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const Base = require(’./base.js’);
const moment = require(‘moment’);
const fs = require(‘fs’);
const path = require(“path”);
const qiniu = require(‘qiniu’);
module.exports = class extends Base {
* index action
* @return {Promise} []
async indexAction() {
const page = this.get(‘page’) || 1;
const size = this.get(‘size’);
const name = this.get(‘name’) || ‘’;
const model = this.model(‘goods’);
const data = await model.where({
name: [‘like’, %${name}%],
is_delete: 0
}).order([‘sort_order asc’]).page(page, size).countSelect();
// let newData = data;
for (const item of data.data) {
const info = await this.model(‘category’).where({
id: item.category_id
item.category_name = info.name;
if (item.is_on_sale == 1) {
item.is_on_sale = true;
} else {
item.is_on_sale = false;
if (item.is_index == 1) {
item.is_index = true;
} else {
item.is_index = false;
let product = await this.model(‘product’).where({
goods_id: item.id,
is_delete: 0
for (const ele of product) {
let spec = await this.model(‘goods_specification’).where({
id: ele.goods_specification_ids,
is_delete: 0
ele.value = spec.value;
ele.is_on_sale = ele.is_on_sale ? “1” : “0”;
item.product = product;
return this.success(data);
async getExpressDataAction() {
let kd = [];
let cate = [];
const kdData = await this.model(‘freight_template’).where({
is_delete: 0
for (const item of kdData) {
value: item.id,
label: item.name
const cateData = await this.model(‘category’).where({
parent_id: 0
for (const item of cateData) {
value: item.id,
label: item.name
let infoData = {
kd: kd,
cate: cate
return this.success(infoData);
async copygoodsAction() {
const goodsId = this.post(‘id’);
let data = await this.model(‘goods’).where({
id: goodsId
delete data.id;
data.is_on_sale = 0;
let insertId = await this.model(‘goods’).add(data);
let goodsGallery = await this.model(‘goods_gallery’).where({
goods_id: goodsId,
for (const item of goodsGallery) {
let gallery = {
img_url: item.img_url,
sort_order: item.sort_order,
goods_id: insertId
await this.model(‘goods_gallery’).add(gallery);
return this.success(insertId);
async updateStock(goods_sn, goods_number) {
await this.model(‘product’).where({
goods_sn: goods_sn
goods_number: goods_number
async updateGoodsNumberAction() {
let all_goods = await this.model(‘goods’).where({
is_delete: 0,
is_on_sale: 1
for (const item of all_goods) {
let goodsSum = await this.model(‘product’).where({
goods_id: item.id
await this.model(‘goods’).where({
id: item.id
goods_number: goodsSum
await think.timeout(2000);
return this.success();
async onsaleAction() {
const page = this.get(‘page’) || 1;
const size = this.get(‘size’);
const model = this.model(‘goods’);
const data = await model.where({
is_delete: 0,
is_on_sale: 1
}).order([‘sort_order asc’]).page(page, size).countSelect();
for (const item of data.data) {
const info = await this.model(‘category’).where({
id: item.category_id
item.category_name = info.name;
// if (info.parent_id != 0) {
// const parentInfo = await this.model(‘category’).where({id: info.parent_id}).find();
// item.category_p_name = parentInfo.name;
// }
if (item.is_on_sale == 1) {
item.is_on_sale = true;
} else {
item.is_on_sale = false;
if (item.is_index == 1) {
item.is_index = true;
} else {
item.is_index = false;
let product = await this.model(‘product’).where({
goods_id: item.id,
is_delete: 0
for (const ele of product) {
let spec = await this.model(‘goods_specification’).where({
id: ele.goods_specification_ids,
is_delete: 0
ele.value = spec.value;
ele.is_on_sale = ele.is_on_sale ? “1” : “0”;
item.product = product;
return this.success(data);
async outAction() {
const page = this.get(‘page’) || 1;
const size = this.get(‘size’);
