

Flake8 是由Python官方发布的一款辅助检测Python代码是否规范的工具,flake8是下面三个工具的封装:

  1. PyFlakes
  2. Pep8
  3. NedBatchelder’s McCabe script


flake8 [options] [<path> <path> ...]flake8 --help


$ flake8 --help
Usage: flake8 [options] file file ...Options:--version             show program s version number and exit-h, --help            show this help message and exit-v, --verbose         Print more information about what is happening inflake8. This option is repeatable and will increaseverbosity each time it is repeated.-q, --quiet           Report only file names, or nothing. This option isrepeatable.--count               Print total number of errors and warnings to standarderror and set the exit code to 1 if total is notempty.--diff                Report changes only within line number ranges in theunified diff provided on standard in by the user.--exclude=patterns    Comma-separated list of files or directories toexclude. (Default:.svn,CVS,.bzr,.hg,.git,__pycache__,.tox,.eggs,*.egg)--filename=patterns   Only check for filenames matching the patterns in thiscomma-separated list. (Default: *.py)--stdin-display-name=STDIN_DISPLAY_NAMEThe name used when reporting errors from code passedvia stdin. This is useful for editors piping the filecontents to flake8. (Default: stdin)--format=format       Format errors according to the chosen formatter.--hang-closing        Hang closing bracket instead of matching indentationof opening bracket's line.--ignore=errors       Comma-separated list of errors and warnings to ignore(or skip). For example, ``--ignore=E4,E51,W234``.(Default: E121,E123,E126,E226,E24,E704,W503,W504)--extend-ignore=errorsComma-separated list of errors and warnings to add tothe list of ignored ones. For example, ``--extend-ignore=E4,E51,W234``.--per-file-ignores=PER_FILE_IGNORESA pairing of filenames and violation codes thatdefines which violations to ignore in a particularfile. The filenames can be specified in a mannersimilar to the ``--exclude`` option and the violationswork similarly to the ``--ignore`` and ``--select``options.--max-line-length=n   Maximum allowed line length for the entirety of thisrun. (Default: 79)--max-doc-length=n    Maximum allowed doc line length for the entirety ofthis run. (Default: none)--select=errors       Comma-separated list of errors and warnings to enable.For example, ``--select=E4,E51,W234``. (Default:E,F,W,C90)--disable-noqa        Disable the effect of "# noqa". This will reporterrors on lines with "# noqa" at the end.--show-source         Show the source generate each error or warning.--statistics          Count errors and warnings.--enable-extensions=ENABLE_EXTENSIONSEnable plugins and extensions that are otherwisedisabled by default--exit-zero           Exit with status code "0" even if there are errors.--install-hook=INSTALL_HOOKInstall a hook that is run prior to a commit for thesupported version control system.-j JOBS, --jobs=JOBS  Number of subprocesses to use to run checks inparallel. This is ignored on Windows. The default,"auto", will auto-detect the number of processorsavailable to use. (Default: auto)--output-file=OUTPUT_FILERedirect report to a file.--tee                 Write to stdout and output-file.--append-config=APPEND_CONFIGProvide extra config files to parse in addition to thefiles found by Flake8 by default. These files are thelast ones read and so they take the highest precedencewhen multiple files provide the same option.--config=CONFIG       Path to the config file that will be the authoritativeconfig source. This will cause Flake8 to ignore allother configuration files.--isolated            Ignore all configuration files.--benchmark           Print benchmark information about this run of Flake8--bug-report          Print information necessary when preparing a bugreport--builtins=BUILTINS   define more built-ins, comma separated--doctests            check syntax of the doctests--include-in-doctest=INCLUDE_IN_DOCTESTRun doctests only on these files--exclude-from-doctest=EXCLUDE_FROM_DOCTESTSkip these files when running doctests--max-complexity=MAX_COMPLEXITYMcCabe complexity thresholdInstalled plugins: mccabe: 0.6.1, pycodestyle: 2.5.0, pyflakes: 2.1.1



flake8 .


flake8 path/to/file.py


flake8 --ignore E101
flake8 --ignore E1,E202


flake8 --select E101
flake8 --select E2,E742


git diff -U0 | flake8 --diff -


flake8 --bug-report


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