
Getting started in open-source software is intimidating. I know, I’ve been there: it’s always a little scary to have someone you’ve never met before critique your code, particularly if it’s someone whose work you respect and admire. More than that, though, I suspect that at least part of the fear most people (myself included) feel about getting into open-source boils down to one simple question.

开源软件入门令人生畏。 我知道,我去过那里:在批评您的代码之前遇到一个从未见过的人总是有些恐怖,特别是如果您是一个您尊重和钦佩的人。 但是,不仅如此,我怀疑至少大多数人(包括我自己)对进入开源的恐惧至少可以归结为一个简单的问题。

如果我不够好怎么办? (What If I’m Not Good Enough?)

The huge proportion of the news we hear about open-source software is related to or contextualised by discussion about the individuals who maintain these software projects. Think of Linus Torvalds and Linux/Git, think of Guido van Rossum and Python; hell, think of Kenneth Reitz and Python Requests. These people are all lauded, quite rightly, for both the quality of their code and the skill they showed in writing it. The maintainers of significant and notable open-source software projects are in many ways the rockstars of the programming world.

我们听到的有关开源软件的新闻中,有很大一部分与维护这些软件项目的人员的讨论有关或相关。 想想Linus Torvalds和Linux / Git,想想Guido van Rossum和Python; 地狱,想想肯尼思·雷茨 ( Kenneth Reitz)和Python请求。 这些人的代码质量和编写技巧都受到了赞扬。 在许多方面,重要而著名的开源软件项目的维护者都是编程界的摇滚明星。

Hearing so much about these individuals causes programmers to draw comparisons with themselves, and the reality of the situation is that for most programmers these comparisons will inevitably turn out negatively. This is not our fault: we are individuals trying to do the best we can in an industry where the very best amongst us are more than 10 times more productive than the average. We should not be surprised that, if we’re honest with ourselves, we don’t measure up.

对这些人的如此多的了解导致程序员与自己进行比较,这种情况的现实是,对于大多数程序员而言,这些比较不可避免地会产生负面影响。 这不是我们的错:在这个行业中,我们当中最好的人的生产率是平均水平的10倍以上 ,因此我们是个人在竭尽所能。 如果我们对自己诚实,我们不会衡量自己,我们不会感到惊讶。

It is easy, therefore, to conclude that we have nothing to give to the open-source world. After all, if the Python open-source community has already got Kenneth Reitz, and Zed Shaw, and Armin Rigo, what the hell can I bring to the table?

因此,很容易得出结论,我们对开源世界一无所有。 毕竟,如果Python开源社区已经有了Kenneth Reitz, Zed Shaw和Armin Rigo ,我该怎么办?

开源有足够的摇滚明星 (Open Source Has Enough Rockstars)

One of the major unifying characteristics of these open-source rockstars is that they’re large-scale thinkers. When I say this I don’t meant that they can’t or don’t solve small-scale problems: they do that every moment of every day. What I mean is that they tend to think more of the cohesive whole of their project than of the minutiae of it. When they consider making changes to their codebases they tend to be thinking in terms of large-scale refactorings or significant feature changes.

这些开源摇滚明星的主要统一特征之一就是他们是大规模的思想家。 当我说这句话时,我并不是说他们不能解决小规模的问题:他们每天都在这样做。 我的意思是,他们倾向于更多地考虑项目整体的凝聚力而不是细节。 当他们考虑对自己的代码库进行更改时,他们倾向于考虑大规模重构或重大功能更改。

This is brilliant, and there’s no-one better suited for it. Python Requests is undergoing just such a refactoring right now, and I can say, hat in hand, that Kenneth will do a much better job of adding the new functionality than I ever would. Without people who can think and design on this kind of scale, and then execute, open source software would be significantly less impressive.

这是出色的,没有人比它更适合。 Python Requests现在正在进行这样的重构,我可以说,与以前相比,Kenneth在添加新功能方面将做得更好。 没有能够在这种规模上进行思考和设计然后执行的人,开源软件的吸引力将大大降低。

However, while this is going on, people are raising issues. They’re filing bug reports, and finding mistakes in documentation, and finding that the software library you’re using doesn’t function with a specific version on a specific platform. And all of these little tasks are sitting there, preventing the rockstars from doing what they’re good at and what they want to: thinking big picture.

但是,在这种情况下,人们正在提出问题。 他们正在提交错误报告,发现文档中的错误,并发现您使用的软件库不适用于特定平台上的特定版本。 所有这些小任务都坐在那儿,阻止了摇滚明星们去做自己擅长和想要做的事情:思考大局。

In many ways, then, what these rockstars need is not some other rockstar who can come in and add some snazzy new feature and a whole battery of tests for it in two hours. What they need is someone to come in and take it upon themselves to answer bug reports, and fix and write documentation, and make the changes it takes to get the library to function properly on 15 different types of machine, and make the small fixes that don’t take much conceptual effort for the rockstar but do take a precious hour and a context switch away from their real focus.

因此,从许多方面来看,这些摇滚明星所需要的并不是其他一些摇滚明星,他们可以在两个小时内加入一些令人眼花new乱的新功能以及一系列的测试。 他们需要的是有人来负责回答错误报告,修复和编写文档,并进行更改以使库在15种不同类型的计算机上正常运行,并进行一些小的修复。不需要为摇滚明星付出太多的概念上的努力,但确实需要花费宝贵的时间,并且上下文会偏离他们的真正重点。

Every open-source project of a certain size has these people, and in many ways these people keep the project moving forward. They aren’t indispensable: for each rockstar there are quite a few developers who are simply ‘good enough’; but they are important. Much like a good project manager, these people act like a force multiplier: if each hour the rockstar puts in is worth ten of theirs, then putting in two hours to give the rockstar one is actually giving the project 5 times more resource than you put in.

每个具有一定规模的开源项目都有这些人,并且在许多方面,这些人使该项目向前发展。 它们并不是必不可少的:对于每个摇滚明星,都有相当多的开发人员仅仅是“足够好”。 但是它们很重要。 就像一个好的项目经理一样 ,这些人的行为就像一个力量倍增器:如果摇滚明星投入的每一小时都值得他们付出十倍的代价,那么投入两个小时给摇滚明星提供一个,实际上是在给该项目提供比您多五倍的资源在。

所以你不是摇滚明星吗? 拥有它。 (So You Aren’t A Rockstar? Own It.)

In the end, open source needs people to do the less-glamorous work that none of the rockstars wants to do. And that’s really ok. You’re just as valuable doing that as anyone else, and you’re a lot more valuable doing that than nothing at all.

最后,开源需要人们去做摇滚明星们都不想做的不那么光鲜的工作。 那真的没关系。 这样做与其他任何人一样有价值,而且这样做比什么都不做更有价值。

I work on the Requests project a lot, and that project has some great guys contribute to it. Quite aside from Kenneth himself, some very competent people have contributed code to it, doing things that are quite probably beyond me.

我在Requests项目上做了大量工作,并且该项目有很多杰出的人对此做出了贡献。 除了肯尼斯本人以外,一些非常有能力的人为它贡献了代码,所做的事情可能超出了我。

翻译自: https://www.pybloggers.com/2012/11/not-everyone-needs-to-be-a-rockstar/



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