const model = this.model(‘goods’);
const data = await model.where({
is_delete: 0,
goods_number: [’<=’, 0]
}).order([‘sort_order asc’]).page(page, size).countSelect();
for (const item of data.data) {
const info = await this.model(‘category’).where({
id: item.category_id
item.category_name = info.name;
if (item.is_on_sale == 1) {
item.is_on_sale = true;
} else {
item.is_on_sale = false;
if (item.is_index == 1) {
item.is_index = true;
} else {
item.is_index = false;
let product = await this.model(‘product’).where({
goods_id: item.id,
is_delete: 0
for (const ele of product) {
let spec = await this.model(‘goods_specification’).where({
id: ele.goods_specification_ids,
is_delete: 0
ele.value = spec.value;
ele.is_on_sale = ele.is_on_sale ? “1” : “0”;
item.product = product;
return this.success(data);
async dropAction() {
const page = this.get(‘page’) || 1;
const size = this.get(‘size’);
const model = this.model(‘goods’);
const data = await model.where({
is_delete: 0,
is_on_sale: 0
}).order([‘id DESC’]).page(page, size).countSelect();
for (const item of data.data) {
const info = await this.model(‘category’).where({
id: item.category_id
item.category_name = info.name;
if (item.is_on_sale == 1) {
item.is_on_sale = true;
} else {
item.is_on_sale = false;
if (item.is_index == 1) {
item.is_index = true;
} else {
item.is_index = false;
let product = await this.model(‘product’).where({
goods_id: item.id,
is_delete: 0
for (const ele of product) {
let spec = await this.model(‘goods_specification’).where({
id: ele.goods_specification_ids,
is_delete: 0
ele.value = spec.value;
ele.is_on_sale = ele.is_on_sale ? “1” : “0”;
item.product = product;
return this.success(data);
async sortAction() {
const page = this.get(‘page’) || 1;
const size = this.get(‘size’);
const model = this.model(‘goods’);
const index = this.get(‘index’);
if (index == 1) {
const data = await model.where({
is_delete: 0
}).order([‘sell_volume DESC’]).page(page, size).countSelect();
for (const item of data.data) {
const info = await this.model(‘category’).where({
id: item.category_id
item.category_name = info.name;
if (item.is_on_sale == 1) {
item.is_on_sale = true;
} else {
item.is_on_sale = false;
if (item.is_index == 1) {
item.is_index = true;
} else {
item.is_index = false;
let product = await this.model(‘product’).where({
goods_id: item.id,
is_delete: 0
for (const ele of product) {
let spec = await this.model(‘goods_specification’).where({
id: ele.goods_specification_ids,
is_delete: 0
ele.value = spec.value;
ele.is_on_sale = ele.is_on_sale ? “1” : “0”;
item.product = product;
return this.success(data);
} else if (index == 2) {
const data = await model.where({
is_delete: 0
}).order([‘retail_price DESC’]).page(page, size).countSelect();
for (const item of data.data) {
const info = await this.model(‘category’).where({
id: item.category_id
item.category_name = info.name;
if (item.is_on_sale == 1) {
item.is_on_sale = true;
} else {
item.is_on_sale = false;
if (item.is_index == 1) {
item.is_index = true;
} else {
item.is_index = false;
let product = await this.model(‘product’).where({
goods_id: item.id,
is_delete: 0
for (const ele of product) {
let spec = await this.model(‘goods_specification’).where({
id: ele.goods_specification_ids,
is_delete: 0
ele.value = spec.value;
ele.is_on_sale = ele.is_on_sale ? “1” : “0”;
item.product = product;
return this.success(data);
} else if (index == 3) {
const data = await model.where({
is_delete: 0
}).order([‘goods_number DESC’]).page(page, size).countSelect();
for (const item of data.data) {
const info = await this.model(‘category’).where({
id: item.category_id
item.category_name = info.name;
if (item.is_on_sale == 1) {
item.is_on_sale = true;
} else {
item.is_on_sale = false;
if (item.is_index == 1) {
