AM Sit Down and Write 30min

12:00PM Lunch

01:00PM Accounting-Driven Development 45min

01:45PM Clojure Ate Scala (on my project) 45min

02:30PM A World Without HackerNews 30min

03:00PM Ruby on Rails Legacy App Maintenance 60min

04:00PM Rails for Python Developers lightning

05:00PM Networking Event

Problem Three: Merchant’s Guide to the Galaxy

You decided to give up on earth after the latest financial collapse left 99.99% of the earth’s population with 0.01% of the wealth. Luckily, with the scant sum of money that is left in your account, you are able to afford to rent a spaceship, leave earth, and fly all over the galaxy to sell common metals and dirt (which apparently is worth a lot).

Buying and selling over the galaxy requires you to convert numbers and units, and you decided to write a program to help you.

The numbers used for intergalactic transactions follows similar convention to the roman numerals and you have painstakingly collected the appropriate translation between them.

Roman numerals are based on seven symbols:

















Numbers are formed by combining symbols together and adding the values. For example, MMVI is 1000 + 1000 + 5 + 1 = 2006. Generally, symbols are placed in order of value, starting with the largest values. When smaller values precede larger values, the smaller values are subtracted from the larger values, and the result is added to the total. For example MCMXLIV = 1000 + (1000 − 100) + (50 − 10) + (5 − 1) = 1944.

•The symbols “I”, “X”, “C”, and “M” can be repeated three times in succession, but no more. (They may appear four times if the third and fourth are separated by a smaller value, such as XXXIX.) “D”, “L”, and “V” can never be repeated.
•”I” can be subtracted from “V” and “X” only. “X” can be subtracted from “L” and “C” only. “C” can be subtracted from “D” and “M” only. “V”, “L”, and “D” can never be subtracted.
•Only one small-value symbol may be subtracted from any large-value symbol.
•A number written in [16]Arabic numerals can be broken into digits. For example, 1903 is composed of 1, 9, 0, and 3. To write the Roman numeral, each of the non-zero digits should be treated separately. Inthe above example, 1,000 = M, 900 = CM, and 3 = III. Therefore, 1903 = MCMIII.

(Source: Wikipedia ( [17]

Input to your program consists of lines of text detailing your notes on the conversion between intergalactic units and roman numerals.

You are expected to handle invalid queries appropriately.

Test input:

glob is I

prok is V

pish is X

tegj is L

glob glob Silver is 34 Credits

glob prok Gold is 57800 Credits

pish pish Iron is 3910 Credits

how much is pish tegj glob glob ?

how many Credits is glob prok Silver ?

how many Credits is glob prok Gold ?

how many Credits is glob prok Iron ?

how much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood ?

Test Output:

pish tegj glob glob is 42

glob prok Silver is 68 Credits

glob prok Gold is 57800 Credits

glob prok Iron is 782 Credits

I have no idea what you are talking about


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