
Android自定义账户类型和同步适配器模式 Custom Account Type & SyncAdapter



     * Confirms that the user knows the password for an account to make extra
     * sure they are the owner of the account.  The user-entered password can
     * be supplied directly, otherwise the authenticator for this account type
     * prompts the user with the appropriate interface.  This method is
     * intended for applications which want extra assurance; for example, the
     * phone lock screen uses this to let the user unlock the phone with an
     * account password if they forget the lock pattern.
     * <p>If the user-entered password matches a saved password for this
     * account, the request is considered valid; otherwise the authenticator
     * verifies the password (usually by contacting the server).
     * <p>This method may be called from any thread, but the returned
     * {@link AccountManagerFuture} must not be used on the main thread.

     * <p><b>NOTE:</b> If targeting your app to work on API level 22 and before,
     * MANAGE_ACCOUNTS permission is needed for those platforms. See docs
     * for this function in API level 22.
     * @param account The account to confirm password knowledge for
     * @param options Authenticator-specific options for the request;
     *     if the {@link #KEY_PASSWORD} string field is present, the
     *     authenticator may use it directly rather than prompting the user;
     *     may be null or empty
     * @param activity The {@link Activity} context to use for launching a new
     *     authenticator-defined sub-Activity to prompt the user to enter a
     *     password; used only to call startActivity(); if null, the prompt
     *     will not be launched directly, but the necessary {@link Intent}
     *     will be returned to the caller instead
     * @param callback Callback to invoke when the request completes,
     *     null for no callback
     * @param handler {@link Handler} identifying the callback thread,
     *     null for the main thread
     * @return An {@link AccountManagerFuture} which resolves to a Bundle
     *     with these fields if activity or password was supplied and
     *     the account was successfully verified:
     * <ul>
     * <li> {@link #KEY_ACCOUNT_NAME} - the name of the account verified
     * <li> {@link #KEY_ACCOUNT_TYPE} - the type of the account
     * <li> {@link #KEY_BOOLEAN_RESULT} - true to indicate success
     * </ul>
     * If no activity or password was specified, the returned Bundle contains
     * {@link #KEY_INTENT} with the {@link Intent} needed to launch the
     * password prompt.
     * <p>Also the returning Bundle may contain {@link
     * #KEY_LAST_AUTHENTICATED_TIME} indicating the last time the
     * credential was validated/created.

     * If an error occurred,{@link AccountManagerFuture#getResult()} throws:
     * <ul>
     * <li> {@link AuthenticatorException} if the authenticator failed to respond
     * <li> {@link OperationCanceledException} if the operation was canceled for
     *      any reason, including the user canceling the password prompt
     * <li> {@link IOException} if the authenticator experienced an I/O problem
     *      verifying the password, usually because of network trouble
     * </ul>
    public AccountManagerFuture<Bundle> confirmCredentials(final Account account,
            final Bundle options,
            final Activity activity,
            final AccountManagerCallback<Bundle> callback,
            final Handler handler) {
        return confirmCredentialsAsUser(account, options, activity, callback, handler,

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