item.is_index = true;
} else {
item.is_index = false;
let product = await this.model(‘product’).where({
goods_id: item.id,
is_delete: 0
for (const ele of product) {
let spec = await this.model(‘goods_specification’).where({
id: ele.goods_specification_ids,
is_delete: 0
ele.value = spec.value;
ele.is_on_sale = ele.is_on_sale ? “1” : “0”;
item.product = product;
return this.success(data);
async saleStatusAction() {
const id = this.get(‘id’);
const status = this.get(‘status’);
let sale = 0;
if (status == ‘true’) {
sale = 1;
const model = this.model(‘goods’);
await model.where({
id: id
is_on_sale: sale
await this.model(‘cart’).where({
goods_id: id
is_on_sale: sale,
checked: sale
async productStatusAction() {
const id = this.get(‘id’);
const status = this.get(‘status’);
const model = this.model(‘product’);
await model.where({
id: id
is_on_sale: status
// 4.14更新
await this.model(‘cart’).where({
product_id: id,
is_delete: 0
is_on_sale: status
async indexShowStatusAction() {
const id = this.get(‘id’);
const status = this.get(‘status’);
let stat = 0;
if (status == ‘true’) {
stat = 1;
const model = this.model(‘goods’);
await model.where({
id: id
is_index: stat
async infoAction() {
const id = this.get(‘id’);
const model = this.model(‘goods’);
const data = await model.where({
id: id
let category_id = data.category_id;
let infoData = {
info: data,
category_id: category_id,
return this.success(infoData);
async getAllSpecificationAction() {
const specInfo = await this.model(‘specification’).where({
id: [’>’, 0]
let specOptionsData = [];
for (const spitem of specInfo) {
let info = {
value: spitem.id,
label: spitem.name
return this.success(specOptionsData);
async getAllCategory1Action() { // 我写的算法
const model = this.model(‘category’);
const data = await model.where({
is_show: 1,
level: ‘L1’
const c_data = await model.where({
is_show: 1,
level: ‘L2’
let newData = [];
for (const item of data) {
let children = [];
for (const citem of c_data) {
if (citem.parent_id == item.id) {
value: citem.id,
label: citem.name
value: item.id,
label: item.name,
children: children
return this.success(newData);
async getAllCategoryAction() { // 晓玲的算法,她要
const model = this.model(‘category’);
const data = await model.where({
is_show: 1,
level: ‘L1’
let newData = [];
for (const item of data) {
let children = [];
const c_data = await model.where({
is_show: 1,
level: ‘L2’,
parent_id: item.id
for (const c_item of c_data) {
value: c_item.id,
label: c_item.name
value: item.id,
label: item.name,
children: children
return this.success(newData);
async storeAction() {
const values = this.post(‘info’);
const specData = this.post(‘specData’);
const specValue = this.post(‘specValue’);
const cateId = this.post(‘cateId’);
const model = this.model(‘goods’);
let picUrl = values.list_pic_url;
let goods_id = values.id;
values.category_id = cateId;
values.is_index = values.is_index ? 1 : 0;
values.is_new = values.is_new ? 1 : 0;
let id = values.id;
if (id > 0) {
await model.where({
id: id
await this.model(‘cart’).where({
goods_id: id
checked: values.is_on_sale,
is_on_sale: values.is_on_sale,
list_pic_url: picUrl,
freight_template_id: values.freight_template_id
await this.model(‘product’).where({
goods_id: id
is_delete: 1
await this.model(‘goods_specification’).where({
goods_id: id
is_delete: 1
for (const item of specData) {
if (item.id > 0) {
await this.model(‘cart’).where({
product_id: item.id,
is_delete: 0,
retail_price: item.retail_price,
goods_specifition_name_value: item.value,
goods_sn: item.goods_sn
delete item.is_delete;
item.is_delete = 0;
await this.model(‘product’).where({
id: item.id
let specificationData = {
value: item.value,
specification_id: specValue,
is_delete: 0
await this.model(‘goods_specification’).where({
