

go atlas
# define mesh
x.m l=0.0 spac=0.3
x.m l=1.0 spac=0.018
x.m l=2.0 spac=0.018
x.m l=3.0 spac=0.3
y.m l=-0.02 spac=0.01
y.m l=0.0 spac=0.01
y.m l=0.3 spac=0.06
y.m l=1.0 spac=0.2
# define region
region num=1 y.min=0 silicon
region num=2 y.max=0 oxide
# define electrode
elect num=1 name=gate x.min=1.0 length=1 y.min=-0.02 y.max=-0.02
elect num=2 name=source left length=1 y.min=0.0 y.max=0.0
elect num=3 name=drain  right length=1 y.min=0.0 y.max=0.0
elect num=4 name=substrate substrate
# define doping
doping uniform p.type conc=2e16
doping gauss p.type conc=1e17 char=0.1
doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.right=1.0 junc=0.2 ratio=0.6
doping gauss n.type conc=1e20 x.left=2.0 junc=0.2 ratio=0.6
#define str
save outfile=nmos.str
tonyplot nmos.str
#define model
models srh cvt print
#define gate charge
contact name=gate n.poly
interface qf=3e10
#calculate Vg-Id
method newton
solve init
solve vgate=-5
log outf=nmos1_1.log
solve vdrain=-5 vstep=0.25 vfinal=0 name=gate
save outf=nmos1_1.str
#calculate output lines
log off
solve vgate=-5 outf=solve_tmp1
solve vgate=0   outf=solve_tmp2load infile=solve_tmp1
log outf=nmos1_2.log
solve name=drain vdrain=-5 vstep=0.5 vfinal=0load infile=solve_tmp2
log outf=nmos1_3.log
solve name=drain vdrain=-5 vstep=0.5 vfinal=0quit


# (c) Silvaco Inc., 2015
go athena#
line x loc=0.0 spac=0.1
line x loc=0.2 spac=0.006
line x loc=0.4 spac=0.006
line x loc=0.6 spac=0.01
line y loc=0.0 spac=0.002
line y loc=0.2 spac=0.005
line y loc=0.5 spac=0.05
line y loc=0.8 spac=0.15
init orientation=100 c.phos=1e14 space.mul=2#pwell formation including masking off of the nwell
diffus time=30 temp=1000 dryo2 press=1.00 hcl=3
etch oxide thick=0.02
#P-well Implant
implant boron dose=8e12 energy=100 pears #
diffus temp=950 time=100 weto2 hcl=3
#N-well implant not shown -
# welldrive starts here
diffus time=50 temp=1000 t.rate=4.000 dryo2 press=0.10 hcl=3
diffus time=220 temp=1200 nitro press=1
diffus time=90 temp=1200 t.rate=-4.444 nitro press=1
etch oxide all
#sacrificial "cleaning" oxide
diffus time=20 temp=1000 dryo2 press=1 hcl=3
etch oxide all
#gate oxide grown here:-
diffus time=11 temp=925 dryo2 press=1.00 hcl=3
# Extract a design parameter
extract name="gateox" thickness oxide mat.occno=1 x.val=0.05#
#vt adjust implant
implant boron dose=9.5e11 energy=10 pearson #
depo poly thick=0.2 divi=10
#from now on the situation is 2-D
etch poly left p1.x=0.35
method fermi compress
diffuse time=3 temp=900 weto2 press=1.0
implant phosphor dose=3.0e13 energy=20 pearson
depo oxide thick=0.120 divisions=8
etch oxide dry thick=0.120
implant arsenic dose=5.0e15 energy=50 pearson
method fermi compress
diffuse time=1 temp=900 nitro press=1.0
## pattern s/d contact metal
etch oxide left p1.x=0.2
deposit alumin thick=0.03 divi=2
etch alumin right p1.x=0.18# Extract design parameters# extract final S/D Xj
extract name="nxj" xj silicon mat.occno=1 x.val=0.1 junc.occno=1# extract the N++ regions sheet resistance
extract name="n++ sheet rho" sheet.res material="Silicon" mat.occno=1 x.val=0.05 region.occno=1# extract the sheet rho under the spacer, of the LDD region
extract name="ldd sheet rho" sheet.res material="Silicon" \mat.occno=1 x.val=0.3 region.occno=1# extract the surface conc under the channel.
extract name="chan surf conc" surf.conc impurity="Net Doping" \material="Silicon" mat.occno=1 x.val=0.45# extract a curve of conductance versus bias.
extract start material="Polysilicon" mat.occno=1 \bias=0.0 bias.step=0.2 bias.stop=2 x.val=0.45
extract done name="sheet cond v bias" \curve(bias,1dn.conduct material="Silicon" mat.occno=1  region.occno=1)\outfile="extract.dat"# extract the long chan Vt
extract name="n1dvt" 1dvt ntype vb=0.0 qss=1e10 x.val=0.49structure mirror rightelectrode name=gate x=0.5 y=0.1
electrode name=source x=0.1
electrode name=drain x=1.1
electrode name=substrate backsidestructure outfile=plain_nmos.str# plot the structure
tonyplot  plain_nmos.str ############# Vt Test : Returns Vt, Beta and Theta ################
go atlas# set material models
models cvt srh print contact name=gate n.poly
interface qf=3e10method newton
solve init# Bias the drain
solve vdrain=0.1 # Ramp the gate
log outf=plain_nmos.log master
solve vgate=0 vstep=0.25 vfinal=3.0 name=gate
save outf=plain_nmos_VgId.str# plot results# extract device parameters
extract name="nvt" (xintercept(maxslope(curve(abs(v."gate"),abs(i."drain")))) \- abs(ave(v."drain"))/2.0)
extract name="nbeta" slope(maxslope(curve(abs(v."gate"),abs(i."drain")))) \* (1.0/abs(ave(v."drain")))
extract name="ntheta" ((max(abs(v."drain")) * $"nbeta")/max(abs(i."drain"))) \- (1.0 / (max(abs(v."gate")) - ($"nvt")))quit


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