id: item.goods_specification_ids
} else {
let specificationData = {
value: item.value,
goods_id: id,
specification_id: specValue
let specId = await this.model(‘goods_specification’).add(specificationData);
item.goods_specification_ids = specId;
item.goods_id = id;
await this.model(‘product’).add(item);
} else {
delete values.id;
goods_id = await model.add(values);
for (const item of specData) {
let specificationData = {
value: item.value,
goods_id: goods_id,
specification_id: specValue,
pic_url: item.pic_url
let specId = await this.model(‘goods_specification’).add(specificationData);
item.goods_specification_ids = specId;
item.goods_id = goods_id;
item.is_on_sale = 1;
await this.model(‘product’).add(item);
let pro = await this.model(‘product’).where({
goods_id: goods_id,
is_on_sale: 1,
is_delete: 0
if (pro.length > 1) {
let goodsNum = await this.model(‘product’).where({
goods_id: goods_id,
is_on_sale: 1,
is_delete: 0
let retail_price = await this.model(‘product’).where({
goods_id: goods_id,
is_on_sale: 1,
is_delete: 0
let maxPrice = Math.max(…retail_price);
let minPrice = Math.min(…retail_price);
let cost = await this.model(‘product’).where({
goods_id: goods_id,
is_on_sale: 1,
is_delete: 0
let maxCost = Math.max(…cost);
let minCost = Math.min(…cost);
let goodsPrice = ‘’;
if(minPrice == maxPrice){
goodsPrice = minPrice;
goodsPrice = minPrice + ‘~’ + maxPrice;
let costPrice = minCost + ‘~’ + maxCost;
await this.model(‘goods’).where({
id: goods_id
goods_number: goodsNum,
retail_price: goodsPrice,
cost_price: costPrice,
min_retail_price: minPrice,
min_cost_price: minCost,
} else {
let info = {
goods_number: pro[0].goods_number,
retail_price: pro[0].retail_price,
cost_price: pro[0].cost,
min_retail_price: pro[0].retail_price,
min_cost_price: pro[0].cost,
await this.model(‘goods’).where({
id: goods_id
values.goods_id = goods_id;
return this.success(values);
async updatePriceAction() {
let data = this.post(’’);
// think.logger.info(data);
await this.model(‘goods_specification’).where({
id: data.goods_specification_ids
value: data.value
await this.model(‘product’).where({
id: data.id
await this.model(‘cart’).where({
product_id: data.id,
is_delete: 0,
retail_price: data.retail_price,
goods_specifition_name_value: data.value,
goods_sn: data.goods_sn
delete data.value;
let goods_id = data.goods_id;
let pro = await this.model(‘product’).where({
goods_id: goods_id,
is_on_sale: 1,
is_delete: 0
if (pro.length > 1) {
let goodsNum = await this.model(‘product’).where({
goods_id: goods_id,
is_on_sale: 1,
is_delete: 0
let retail_price = await this.model(‘product’).where({
goods_id: goods_id,
is_on_sale: 1,
is_delete: 0
let maxPrice = Math.max(…retail_price);
let minPrice = Math.min(…retail_price);
let cost = await this.model(‘product’).where({
goods_id: goods_id,
is_on_sale: 1,
is_delete: 0
let maxCost = Math.max(…cost);
let minCost = Math.min(…cost);
let goodsPrice = ‘’;
if(minPrice == maxPrice){
goodsPrice = minPrice;
goodsPrice = minPrice + ‘~’ + maxPrice;
let costPrice = minCost + ‘~’ + maxCost;
await this.model(‘goods’).where({
id: goods_id
goods_number: goodsNum,
retail_price: goodsPrice,
cost_price: costPrice,
min_retail_price: minPrice,
min_cost_price: minCost,
} else {
let info = {
goods_number: pro[0].goods_number,
retail_price: pro[0].retail_price,
cost_price: pro[0].cost,
min_retail_price: pro[0].retail_price,
min_cost_price: pro[0].cost,
await this.model(‘goods’).where({
id: goods_id
return this.success();
async checkSkuAction() {
const info = this.post(‘info’);
if (info.id > 0) {
const model = this.model(‘product’);
const data = await model.where({
id: [’<>’, info.id],
goods_sn: info.goods_sn,
is_delete: 0
if (!think.isEmpty(data)) {
return this.fail(100, ‘重复’)
} else {
return this.success();
} else {
const model = this.model(‘product’);
const data = await model.where({
goods_sn: info.goods_sn,
is_delete: 0
if (!think.isEmpty(data)) {
return this.fail(100, ‘重复’)
} else {
return this.success();
async updateSortAction() {
const id = this.post(‘id’);
const sort = this.post(‘sort’);
const model = this.model(‘goods’);
const data = await model.where({
id: id
sort_order: sort
return this.success(data);
async updateShortNameAction() {
const id = this.post(‘id’);
const short_name = this.post(‘short_name’);
const model = this.model(‘goods’);
const data = await model.where({
id: id
short_name: short_name
return this.success(data);
async galleryListAction() {
const id = this.get(‘id’);
const model = this.model(‘goods_gallery’);
const data = await model.where({
goods_id: id,
// think.logger.info(data);
return this.success(data);
async galleryAction() {
const url = this.post(‘url’);
const id = this.post(‘goods_id’);
let info = {
goods_id: id,
img_url: url
await this.model(‘goods_gallery’).add(info);
return this.success();
async getGalleryListAction() {
const goodsId = this.post(‘goodsId’);
const data = await this.model(‘goods_gallery’).where({
goods_id: goodsId,
let galleryData = [];
for (const item of data) {
let pdata = {
id: item.id,
url: item.img_url
let info = {
galleryData: galleryData,
return this.success(info);
async deleteGalleryFileAction() {
const url = this.post(‘url’);
const id = this.post(‘id’);
await this.model(‘goods_gallery’).where({
id: id
is_delete: 1
return this.success(‘文件删除成功’);
async galleryEditAction() {
if (!this.isPost) {
return false;
const values = this.post();
let data = values.data;
// think.logger.info(data);
const model = this.model(‘goods_gallery’);
for (const item of data) {
let id = item.id;
let sort = parseInt(item.sort_order);
// think.logger.info(sort);
await this.model(‘goods_gallery’).where({
id: id
sort_order: sort
return this.success();
async deleteListPicUrlAction() {
const id = this.post(‘id’);
await this.model(‘goods’).where({
id: id
list_pic_url: 0
return this.success();
async destoryAction() {
const id = this.post(‘id’);
await this.model(‘goods’).where({
id: id
is_delete: 1
await this.model(‘product’).where({
goods_id: id
is_delete: 1
await this.model(‘goods_specification’).where({
goods_id: id
is_delete: 1
// TODO 删除图片
return this.success();
async uploadHttpsImageAction() {
let url = this.post(‘url’);
let accessKey = think.config(‘qiniuHttps.access_key’);
let secretKey = think.config(‘qiniuHttps.secret_key’);
let domain = think.config(‘qiniuHttps.domain’);
var mac = new qiniu.auth.digest.Mac(accessKey, secretKey);
var config = new qiniu.conf.Config();
let zoneNum = think.config(‘qiniuHttps.zoneNum’);
if(zoneNum == 0){
config.zone = qiniu.zone.Zone_z0;
else if(zoneNum == 1){
config.zone = qiniu.zone.Zone_z1;
else if(zoneNum == 2){
config.zone = qiniu.zone.Zone_z2;
else if(zoneNum == 3){
config.zone = qiniu.zone.Zone_na0;

    else if(zoneNum == 4){config.zone = qiniu.zone.Zone_as0;}var bucketManager = new qiniu.rs.BucketManager(mac, config);let bucket = think.config('qiniuHttps.bucket');let key = think.uuid(32);await think.timeout(500);const uploadQiniu = async() => {return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {try {bucketManager.fetch(url, bucket, key, function(err, respBody, respInfo) {if (err) {think.logger.info(err);//throw err;} else {if (respInfo.statusCode == 200) {resolve(respBody.key)} else {think.logger.info(respInfo.statusCode);}}});} catch (e) {return resolve(null);}})};const httpsUrl = await uploadQiniu();think.logger.info(httpsUrl);let lastUrl = domain + httpsUrl;return this.success(lastUrl);



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